Bullshit. He's a sick bastard who won't take responsibility for his actions. Maybe someone will do society a favor and shank him.
JoinedPosts by baltar447
Paedophile "partly blamed his crimes on a strict childhood as a JW"
by behemot inamerican paedophile jailed for yearjohn nicoll was caught with stash of child porn just weeks after moving to scotland.. a paedophile branded a serious danger by a scottish police chief has partly blamed his crimes on a strict childhood as a jehovah's witness in the usa.. .
john nicoll was jailed for a year on monday after he was caught with a huge stash of child pornography on his home computer.
he was also placed on a further six-month supervised release order and banned from working with children or having any solo contact with girls under 16.. .
Help from those with the CD rom
by elderelite ini am desperately trying to get my wife to be balanced with the fs thing.
she is obsessed with being a pioneer.
i am so close to getting her to stop... yknot has been invaluable with a lot of personal things that have made a big difference, but i need a little nudge... if someone can find a quote from a wt source that shows it is wrong to neglect family to pioneer... damn hard to find.
Huh? I have the 09 CD and the WT goes back to 1950
would anyone be interested in a writeup of my DF meetings?
by notverylikely inthis would be both the intial investgatory meeting and judicial committee.
honest and straightforward, my own faults and errors included.
if so, i will take the time to write it up.
If they didn't get into doctrinal issues, it probably would just make us all voyeurs into your personal life and you don't need that. I'd recommend moving on, unless you feel that it will be somehow healing for you.
True Story - spirit directed appointments?
by xelder innames of course have been changed.. ann was 17 and was a baptized jw.
her homelife with witness parents was not the best.
her mom, who was raised in the truth had a learning disorder and did her best as a mom, but fell short in many ways.
This is a crock. a two year difference like this should NOT have been an issue, especially when her age is legal consent in many if not most states. We could be missing some of the story perhaps.
No One Should Be Made to Choose ..LIES from July 09 Awake
by Hopscotch inthe following quote is taken from the article is it wrong to change your religion?
in the july 2009 awake p29:
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
idk if this has been brought up before but maybe this is what they mean: No one should be MADE to choose. Meaning, well WE (org) don't make anyone choose anything!
Does Islam disfellowship? What happens when a Muslim wants to leave?
by journey-on inthe internet is full of confliction on the subject.
anyone have firsthand knowledge?.
In the words of Achmed the dead terrorist: I Kill You!
Seriously though, in muslim controlled countries don't they execute their apostates?
Demon possessed furniture?? Any scriptural support?
by digderidoo ini remember instances where we told that the demons could get into the house through furniture or ornaments.
if anyone had a problem in the house with demons, they should remove anything that they may have bought second hand.
i remember one family getting rid of their carpet!.
If I'm not mistaken, wasn't the org down on these stories in recent years? Using 1 Tim 4:7 as the reasoning?
Long Distance Adultery and Other Issues
by buddhaisbetter inallow me a moment to introduce myself: first of all, i am not a member of your faith as surely can be garnered from my choice of user name.
i joined this forum with the intention of getting some information on a situation i'm forced to contend with that concerns my son.
my questions are not designed to bash your beliefs, regardless of my personally held opinions and i hope that any discussion can be conducted without contention.
Hey, it's California, anything is possible.
Interesting terminology heard at this year's DC
by baltar447 inok, so earlier this summer at a dc i got to hear one of the gb speak.
he used some odd terminology i had not heard before.
he said this two or three times, so i mentally made note of it.
mse, I figured it might be nothing, I just noticed it and it stuck out. Since I've been looking into things, I'm listening a bit more intently than I used to.
Whats the weirdest thing a JW ever said to you?
by chukky 594 ini remember a 'sister' coming up to me and telling me off for being on the atkins diet, as it was satanic and designed by satan.. chukky.
Essan, you have earned +10 Internet Bragging Points. Don't spend them all at once.