I am one to believe in Karma. If I am doing good things and doing my best at all I do, then I will be rewarded in turn by a better job, happier family life, or maybe just the kindness of a person holding the door open for me. However if I am doing bad, lying and manipulatin people around me for personal gain, then what goes around comes around. I have been through many struggles in my life from molestation to legal problems. It was only when I applied myself honestly and worked the hardest I could, I found inner peace, which my friend, is golden.
Posts by snarf
What if you're missing the purpose?
by journey-on infor those of you who espouse the philosophy that one needs to discard who we "think" we are and embrace the "reality" of who we really are, what if, there is a divine purpose to our miniscule existence in the here and now and that purpose is to experience the pull of opposite forces (duality), and you are missing it by not allowing yourself to experience the ego self?
what if you are missing the whole purpose of this pull of pain and joy by trying to suppress it or place yourself outside of it?
the below is a short story sent to me by a friend and it is an example of what i'm inferring.
question for technically savvy peeps
by snarf inwe are about to invest in a new t.v.
plasma or lcd?
every salesperson has a diferent opinion on this issue.
We are about to invest in a new t.v. Plasma or LCD? Every salesperson has a diferent opinion on this issue. We will prolly go about 42". Any help and info would be appreciated...THANKS!!!!!!
what's the point
by Hortensia inso my husband's trial starts july 23 and even though logic tells me it won't happen, i'm terrified that some nice jury will say "oh you poor thing, meth made you try to kill your wife, and i'm sure the cop you tried to kill understands, and the fact that they had to shoot you and taser twice and then five cops jumped you is punishment enough.
" if they turn him loose the first thing he will do is come and kill me.
and my friends and the cops and my shrink all say they'll protect me so i can see the scenario: "hi hubby, let me make you a cup of coffee while i call the cops and my friends and my shrink who has personally promised to come and kick your ass.
You go girl !!!!! Awesome on the weight loss. I have been in your shoes, so I speak from personal experience here. First, contact the domestic violence advocates in your area, they will help you get set up for the worse case scenario. I assume you have already set up new bank accounts that this a--hole has no access to, as well as a cell phone to carry day and night. Isn't it awful how they can control and scare the crap out of us even behind bars? I too needed madication to sleep, stay awake, and just make it thru the day. If ya need a friend or need to talk with somne who has been in your shoes, please p.m. me. I am here for you. I have thankfully stayed out of that situation for 5 yeas now...yahoooo. I also have an awesome book that I am gonna recommend to you, I will send you a p.m.
The unconditional love shown for all the brothers and sisters....................NOT!!!!!!!!!
Discovery Channel: A Haunting
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; } .style4 {color: #0000ff} .style5 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } --> discovery channel: a hauntingi am seriously considering contacting the shows producer to find out.
how they acquire information about the show a haunting.. .
for those individuals who are unfamiliar with the show it features .
I am an avid watcher of that show, as well as others regarding "real life" hauntings. Although I believe in paranormal, I almost wonder if some of the stories are exaggerated for entertainment value.
HELP - my boyfriend's ex called and wants them to reconcile....what to do?
by Juniper ini've been seeing an amazing man for a few months now.
i recently found out that before we met, my boyfriend had been thinking about getting back together with his ex-girlfriend.
(who is going through a divorce of her own right now) they have a two year old son together.. he says that if his child weren't involved, he wouldn't even consider going back to her.
If he is having that much trouble deciding what to do, then he must have "some" feelings yet for this person. He can have a healthy relationship with his son wether he is involved with the mother or not. You know your value, so please don't wait for this man to decide if he wants you or the ex. Make your intentions known to him, but don't humiliate yourself by giving him reasons why you are better than the ex...it might put him on the defensive towards her. Give yourself a time frame for him to make this decision, when time is up, if he still hasn't made the decision, then time for you to move on. I know the personal heartache this can cause, but better to get it over with now than later. Hope this turns out for the best for you in the long run !! Keep your chin up even if it doesn't go the way you want sweetie.
The Eden Story
by choosing life inin the garden of eden, god supposedly didn't want adam and eve to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.
he preferred they remain innocent and incapable of deciding for themselves what is right or wrong.. along comes satan who wants them to eat of this tree and says they will become like god, knowing good and bad for themselves.
he says they will be like god.. as we all know, they chose to eat and find out what they were missing.
I am with ya choosing life. Besides, some people don't believe it to be a story. Afterall it is in the Bible, and as we know, alot of people take the Bible as only true, except for the few parrables Jesus told.
what would you do...
by Hortensia inwith all the wt society's money?
how about setting up an education fund for the children any anyone who was ever a jw?
(i didn't want to hijack the thread about "would you ever return")
I would buy houses for abused women and children. I would also buy education centers for them. I would let them live in the houses for next to nothing while they got an education to better their lives and their childrens lives, then if they wanted to stay in the house after completing their education, they could buy the house for a nominal fee which would be used for more houses and education centers. If it happened to be a child only, there would be a big center for the kids with full time staff of course.
Funny Things Kids Say to Brighten Your Day......
by AK - Jeff inart linkletter used to do program in which he highlighted the funny things that kids say.
later bill cosby did the same sort of show.
locally, there is a lady who does a newspaper column in which funny things are recounted.. this forum represents hundreds and even thousands of people - many of whom have childen, or at least are around children.
I will never forget a very very long road trip to my Dad's in Colorado, 13 hour drive with me and my girl who was 6 at the time. We pulled off at a gas station, and in true 6 year old fashion, she was hungry when she saw the candy aisle. I got her a package of gummy worms....3 hours into the trip. For the remaining 10 hour drive she totally entertained herself wtih those gummy worms. She made them little houses and had a different voice for each one of them...it was soooo cute, but one of those things that ya had to be there...lol.
Naw don't feel threatened, just something I say when I don't know what to say. The kids love it...