"the white tie and that shiny silk (polyester?) shirt are a bit odd"
I think he's wearing one of those bibs that makes it look like he's wearing a fancy tie and shirt.
this is real doublespeak: watchtower april 1, 2007 pg 21 par.
1 "you must not let people call you leaders-- you have only one leader.
matt 23:10 .
what type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
what type of music, particular songs, cd's, etc.
always sets your feet to dancing, is absolutely irresistable???.
for me, it's 50's, 60's 70's r&r and r&b..
you who don't know -- i'm daed but my mother still sends me very short e-mail about every two months.. this morning she sent me an email that said:.
25 today.
it would be sooooo wrong for someone to say -- "happy birthday" .. but its fine to mention that i am 25 today.
i've been a writer for most of my life but this is the only thing i have ever written about my life in the borg.. our house.
madness bloomed in our house after the day two women came asking;.
have you heard the good news of the kingdom?.
i'm a newbie, bin lurking for days and bin doing so much research from your informative threads that my family think i'm possibly "comin back in the truth" =not!
this is my 1st post so forgive if already done before, but just wondered what you had to "sacrifice to come in the truth?
in my case, i was baptised in early 80's, my study conductor and all the dubs heavily drilled into us young-uns to sacrifice whatever it takes to please the org.
Being raised in the borg I feel that I was forced to sacrifice most things that "normal" people experience and miss out on opportunies presented to them by their parents and families.
I was raised to believe that I would never finish high school and therefore will not need to have the necessary life skills to succeed as an adult i.e. money management, household management, education, etc.
after i found out the truth abouth the troof, i could not--- i mean physically could not---- sing a note of a jw song at a meeting.. this was way before i decided to make a plan and a final break.
this happen to anyone?.
little drummer boy and i have a small house and we do not have room for the wasted space all of these books are creating.
here's a brief rundown of what we have:.
several nwt hardcover bibles, chinese bibles (lots of chinese students in our town), insight on the scriptures, concordances, a few bound volumes, song books, km books, reasoning books, the entire bible on audio tape, and more.
The huge stack of magazines we had my kids used for paper mache projects. My husband insists on keeping some of the larger bound books for research and a NWT. It's that darn NWT that makes me mad...that's the publication I'd love to toss. The rest of the books are slowly making there way to the trash bin.
# ziploc bags - male, because they hold everything in,but you can always see right through them.. .
# copier - female, because once turned off, it takes a while to warm up.
it is an effective reproductive device when the right buttons are pushed.
we all know it's not an issue if people say the lord's prayer or not, but except for the fact that jw's make it an issue.
to them it's kinda like the boogie man and to say it makes you part of christendom, ripe for destruction.. this thread is in response to another thread.i finally took some time to look into information to make a reply.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/130602/2.ashx.
a jw commented on that thread.
It is certainly a nicer prayer than the repetitious drivel that served for prayers in the KH. Some of which were quite long and meandering
Yes, going on and on about all the wonderful provisions from the faithful and discreet slave and the WTS. I'm sorry, but where does Jesus mention that in his model prayer?