Why is it that when I read your name.... I think of Barry Manilow? Anyway, don't make me come out there and put on that wig and dress for the JC lynching. You want this to END right? It can END TODAY if you so choose. You can throw yourself at the feet of Brother Bozo and make things right... maybe... because you allow them to retain the power in all of this or you can exercise YOUR POWER over this situation and do the following.
Dear Brother Bozo,
I, Lola, have come to the very clear and distinct conclusion that you, the GB boys and the entire WTS are, how shall we say, full of excrement, i.e. shit, crap, crapola, BS, caca, feces, and poo-poo.
You have NO power over me. I, Lola, on the other hand, have ALL the power to resolve this situation. You DO NOT control me. My power comes in the form of a small, unassuming can of "Texas Whoop Ass". Shall we open said can and see what happens? No? Good choice.
From this day, henceforth, you shall NOT contact me, drive down my street, telephone me or attempt to communicate with me in any form or fashion. I will NOT allow myself to continue to be controlled by you or anyone else in this mind controlling Godless organization, henceforth, known as the WTS.
ARE WE CLEAR? I CAN'T HEAR YOU? Good. Now that we have this simple understanding you may consider me NO LONGER a member of your false and cunning scheme to deceive millions. I will no longer participate.
Sincerely yours,