Where inside me? I've tried naval gazing and all I see is my naval.
JoinedPosts by hallelujah
Rules for being human...
by upside/down inthe rules for being human .
1. you will receive a body .
you may like it or hate it, but it is yours for the entire period of this time around.
Systematic Watchtower Revision in 2005 WTCD
by VM44 inunclebruce made a posting in this thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/7/109480/1.ashx in which he made the following quotes from the reasoning book and the watchtower concerning the obsolete teaching of the separation of the sheep and goats.
"the judgement and separation work by jesus was proof of his presence since 1914.
" reasoning from the scriptures 1989 p. 344. .
Hi VM44,
this is from the 2003 CD
"In this day of judgment of the nations, Jehovah’s associate Shepherd and King, Christ Jesus, the Son of David, continues to separate the "sheep" of mankind from those who may claim to be "sheep" but are actually "goats." (Matthew 25:31-33)"
Is it the same as this on the 2005 CD?
WTS: its real patrons
by greendawn indo you believe that the wts is being protected assisted and guided by demonic powers despite their claim that they are strictly associated only with god and his spirit?
i personally think it is not a coincidence that many things happen in their favour it is for example the demons that fight the "apostates" to prevent them from damaging the wts by exposing their wrong doing.
they also help blind and mislead ppl to enter this destructive cult.
Dear dvw;
You might start with the execution massacres of a hundred Palestinian children, women and men in Deir Yassin in 1948 by the Stern Gang and the execution of 3000 Palestinian civilians, mostly children, women and the elderly in Sabra and Chatila in 1982 where the Israeli army under Ariel Sharon surrounded the unarmed refugee camps and sent in the "Christian militia" to exterminate the Palestinians. Perhaps it has something to do with the discourse of zionism that the Palestinians are simply two legged animals.
Interestingly Charles Taze Russell was a fundamentalist zionist in the cast of the new right in America today, who believe that zion must be restored in historical Eretz Israel (greater Israel) before the messianic rule can begin, so the early Watchtower publications are partly responsible for the dispossession and acts of extermination against the Palestinians in Palestine and Lebanon.
I request you to read Israel in Lebanon - report of the International Commission to Enquire into Reported Violations of International Law
Daniel Taylor
Jehovah as Satan - human sacrifice in the Bible
by hallelujah inin the bible there is a human sacrifice of jepthah's daughter as a burnt offering at judges 11:29,11:39, in gratitude for giving jepthah victory in battle.
now the wtbts and others more recently proclaim that this was only a sacrifice of her virginity and that by sacrificing her as a burnt offering what it really meant was that she was forcibly restrained from having marital relations and forced to die a virgin.
do any sisters see any similarity with the injunction to sisters to only marry in the lord???
In the Bible there is a human sacrifice of Jepthah's daughter as a burnt offering at Judges 11:29,11:39, in gratitude for giving Jepthah victory in battle. Now the WTBTS and others more recently proclaim that this was only a sacrifice of her virginity and that by sacrificing her as a burnt offering what it really meant was that she was forcibly restrained from having marital relations and forced to die a virgin. Do any sisters see any similarity with the injunction to Sisters to only marry in the lord???The other thing no witness could ever satisfy me about was - to whom, or to what, was Jesus sacrificed? If Jesus was sacrificed to God, then what kind of a God is that, who demands the blood of the innocent to pay for the sins of the guilty. If Jesus was sacrificed to satisfy law, then the law must be higher than God and God subject to it, but again, what kind of a law is that which demands the blood of the innocent to pay for the sins of the guilty???
Could Jehovah be Satan?
What about calling out to Jah?
by hallelujah inthe big to me is what about jehovah.
after years of calling out to jah, literally, i start to wonder whether jah really helps me or rather it's just a type of mantra.
i have started thinking that i have to look after myself.
I was at a watchtower study once and they were discussing when the rest of Israel went up against the Benjamites and for the first two attacks the rest of Israel suffered massive losses. But everything was just as Jehovah willed it to be. You see he was testing Israel - by allowing the Benjamites to slaughter the Israelites he could test them. What a loving Father Jehovah is.
Does anyone know what "Jehovah's organisation" is?
by hallelujah in.
the 1 may 1957 at page 285 the watchtower states:.
16 with thankful hearts we acknowledge gods mercy and gratefully and willingly show our respect for jehovahs organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly father, jehovah god.. what on earth is jehovah's [visible] organisation???
I was giving it a charitable shot for the sake of my nephew but I think it's absolutely impossible.
Does anyone know what "Jehovah's organisation" is?
by hallelujah in.
the 1 may 1957 at page 285 the watchtower states:.
16 with thankful hearts we acknowledge gods mercy and gratefully and willingly show our respect for jehovahs organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly father, jehovah god.. what on earth is jehovah's [visible] organisation???
If Jehovah's Organisation is us, then how can it be our mother and the wife of God? I do not presume to be God's wife. Moreover how can we show respect to an abstract idea, which was the whole point of the Watchtower article?
Does anyone know what "Jehovah's organisation" is?
by hallelujah in.
the 1 may 1957 at page 285 the watchtower states:.
16 with thankful hearts we acknowledge gods mercy and gratefully and willingly show our respect for jehovahs organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly father, jehovah god.. what on earth is jehovah's [visible] organisation???
