if you could rent a bill board where you knew jehovah's witnesses would see it, what would you put on it to try to effectively reach them?
and don't forget that lots of other people would see it to.
maybe the regular joe would be able to develope some good questions from your ad too.
if you could rent a bill board where you knew jehovah's witnesses would see it, what would you put on it to try to effectively reach them?
and don't forget that lots of other people would see it to.
maybe the regular joe would be able to develope some good questions from your ad too.
There are no windows on this Kingdom Hall. Car stereo Liquidation!!!!!!!!!!
That makes me think..... I could get some bumper stickers that say "" and put them on all the cars. Maybe toss a pack of smokes and a Hustler mag into all the cars to see who gets DF.
if you could rent a bill board where you knew jehovah's witnesses would see it, what would you put on it to try to effectively reach them?
and don't forget that lots of other people would see it to.
maybe the regular joe would be able to develope some good questions from your ad too.
LMAO......... that's a good one!
it is funny but i love that old expression "karma is the best payback".
i happened to see one of those super arognant elders that was the judicial committee that put me on "private reproof" years ago when i was a "devout" jw and fell into unscriptual conduct.
they literally had me trembling back there in the back of the kh wondering if i was going to be disfellowshipped or put on public reproof.
Speaking as one who has never been a JW..... the dude is mentally ill.
summit pale ale (local brew)
or miller lite
whats your favorite beer.
Bierbitzch....... you have to check out the video! No, really!
in the vidoe of the elder that went on how the word "shun" had a bad stereotype and said that jw's don't use that baffled me that so many of us have heard that word used in regards to disfellowshipping and this man that had been a po for 30 years denied it.. in the august 2002 km there is an article.
display christian loyalty when a relative is disfellowshipped.
in all fairness i would like to post the whole article but can't type it all out right now........but will when it is not so late....... on page 4 par 12 it reads.......... benefits of being loyal to jehovah: .
When I read that quote I was at first, to be honest, inclined to vomit. I am reminded of the following words of Jesus...... Here's the JW's own translation.
John 8: 1-11
But Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 2 At daybreak, however, he again presented himself at the temple, and all the people began coming to him, and he sat down and began to teach them. 3 Now the scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught at adultery, and, after standing her in their midst, 4 they said to him: “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of committing adultery. 5 In the Law Moses prescribed for us to stone such sort of women. What, really, do you say?” 6 Of course, they were saying this to put him to the test, in order to have something with which to accuse him. But Jesus bent down and began to write with his finger in the ground. 7 When they persisted in asking him, he straightened up and said to them: “Let the one of YOU that is sinless be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And bending over again he kept on writing in the ground. 9 But those who heard this began going out, one by one, starting with the older men, and he was left alone, and the woman that was in their midst. 10 Straightening up, Jesus said to her: “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” 11 She said: “No one, sir.” Jesus said: “Neither do I condemn you. Go your way; from now on practice sin no more.”
Matt 7:5
“Stop judging that YOU may not be judged; 2 for with what judgment YOU are judging, YOU will be judged; and with the measure that YOU are measuring out, they will measure out to YOU . 3 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the rafter in your own eye? 4 Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Allow me to extract the straw from your eye’; when, look! a rafter is in your own eye? 5 Hypocrite! First extract the rafter from your own eye, and then you will see clearly how to extract the straw from your brother’s eye.
as a non jw (thank god) my journey of insight into the abyss of deceit, darkness, and mind control known as the watch tower is oh so short.
maybe 6 weeks at best.
my quest to gain the knowledge to help my df'd young friend dee see the truth is at worse, well... overwhelming.
As a non JW (thank God) my journey of insight into the abyss of deceit, darkness, and mind control known as the Watch Tower is oh so short. Maybe 6 weeks at best. My quest to gain the knowledge to help my DF'd young friend Dee see the Truth is at worse, well... overwhelming. The power of the Kingdom Hall is great. The Truth, though, much greater. My observation is this......
You folks.... exJW's... are some of the greatest OVERCOMERS I have ever encountered in my half century of living. My hat is off to all of you!
P.S. Now will someone now tell me how to turn off this damn red font!!!!!!
first.....a big thank you to all who answered my very first thread yesterdayabout the "no windows" thing.
i realize i am not alone in my quest to help my young df'd friend.
even though i have read practically everything on and and a few others i am going to need some help.
nice to hear, sounds like she is very open to seeing the truth about the WTS. I like the circle illustration, i hope you do not mind if i use it sometimes.
Use the circle illustration all you want. I may have to charge you a fee though since you are an Aussie! Just kidding. While I was joking around with Dee I told her I wanted to go with her to the KH next Sunday and raise a little hell......ask some questions. Stir things up a little. She laughed. Inside, I believe she still holds to what they have told her is the "truth". I think, though, she's as open as can be to what the real "Truth" happens to be. Time will tell. As I told her... look, I'm not trying to convince you of anything I just want you to think for yourself.
