I haven't been over here in a while,so I am a little "out of the loop" but this is your baby??!! Glad to hear the baby is healthy!!Big Congrats!!!
JoinedPosts by morwen
Went to the Scan for Baby
by KW13 inwell, the baby is very secretive because its legs were crossed (15 weeks 5 days approx - due date september 2nd) so we couldn't tell what sex it was, if you can tell at this early stage.. anyhow its all there, and appears healthy and although this kind of scan doesn't really tell you much, the signs were good and we were really happy to just know all is well.. it was sucking its thumb, it wriggled a bit and its heart rate was fine.
you could make out a majority of its body parts from its ears to feet, knees and pot belly.. hopefully sometime in the not too distant future i will have obtained a scanner of some kind to be able to get it on the net for you folks to see.. .
Am I done having children?
by whyamihere ini have a question to the parents on the board:.
how did you know your last child was your last?
did your family feel complete?.
After 50 hours of labor I'd be asking for drugs too! LOL! Drugs have there place to be used for certain circumstances,I'm not a total anti-drug junkieMy labors are extremely painful but they aren't to long(so far anyway!Who knows with the next one!LOL),my longest has been 9 hours and my shortest was just over 2 hours.There hard and fast and hit me like a freight train!
Anyway I didn't want to get to "off topic", but I love having kids. My parents and in-laws think I'm a nut....but that's ok because I am a nut-with a baby bump- alot of the time ha ha!!
Morwen -
Am I done having children?
by whyamihere ini have a question to the parents on the board:.
how did you know your last child was your last?
did your family feel complete?.
I know I'm not done yet. I've given birth to 5 kids so far,2 boys and then 3 girls (our second son died at birth though so we have 4 living children) We have a 7yr old,4yr old,2yr old and a 1yr old.
I just don't have that "I'm done" feeling and I always wanted to have a large family. And my husband told me on the day we met he wanted 10 kids LOL!
I don't know how many more I'll be able to pop out before I either get to old or I am comfortable with knowing "I'm done". Although I have to admit that birth scares me every-single-time! I do the whole natural birth,no drug thing(our girls were born at home too!) And every time I'm in the thick of birth I think to myself as I'm in the most painful experience I've ever had,..."I don't think I can do this again"... LOL But I keep getting knocked up,ha ha!
For now I have a hard time thinking about the day I look into my baby's eye's and realize it's the last baby I'm ever going to have.
Morwen -
My Life in The Organization
by sexyk inhey what's up everyone?
hope everything is going alright.
im not doing too bad, just relaxing and doing alot of thinking.
Thanks for sharing your story! I love reading peoples experiences. It gets better the longer your out,and this forum is a great place to help with the healing process.I love this place!
We didn't leave until a little over a year ago,my family has not given up hope that we will return. Ha! NEVER! We're happier now than we've ever been!
Morwen -
by Mary insome of you asked for a scan of the february 15, 2007 wt study on wives being in subjection.
i forgot to mention, the one paragraph stresses that not only are you a second class citizen in the marriage, but women are also to "obey" the numbnuts in the congregation, even if you've got a higher iq:.
Thanks Mary for posting this. I'm not shocked but it is disgusting to read all this BS! I know of a JW wife whom has been married 9 yrs. to an abusive husband.They thing I do know he's done is... He has choked her,leaving bruises on her neck,hit her on many occasions, and thrown her 3ft. off their front deck(she limped for a month after that). They went to the elders(again,this time about him throwing her) and she came back saying everything they say here in this article. She told me that she just needs to be more careful in how she talks to her husband,and that she needs to show proper respect to him as he is her "head",she just needed to try harder to be good and pray about it.The elders told her NOT to go to the police and report anything when it happens. And keep in mind that her husband's first wife mysteriously committed suicide. One of my sister's is also in an abusive relationship and my parents keep telling her to stay with the looser because that's what jehovah wants, and that she deserves the punishment of being hit if she mouths off to much.That's just sick! Morwen
Should I leave the WTS?
by HamiltonPeppers inafter hearing the coverups and scandals, im thinking about leaving the wts for good.
while reading all of these coverups, i felt like my wife just cheated on me with my brother.
" While reading all of these coverups, I felt like my wife just cheated on me with my brother. ."
Welcome. This made me laugh when I read it Yep that's pretty much how alot of us feel!!!! This forum is so great and I have loved reading and posting here(with what little time I have to post).It's been a GREAT help! Hope it helps you too.
I agree with what others have said about reading the book "Crisis of Conscience" It's a good book(long but good). It was the last "whack of the axe" to free me from the WTS(and without any guilt,hesitation or looking back).
You "should" do whatever you feel is best for your circumstances. For us--we just completely stopped going. I think we were past being ready to leave but lacked the info to do so. And once we saw the facts,that was it.
It helped that we had recently moved nearly 3,000 miles away and hardly anyone really knew us at this cong. But how my family is dealing with us no longer being active is a another
crazystory,LOL. http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/115458/1.ashxMorwen
My sis calls & says,"Your dead"&"I wish you'd died in a car accident"(long)
by morwen inya know... i'm a bit amazed at times at how utterly out of touch with reality jw's can be.
here's a little bit of a background of what's been going on....
i've been having an on going issue with my jw family about my husband & i(and our 4 young children) no longer going to meetings and us having questions/problems with this religion.we are not df'd nor da'd (at this point) but have not been to a meeting in about 7 months and have been inactive for probably 3-4 years now.we haven't lived near my parents for several years so they have been a little "in the dark" so to speak as to us being inactive but we kinda were given a bit of "lee-way" since 5 yrs.
0-16. My Story.
by serotonin_wraith ini was raised from the womb until the age of 16 as a jw, i was never really a part of it.
i never got baptized, by the end i hated everything about it.
the worst part was not being able to voice any opinions i had on the religion, not unless i wanted them to fall on deaf ears and be considered immoral.
Welcome serotonin_wraith
It's funny how even though it's been years for some people since they've been "out" the marks/scares are still there. We've(me,my husband and our 4 young kids) more recently broken free. My entire family lines are in and now one by one they are telling me they will no longer have anything to do with us.It's sad and stupid but I'm so happy to be out! I'm glad that your now doing good and are well adjusted! Thanks for telling us a lil' about yourself and your experience!
Hello to all ... I've finally decided to sign up
by In Between inafter alot of time, lurking, fighting this damn inward battle i am dealing with, i've decided to join in the mix.
a little about me (i'll try not to bore you to much) ... i am a fader.
was raised jw, was even a m.s.
Anyone remember the facial hair and hair length hoopla?
by restrangled inmy now husband went through the questions for babtism but was turned down because his hair was too long and he sported a mustache.
(lucky for him!).
tell your story!.
Thanks! LOL It's so funny how many girls walk up to him,out of the blue, to comment about his hair!! And I agree if you've got beautiful hair,guy or girl,then grow it! I love it! Our 7yr old son also has longer hair than the common 'boy cut".I don't know what it is but every time I see a good looking guy with nice hair it immediatly speaks to my genes! (now there are plenty of guys here in AK that have long hair that live in the "bush" sorry but they don't do anything for me) I'm very jealous of his hair and tell him he's never cutting it,LOL