JoinedTopics Started by google_mE
Comments You Will Not Year at the 3-12-06 WT Study(Witness/Nations)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the march 12, 2006 wt study (february 1, 2006 issue, pages 22-26)(witness/nations).
review comments will be in red.
wt material from today's wt will be in black.
Saul (Paul) vs Hitler. What was the difference ?
by google_mE inwhat was the difference between saul (later called paul) and hitler ?.
both had a hand in persecuting and killing people.
both thought they were doing the work of god.
What on earth was he talking about?
by SickofLies inand adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing.--1 tim.2:14-15 .
any idea's what this was suppose to mean?
Scary JW Thinking About the Benefits of Bird Flu
by Severus ini heard this from a pioneer recently.
"this bird flu will be the next major pestilence.
even if it wipes out millions, that would be a good thing because jehovah will be able to resurrect them.
What has been your response with telling "devout" JW's about the UN scandal
by booker-t ini was talking to a elderly jw's lady at the donut shop the other day and i brought up the un and the wt scandal.
this woman told me that i was lying and that jw's leaders would never be apart of a "satanic" org as the un.
she said that "apostates" are spreading vivious lies about jw's and are only telling half truths.
Witnessing The End
by Tyre inwitnessing the end.
time magazines has a record of it.,10987,901074,00.html.
Has Jehovah already won..are we just waiting to see how?
by DavidChristopher in.
does anyone have thoughts on this?
To all active JWs or double life JWs
by NowImFree inone of the previous posts made me wonder how many active jws post on this site and how many of you are only in because not wanting to lose your family and you are leading a double life and also how many of you are still active but questioning.
please, all of you, i would like to hear your stories (of course not enough info to give away your identity) and why you are still in.
i think a lot of us that are out would be interested.. nowimfree.
Blood transfusion doesn't work for first 12 hours
by dmouse in.
forgive me, i have had a lot to drink.. however.... my daughter is 14 and still under her mother's jw guidence.
i told her that the statement ' a blood transfusion does not provide oxygenation for the first 12 hours' in (some 1970's blood brochure) was complete bollocks.. am i right?