But, OBVIOUSLY Lot was "closer to perfection" so his pecker wasn't plauged by the ol' Whiskey D**k.
JoinedPosts by baltar447
Getting to know the mind of God (part 1) Incest? No big deal. Looking back? Instant death.
by BU2B init seems that genesis is chock full of goodies to make yhwh look less than the loving, impartial, fair god so many think they worship.. here is another one i just thought of.. yhwh decides to turn lot's wife into a mound of salt for the horrible crime of "looking back" toward her home.
this is brought up often by jws who use the story to tell jws not to look at the things behind.. we all know god is consistent and never changes so compare what happens later.. lots daughters cannot seem to find any man around so they conspire two nights in a row to get their father drunk, and have sex with him two nights in a row.
gods response?-...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............. there isnt one .
WTBT$ will no longer support Elder's legally....
by Newly Enlightened inwe received an email and are wondering if anyone can verify this little tidbit of news.
does anyone know if this is true or not?.
maybe any elder's on here?.
I hope this cause a mass exodus of elders. But no, so far hasn't been verified but also read it on Facebook.
Why JWs don't celebrate Mother's day
by Laika inin the uk, this sunday is mother's day!
ask a jw why they don't celebrate holidays and they'll tell you it's because of some nefarious pagan connection.
but this is really just a cover.
[Andy Samberg:] Oh dang.
[Justin Timberlake:] What is it dawg?
[Andy Samberg:] I forgot it's Mothers Day.
[Justin Timberlake:] Didn't get a gift for her.
[Andy Samberg:] Other plans got in the way. She'll be so disappointed.
[Justin Timberlake:] Damn I forgot it too.
[Andy Samberg:] This could have been avoided.
[Both:] What the hell are we gonna do?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0DeIqJm4vM
EDIT: ugh why won't the video imbed??
Anyone have a member play the "Chinese Attack" on you?
by adjusted knowledge inhttp://www.jrn.com/fox4now/news/jehovas-witness-church--247401911.html.
Sorry, the dude's name and all was just too ridiculous.
Anyone have a member play the "Chinese Attack" on you?
by adjusted knowledge inhttp://www.jrn.com/fox4now/news/jehovas-witness-church--247401911.html.
Anyone have a member play the "Chinese Attack" on you?
by adjusted knowledge inhttp://www.jrn.com/fox4now/news/jehovas-witness-church--247401911.html.
He surely grabbed the Wong Wang this time!
Anyone have a member play the "Chinese Attack" on you?
by adjusted knowledge inhttp://www.jrn.com/fox4now/news/jehovas-witness-church--247401911.html.
Hmm. Chinese Attack. The guys name is Wong and he grabbed a Wang.
WTS governing body changes - how have all those claiming to be anointed been exposed as liars?
by tootired2care inin juan viejo2s recent thread about district overseer and other changes coming this bit was quite intriguing to me.. the governing body will be expanded to 12 to better match the biblical magic number of apostles, tribes of israel, etc.
that will also reset the 'magic number' to 8 needed to get a majority vote to make a doctrinal change.... one of my friends suggests that "annointed" will become synomous with "appointed.
" if a brother is "appointed" to the governing body, then the logic is that he has automatically been "annointed" by holy spirit and would therefore be considered to be part of the 144k.. .
My guess is they would use that scripture where an Apostle lays hands on someone to commision them or something.
this is how witnessing is being done nowadays
by losingit ini have a non jw friend that knows about jws only bc i related toher my experience leaving this abusive cult.
anyhoo, she went to starbucks yesterday and there was an older man on his laptop.
she sat next to him while she did work on her tablet.
Stealing her email address like that is f***ing stalkerish!! O_o
Thanks WTBS for changing the Kingdom Songs, you freed me!
by StephaneLaliberte inyesterday, i saw a picture of a family signing kingdom melodies together.
it made me realize a fact that i am somewhat ashamed to admit:.
for over a decade, i have been aware of the false prophecies, the deceptive statements, the lack of scriptural support for many core practices and other issues with the witnesses.
I was on the fence but the songs were also almost the final nail in the coffin for me the final one being the overlapping generation nonsense. I told my elder jw father that i felt like all the joy and life had been sucked out of the songs. Of course the excuses made(repeatedly at meetings) were not that yes, the songs sucked it was of course the rank and file just was the problem and wasnt used to singing them.
Can anyone going attest that the dubbies have gotten better at singing these piles of garbage?