Regarding "Which leads me to believe that the the WTS's followers never actually absorb or are not paying attention to what their human leaders teach them. Which is probably why their human leaders tell them to direct others to the organization right from initial contact with outsiders and/or householders because JWs MAY BE ABLE TO LOCATE SCRIPTURES and explain fundemental JW doctrine, but that's about it. And that EVWERYTHING THE JWS HAVE LEARNED HAS BEEN FROM THE ORGANIZATION, not the BIBLE."
I disagree with you. I am continually reading the Bible, having read the NT at least 15 times (from different versions) and believe that the WT Society teaches the truth from the Bible. I know of former pastors, ministers, and even a former "pastoret" (a female pentecostal pastor, aka known as "pastora" in Spanish), all which of have divinity degrees, but most importantly read they Bible several times over, and all came to the conclusion the WT teaches the truth of the Bible. I found it absurd that some claim that we get info just from the WT publications - when multiple times the WT publications strongly encourage us to read the Bible. It just doesn't make sense to me. And how many people Witnesses I know, who were former members of other churchers and avid Bible readers, claim that they knew the Witnesses had the truth from what they read from the their Bibles.
BTW - Just as Jesus as Jehovah's Servant, Christians, as followers and disciples of Jesus, are servants of Jehovah.