I was never baptised , so I don't know if I count. After meetings I would go home and read books on hauntings ( I was always interested in the afterlife). I was pressured by my teacher after 2 years of studying to quit smoking, so I lied and said I did, and hid it for the last year of studying...lol. I also let my daughter participate in school holiday and birthday parties.
Posts by snarf
Did you know any Dr.Jekell and Mr.Hyde Jehovah Witnesses?
by JH in.
i was one of those.
i would go the the hall all dressed up like a good jw, listening to jw music in my car and would try to make a good comment at the hall, and when the meeting was over, i would get out of the hall as fast as possible, go home, almost rip off my shirt and suit and put my jeans and t shirt on and listen to rock music and watch some extreme sport on tv....and become worldly again as fast as possible.
What sounds do you associate with what?
by ButtLight inwhen i lived in fl, every time i heard a helicopter, i thought of criminals.
thats because they were always flying around looking for someone who got away, or escaped from prison.
for some reason, they seemed to always be hovering over my house!
When I hear the tornado siren go off in my town I know it is either the start of the lunch hour or the end of the lunch hour, or 5 in the afternoon. If it goes off any other time it is because there is a fire somewhere in town or outside town. This really worries me cause what if there really ever was a tornado, no one would know cause they use it soo much, kinda bugs me.
Governing body members pay
by snarf indoes anyone know what the governing body members make a month?
do they make more money than the average bethelite because of greater responsibility, or do they just get the benefits of first class travel when they go to different areas of the world?
Does anyone know what the Governing Body members make a month? Do they make more money than the average Bethelite because of greater responsibility, or do they just get the benefits of first class travel when they go to different areas of the world?
This is it; I'm done!!
by WingCommander inyes, you heard me correctly.
i was born in jw land.
i didnt do the fade i didnt have to.
Welcome Wing Commander !!! Vent away ! Sounds like you have really done your homework. Congratulations on your realization.
interesting experience....
by hallowedbethyname inhello all.. just wanted to pass along an experience that i had about a month or so ago.
i was invited to a jw wedding of a friend of mine.. also invited was a 'marked' brother who is a very close friend of the bride.
he was recently marked after the invitations were sent out, so he came along with his 'worldly girlfriend'.. anyways, long story short, about 10 upstanding jw's decided to make a stink just before the bride and groom were to enter the reception hall to do their first dance.
Wow, pathetic. It never ceases to amaze me of the level of immaturity.
Bible Students to Witnesses
by KW13 in.
thinkin about the name change.... as bible students, they were part of the crowd and learning.
as jehovah's witnesses they know and are in control.... why do you think they changed the name?
You hit the nail on the head, as students they were still learning, as witnesses they know. You can convince someone to follow you if you "know" something, but if you are only learning about something, who would follow?
What do you think you "go through" faster than just about anybody else?
by JH in.
i use lots of toilet paper.....
Air freshener and candles, fabric softener. I just love being surrounded by fresh clean scents and wearing extra soft clothes and having nice cushiony blankets and sheets.
Not about masturbation: How do you love yourself?
by serendipity inas a jw, i knew the scripture said that "you must love your neighbor as yourself" and struggled with the concept of "loving one self.
" or really, what were appropriate ways to love yourself and to what degree.
i thought on the one hand, the wts was not a 'feel good' religion, and certainly didn't encourage self-actualization, self-esteem or anything approaching self love.
Such a nice question. I love myself by treating me to simple things. A good cup of coffe on a cold rainy day, an extra couple minutes in a hot steamy bath on a bad day, doing my job to the best of my ability, acknowledging a compliment from another person.
Who was the first poster that you noticed when you joined JWD?
by JH in.
when i joined many years ago, the poster that caught my eye was jjrizo.
i saw his name plastered all over the board.
Xbehere was the first one I interacted with, he really helped me out alot with my issues. I was really screwed up and confused, I first posted under the name Tippysock , but lost my password so now I am Snarf...lol. Anyway, there are sooo many that stand out now. I like this annonymous community , you can truly be yourself and express true feelings and only reveal yourself if you want to.
The name Jehovah and demons.
by Zico inthe society teaches that if unexplainable things are happening in your home, then shouting out the name jehovah will cause them to stop.
as you probably know, this is meant to be because these strange things are caused by demons, which may have posessed an object from your home, which was previously used in demonic activity.
but, supposedly, since they fear jehovah, shouting out this name can cause these things to stop, even if only temporarily.
I tried saying the name "Jehovah" frequently when my ex in-laws were around, and yet they never went away.