Kids are watching Tangled today off the TiVo.
JoinedPosts by baltar447
Mother knows best
by baltar447 inkids are watching tangled today off the tivo. .
Judicial Meetings on the internet
by RayPublisher inso far i have found only about 10 judicial recordings/transcripts online total.
there has to be more out there i would think... here's the people i've found so far:.
matthew barrie .
Dang, I was hoping they were going to start having JCs online. LOL
Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones
by bytheirworks inthe word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
Bring it on! How could they reconcile the story of the shepherd going to save (slaughter) the lost sheep?
"The Nice Girl Syndrome", a book on Stop Being Manipulated and Abused
by LoisLane looking for Superman in"the nice girl syndrome" a 245 page book by beverly engel.
10 steps to empowering yourself and ending abuse.. .
the cover states: stop being manipulated and abused and start standing up for yourself.. the back cover states: are you too nice for your own good?.
"The Nice Girl Syndrome", a book on Stop Being Manipulated and Abused
by LoisLane looking for Superman in"the nice girl syndrome" a 245 page book by beverly engel.
10 steps to empowering yourself and ending abuse.. .
the cover states: stop being manipulated and abused and start standing up for yourself.. the back cover states: are you too nice for your own good?.
Saying yes too much is one of my problems too. Really need firmer boundaries. Theres also a book called no more mr nice guy.
Mass Disfellowshippings of Inactive Ones
by bytheirworks inthe word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
What Blondie said
Forum updates, issues and performance
by Simon infirst of all, thank you all for your patience while i made a few tweaks to the site.. i ended up actually going down a bit of a rabbit hole of updating one thing which required another thing be updated first and so on ... before i knew it i'd updated the framework platform and most of the sub-components used and then got carried away trying to do some optimizations as well.
all worthwhile though and a little overdue.. anyway, i broke a few thing along the way but i also fixed a few things too ... erm, unfortunately they didn't always quite match up so there are still a few things outstanding that i need to fix and am working on.. but, i'm hoping that dispite the short-term pain the site should now load and run just a little bit faster for you.
well, that's the intention - i'd be interested to hear how you find it.
No worries man, I already did the usual clear cache and what not. Chill it's a holiday weekend.
Forum updates, issues and performance
by Simon infirst of all, thank you all for your patience while i made a few tweaks to the site.. i ended up actually going down a bit of a rabbit hole of updating one thing which required another thing be updated first and so on ... before i knew it i'd updated the framework platform and most of the sub-components used and then got carried away trying to do some optimizations as well.
all worthwhile though and a little overdue.. anyway, i broke a few thing along the way but i also fixed a few things too ... erm, unfortunately they didn't always quite match up so there are still a few things outstanding that i need to fix and am working on.. but, i'm hoping that dispite the short-term pain the site should now load and run just a little bit faster for you.
well, that's the intention - i'd be interested to hear how you find it.
Dolphin and Chrome on my Android tablet both aren't showing page numbers and I can't navigate, it worked fantastic up until a few days ago. The Lastpass browser still works though, so I can still go on JWN on my tablet but Dolphin is my preferred browser. Don't know if you can troubleshoot that or not. Thanks
2013 "No Witnesses" - JW Comedy Youtube Film
by bytheirworks inhey guys.
there is a new youtube comedy / drama film for jw's.. feedback?
Much easier to watch than the freaking drama.
2013 "No Witnesses" - JW Comedy Youtube Film
by bytheirworks inhey guys.
there is a new youtube comedy / drama film for jw's.. feedback?
Obviously not done by a JW. Crosses, no recognizable publications. Seems a little slow going though.