Busy schedule , Diamond! No wonder you aren't in any longer.
I learnt a long time ago from observing how my father "burnt out" truthwise that it was necessary to manage the time more effectively as a witness on the "better a live dog than a dead lion" principle. I've spoken to some other elders who adopt similar "management" principles.
To summarise - I rarely discuss the days text with the children (sometimes my wife does it) and have developed a system to churn out talks very quickly for the Thursday meeting & spend perhaps 30 minutes tops on pre-study. I only go out once at the weekend (it helps that Sunday ministry has virtually died out here). Watchtower study is done on a Sunday morning in front of "Match of the Day" and I just read over the Tuesday book study (the Daniel book is underlined anyway). My concern is whether I should be studying more with my family but I rationalise this away by thinking of my own childhood where my parents rarely studied directly with me and my sisters but were immersed in the "way of the truth" and this had the desired effect.