Funny how things just "change" suddenly and no one seems to notice or care to.
In 1935 attendance worldwide at the Memorial observance of Jesus’ death was 32,795. Of these, 27,006 partook of the emblems as being the remaining ones on earth of the 144,000, whose hope is heavenly. Later in that same year, the identity of the great crowd flashed clearly into view. These meek persons, who look forward to life eternal on a paradise earth, also exercise faith in Jesus’ shed blood; they come to Jehovah in dedication, submit to baptism, and serve God zealously with the happy prospect of passing alive through "the great tribulation." At the Memorial of 1987, attendance was 8,965,221, with only 8,808 partakers. This indicates that millions today either are of the great crowd or are interested in becoming of that number. Will you be "able to stand" as one of these during ‘the great day of the wrath of Jehovah and of the Lamb’? It means your survival to take steps to that end.—Revelation 6:15-17; 7:14-17.Watchtower 1984 12/15 pg.10
There are many more references, but I don't care to look them all up. Just proves that the "food" they feed their mindless "sheep" with is nothing more than a pile of s#*t!