My gut tells me to eat donuts. Your gut "tells" you that the JWs are the "truth". Both are bad for you.
Use reason and logic and leave the emotionalism out of it.
My gut tells me to eat donuts. Your gut "tells" you that the JWs are the "truth". Both are bad for you.
Use reason and logic and leave the emotionalism out of it.
one of the more astonishing developments within the organization in recent years is the muting of the more "out there" behaviors of this once fiercely confrontational and proud end-times religious group.. members were unapologetically no part of the world and couldn't give a rat's ar*e what you thought of them.
whereas the organisation fostered an outlook of warning the "wicked" world of the imminence of its destruction at the hands of the almighty - and spared no effort in doing so - nowadays the organization is sucking in its more "loose cannon" elements.
in the place of these elements is a sparkling, smiling, airbrushed group of worshippers who parade their wholesome settled lifestyle to win converts.
This GB love the limelight. It's really different than what i was raised in.
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
We REALLY need some confirmation of this "10 hour pioneer" business.
my wife and i still like each other.
fortieth is "ruby.
" since rubies aren't in the budget, we went to ruby beach for the weekend.
Aww! Congrats you two.
Anything is possible with this GB.
anybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
LOL!!! WHHUUUTT? "Basic Pioneer of 10 Hours"?????
You have GOT to be kidding me!!
i've been sitting on this video awhile.
i finally put it together.
its a recording of one of the 2014 "school for christian couples" graduations.
This is pretty good stuff. Wow.
heard from an inside source that there are 3 new songs coming to the songbook.
from an email i received of a conversation had with people from patterson:.
it seems that the wts legal dept.
has been working with the fb [facebook] legal dept for about a year and also with youtube whoever they are, to enforce transparency.
Facebook has been working on "real names" for some time now, it has nada to do with an insigificant peon religious group.
Perhaps we ARE reaching a tipping point and the sheer numbers of exjws joining recovery groups and forums has them worried. But I think this is more "the borg is SO smart" bullshit.
at the end of his final talk he said of the gb: they are telling the higher ups , "start getting ready we're not going to be around much longer!
" and we expect the angels to release the four winds any day now!
" my first thought was why are you building a corporate country club then?!
More like ends with bullsh!t. Do they seriously think that the world is going to end this year?? They are delusional nutjobs.