Thanks Blondie, Leolaia, and Greendawn
I think I get it now. I figured that some creature(s) must constitute Jehovah's Organisation, otherwise it could not be Jehovah's wife and our mother. When the Governing Body tells us that Jehovah's Organisation is "our mother" it appears that they are not talking for themselves here but "our mother" actually means "your mother", i.e. the GB is talking at me not to me.
Just as I suspected, it appears that Jehovah's Organisation is simply what the association of living men and women who claim anointment call themselves. I find a similar problem with the Catholic Church, which also claims to be God's wife, but when I try to locate this wife of God I find only men and women in silly robes.
The question arose because I was trying to witness to my family members who are witnesses. I sat down for a watchtower study with the old literature only to receive the reply from one family member that I will not shake his faith, and that he will only examine current literature, that means anything which is on the Watchtower CD, or in the insight book, etcetera, or in the New World Translation. But he was willing to engage on the topic of just what the above phrase meant and nobody could come up with a meaning that reflected favourably on the WTBTS other than that since like most Watchtower's it was unfathomable and simply reflected the fact that the Bible too is written in metaphors.
If we look at it charitably, then since Jehovah's organisation is the wife of God, we get promoted to be once again sons and daughters of God and not merely grandchildre. But if that means that the former Sons of God (the Brothers of Christ - Bride Class, Anointed class) get promoted to be 144,000 virgins engaged in polygamous marital bliss with Jehovah then it's quite a turpid thought. I am assured that this imagery is only a metaphor, but it's still disturbing.
The teaching about us 'other sheep' being grandchildren of God while 'the anointed' are Sons of God (see insight book "Sons of God") goes against the Lord's prayer taught by Jesus and his statement that whoever does the will of his Father is Jesus' brother or sister. Actually the insight book does grudgingly admit (page 999) "This must mean, then that the revelation of the sons of God in glory opens the way for others of the human family to enter into a relationship of actual sonship with God and to enjoy the freedom that accompanies such relationship"
But what is "the revelation of the sons of God in glory" - I surely hope they don't mean the fact that they reveal themselves by drinking the wine and eating the bread at the memorial, but what other point does there seem to be for it?
Does anyone know what "Jehovah's organisation" is?
by hallelujah in.
the 1 may 1957 at page 285 the watchtower states:.
16 with thankful hearts we acknowledge gods mercy and gratefully and willingly show our respect for jehovahs organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly father, jehovah god.. what on earth is jehovah's [visible] organisation???
The 1 May 1957 at page 285 the Watchtower states:
With thankful hearts we acknowledge God’s mercy and gratefully and willingly show our respect for Jehovah’s organization, for she is our mother and the beloved wife of our heavenly Father, Jehovah God.
What on earth is Jehovah's [visible] organisation????
New here,i hope someone might help,my abuser hung himself
by Linzlou24 inhi,ummm ive just discovered this site and im not sure why im even writing this but im at rockbottom and i dont know how feel,maybe im just searching to find someone who might understand and help me understand because i feel so alone and ashamed,confused and sad,even people might find me bad because of how these events turned...but im not bad inside,ive always been such a soft caring person at heart,im a good person just always been lost,alone and confused....ill try not babble too much but from the beggining dad was here one minute,not the next and then not at all,to this day still never bothers,mum remarried when i was about 4,this was the guy who sexually abused me at 7,{mum never knew},they had a baby together...i found my brother dead in his cot,he died from cotdeath,and it was just all downhill from there with my life,that was after my brother i was abused by him....they split when i was around 8 and i guess my mum looking back now on it now just went on her own mission but it wasnt easy for me,she fell for another guy and we moved from one place to the next,every time i started a new school and made friends,it was time pack up and go and start all over.....
mum settled again and remarried a third time when i was around 12,id started a new high school,maybe its just those teens but i went off the rails with mum,i was terrible,didnt mean to be,but i blamed her for all my hurt and life and id rebel at everything,drinking started,running away started and i just wish now i could have felt close when alls i wanted was to love and be loved back...the next bit until now{im 25 now} is what is killing more than ever and id very much appreciate your thoughts because im lower than ever and still scared....mum is very much here in my life now...its only been a few months but shes heartbroken and the love and understanding has been tremendous off her,she blames herself but i blame me.....
when i started the new highschool i met this girl,she became my friend at the time and it was so good to have a friend id do anything she said....anyway she needed some money once and said i know this guy you can come to with me and he will pay you to touch your boobs,thats when it started i agreed because if i said no then shed probably laughed at me,so i went....,it sounds strange{he was nearly 50} but he was very very nice,and said i dont like the person whos brought you up here,shes nasty...,i hated him touch me but i was scared....but at same time i felt i could really trust him,me and this girl never did stay friends....theres another big big part in all of this,but from 13 this guy became the bestest friend i ever had in my whole life,but everything was a big secret,its lasted years...he had an hold over me,though i knew he was supposed be my friend i knew he musnt really be one else he wouldnt put me through the torture of crying and not coping when i had my baby...my babe is 8now but still when i let him touch my boobs so i can buy the best part of my life something nice or take him somewhere that man would buy bigger and better and undermine all my hurt....
Linzlou it's good to be talking. I know you don't hate your abuser. He lost control of his mind and inflicted his suffering on you. By bringing it out in the open you gave him the chance to get help.