Yes, I have always been pretty observant. The parking lot is very close to the road, and the ladies happened to be parked up by the road; also I was behind a real slow poke (the person was driving about 15 mph and I was in a no passing zone).
No I am not a JW; however the JW's tend to stand out like sore thumbs (I can spot them a mile off) - the guys are always in suits with either backpacks or briefcases, the women are always in dresses and heels with book bags, at any rate they all look as uncomfortable as hell. They always seem travel while walking in groups of two or three.
The reason I seem to know a bit more about the JW is because I befriended a JW who is fading away - I wanted to learn more about them in order to try to understand where my friend is coming from. I sure have received an education.....
I never had the chance to deal with the JW's when they came door-to-door at my house - my husband was the lucky one. He would get the usual opening statement about isn't it awful how things in the world are going so badly. Hubby would end up telling them he was not interested in their religion, we do our own thing. You are right, once he said that, away they went. They would leave one of the magazines. He would leave it on the table for me, jokingly saying, "I know you like to read, here is some reading material from the JW's, they are out again."
No I am not trying to get any of you to accept them - how could you after what they did to you.
It was just my imagination running away with me - offering them the ice tea and lemonade would probably get the sisters thinking, "Ahhhhhh, we have a live one here." Then I would start the questioning, I would love to see the looks on their faces - but again I am sure they would do what you had said, beat feet the other way.
Just some daydreaming on my way into work.