Good Day!
in a boe letter dated 2/2/06, the wts listed four special campaigns for 2006:memorial, wed apr 12, 2006 (in a boe letter dated 2/3/06 wts wants elders to help all inactive & new ones attend the memorial.
the letter said attending the memorial is often a stepping stone to serving jehovah...visit every inactive person in the territory and give an invitation, give every family member that is friendly to the message an invitation).special public talk, sun apr 30, 2006special handbill to advertise district convention - wts is printing handbills to advertise the "deliverance at hand" district convention.
three weeks before the convention, jws will distribute the handbill in the territory, with family members, and others.
Inactive for 4 years, never been visited. Will not open door unless they have called and made an appointment. Screen my calls though.
How about opening the door and say....."GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN!"!
first.....a big thank you to all who answered my very first thread yesterdayabout the "no windows" thing.
i realize i am not alone in my quest to help my young df'd friend.
even though i have read practically everything on and and a few others i am going to need some help.
Here's a little update. Tonight at the kitchen table Dee and I had the chance to have a little chat. She started talking about the guy she was dating and how her parents were strict and would not approve. She said she was now out on her own and could do whatever she wanted. We went on to how things conflicted with her religion blah, blah. I have NO DOUBT this girl, who has grown up all her life in the KH is OPEN to the truth.
We laughed and joked around some. It was a lighthearted conversation. I did ask her a few questions that left her pondering. Here's a couple of examples. Why, if God should be addressed as Jehovah, did Jesus not use that particular name. Why is God never referred to as Jehovah anywhere in the NT. She didn't have an answer. We talked about the fact that she is shunned and I mentioned that we are all sinners. I described what Jesus did with the hooker as the crowd wanted to pick up stones to stone her. What did He say I asked? She looked puzzled as I said.... let him who is without sin cast the first stone. I stated the DF thing and shunning thing you guys practice I understand where you get that, but is that really Christ like. Remember, this was a light hearted conversation. Nothing heavy and deep in the tone. I even told her I wanted to go with her to the KH and stand up and ask a bunch of questions..... I said you know what happens to JW's who ask questions.... she said they get DF! If was actually a fun conversation.
I then drew a circle on a sheet of paper. I told her this circle represents ALL the knowledge in the world. Out of all this knowledge color in the amount that you personally know. She placed a tiny dot in the circle. I placed a tiny dot next to her and then I said....... is it possible that of all this knowledge that you do not know..... somewhere out there might there be some truth that you have not discovered. She answered by saying YES. I told her jokingly....... don't give me the JW answer......I'll be up front with you... you do the same with me...... she still claimed yes.
I then asked her this. This is what really got her to think I believe. What is a false prophet? She answered correctly. Someone who predicts a future event that doesn't come true. Did Jesus warn about false prophets? Did Paul warn about false prophets? She agreed yes. I said..... 1975. What happened in 1975? Nothing she said. But didn't the GB say the world was coming to an end? Yes... but nothing happened. No man knows the hour or the day. God never lies...right? Right she said. He the same yesterday, today and tomorrow... He's trustworthy...right? Right she said. But the GB got it wrong....God channel. We closed the conversation there. She knew exactly what the point was. To what extent she believes is yet to be seen. I said before I think this kid at 19 is starving for love. DF'd.... her world as she has known it 19 years is history. I worked on her truck for most of the day yesterday changing the plugs, checking the brakes and more. I changed the battery and with the plugs the whole thing was like 80 bucks. She asked me what she owed me. This is what I said. Battery, plugs something like 80 bucks. Labor.... nada. Zero. I asked her why would I do that? She didn't have a clue. This is what I said. I said....look....the JW's teach JW's - good......nonJW's - bad. Bad association. You know the drill I said. She agreed. I said look...... I know the Truth......1974 in a pizza place I came to know Jesus in a personal way. Even though I don't hit the doors of the local church every Sunday anymore He changed my heart..... my motivation. The NT says.... you shall know them by their fruits. Not everyone who is not a JW is bad.... plain and simple. Well......she looked like a kid in a candy store. She said she didn't believe everyone was bad. And then I said one more thing...... you have a crappy relationship with your parents. I have a daughter who was adopted at birth in 1974. She wants nothing to do with me. She knows who I am. We are in the same boat so to speak. I said..... look....I'm going to kind of adopt you. I am NOT going to be your open checkbook though.... I said laughing....we were both laughing. She liked the idea even to the extent when the new boyfriend showed she commented..... I was her new adopted dad! What a hoot!