I am happy to live in a secular nation.
If this was a Christian nation as in
following the example of Christ, I wouldn't
have a problem with that either, actually
that would be great, but it ain't gonna
If this was a Christian nation as defined
by people who claim to be Christians today.
Whoa, what a demented place this would be.
JoinedPosts by joelbear69
I'm Happy to Live in a Christian Nation
by BurnTheShips in.
so whats your opinion on the article?.
Nightmares of an exJW
by joelbear69 inhad one of my nightmares last night.
no, not about demons chasing me, those ended a long time ago.
i have a lot of dreams about people who are .
Had one of my nightmares last night.
No, not about demons chasing me, those ended a long time ago.
I have a lot of dreams about people who are
no longer in my life because I am no longer a witness.
Last night the people in my dream were two of my nieces
and they were in my dream as I remember them 20 years ago,
one a teenager and the other a toddler.
It was a very weird dream. I won't go into details. It
ended with them running towards me from a distance and
me waking up sobbing.
I dream often of family and friends, even though its
been 20 years since I started a new life.
Love just doesn't stop with disfellowshipping. Truly
the most hideous torture device for controlling people
ever evented.
hugs to all
Joel -
Is Higher education strongly discouraged in 2007 district convention?
by dark angle intoday in our rehersal, i met with our district convension overseer.
he told us that college or higher education is now strongly discouraged by the society.
i argued that such policy is not practical here in the philippines since most jobs now require some sort of college education unlike in other countries where there are demands on skills regardless on educational attainment.
deciding not to go to college is a huge gamble in this day and age.
even more so than it was for us of the 1975 generation.
today's young people face a world where there is much more competition
for jobs and without an education, well, there just won't be any jobs
for them.
we live in the technological age where skills are needed that are simply
not taught in high school. in general, kids are not getting as much
education in high school as we did 30 years ago.
what really angers me is that the ones who will listen to this are
generally the one's who need the extra education the most.
I left home and went to college in my 20's. My parents would simply
not allow me to go while I was at home. I ended up with a successful
career in Consulting. I never partied. I studied by behind off
and graduated with a 4.0 average.
the end was supposed to come when I was 17. I will turn 50 next year.
I know many who I grew up with who still struggle to just get by. -
2008 and still no Armagedon!!! I feel like I made an "Ass of myself"
by Witness 007 inyes sitting in pizza hut in 1991 a small band of pioneer brothers {me and friend's} debated when armagedon would come.
due to the "generations" doctrine, we calculated 2001 at the latest...then the doctrine was dropped!!!
recently the last world war 1 vetran died in australia.
the best thing to do is use the anger as energy to set new goals for yourself.
I left 20 years ago. I had no idea what would happen to me.
In that 20 years I have:
gotten a college degree
had a successful career as a management consultant
started a new career as a market research analyst
had a 19 year wonderful relationship with a partner I love
travelled all over North America.
and done many other things i wouldn't have done if i kept thinking
that the end was coming at any point.
they surprised me with the change to the end won't come until the annointed
are dead thing. there are many young annointed now, lots my age and younger
so, those last 10,000 will probably remain constant for a long time.
i predict the 1914 doctrine will be phased out by 2010. something like,
we have been in the time of the end since Jesus was here. -
Disturbing news regarding Arctic Melting.
by sweetstuff ini know, i know, someone is going to say, there is no proof that global warming is real, or that its man-made.
yeah, un-huh.
just like there is no proof that jw's teach lies.
Greenland was called Greenland as an advertising ploy.
It was covered with ice when the Vikings got there.
They called it Greenland to get people to move there
to colonize it. -
At what age would you dicuss homosexuality with your children?
by llbh inon recent a thread a poster here discussed about having discovered his daughter was gay.
whilst reading this my 11 year old son was looking over my shoulder, and reading along with me, some of the discussion was quite adult but respectful .
so i began thinking what age would you discuss these things?
I new I was gay at about age 10.
I wanted to understand what was happening.
It was an eerie isolated feeling. I knew
through socialization that boys were supposed
to like girls. Therefore I concluded it
was wrong and I was defective.
I had so many questions but never asked.
When I was in Junior High I found a book
in the city library about homosexuality.
I'm rambling. It will be really cool when
parents are actually able to ask their kids
if they are gay or straight without feeling
its an insult. Then they can give them or
point them to the information they need. -
BETHELITES - Whatever Became of?
by Black Man ini often times wonder what happened to certain bethelites that i ran around with during my 1990s tenure there.
while there are still a few left there, the greater majority of them aren't there for various reasons (marriage, disillusionment, left the borg, etc).
a couple of cats i wonder about - there was one brother who i believe was from kansas, who got his fingers cut off in a printing press.
I was at the Farm in the late 70's
Mike Reinke
Jeff Chandler
Rick Adams (the guy I told I loved and thence was kicked outeth)
Mike and Jenni Krouse
Eddie Duncan
I was in the graphotype and subscription department. Worked with Sis Knorr
for a while.
People I knew at Brooklyn Bethel from different periods
Stan Norris
Mark McCumber
Chris Bank
Brady Day -
Even now I still suffer from Demon-phobia at night anyone else?? {Bump??}
by Witness 007 inthings that go bump in the night still force me to get out of bed and check them out even though at 35 i know it's just the house rafters shifting, temperature changes etc...sometimes i wake up to see strange shapes in my room...switch on the light and it's my jacket.
i think the witnesses have conditioned me to believe in demons on a sub-conscious level.
i know they are not real...but i still check.
i think its common. i had demon nightmares while i was a witness and for about 5 years after I left, i may have one every great once in a while now, but very very seldom. I even watched The Exorcist and found it quite dull.
Mr. Flippers Son Gets Latest Letter from Witness Mother- He Does Not Reply
by flipper inhello my friends.
well , my son got the latest, i think last letter for awhile, hopefully from his witness mother .
of course she put lots of guilt on him again about not being a witness !
i've had to greatly limit my exposure to my parents. the constant guilting and negative thinking will drive you insane. all they talk about are the witnesses and how many bad things are happening to all of them.
The official "Reminisce about your most hated convomition site" thread
by B_Deserter ini cannot think of any worse place to have a convention than the pontiac silverdome.
for years my family went to south bend, indiana to avoid it.
then when south bend stopped having conventions (probably having something to do with the catholics not appreciating the brothers slamming the religion that financed, built, and hosts the lovely arena they were using), we tried madison, wisconsin for a year, before finally trudging back over to silverdome.
see, the fact is that assemblies were actually the great tribulation we kept hearing about. and i'm fascinated by those dodger stadium men's rooms. yes. fascinated