Hey Lonely sheep, sorry we missed you. I was standing outside bedside the JWD sign until about 7:50pm and then I went to join the group. We were about 4 rows from the back. I was suprised how small the theatre was, maybe 80 seats total. Perhaps we will meet when AudeSapere visits NJ next month.
JoinedPosts by thecarpenter
Keith Reddin's "Brutality of Fact" playing in NYC on Jehovah's Witnesses
by Dogpatch inwant to go see a play on jws and shunning in new york city?
support jeffrey and his work, and you can even go for free!.
Watchtower Ironies - When I was a babe
by Mysterious inanyone else find it amusing how many of the things they do are ironic?
they talk about "babes" that eat spiritual milk and not solid food, and yet their publications are milk.
they never teach people to think for themselves (chew) at all.
And most Dubs would gullibly think (even as I once did) that the Governing Body possesses the intellectual might to come up with these *amazing* ideas all by themselves. What poppycock!! The Governing Body wouldn't be able to name their ass if it was handed to them on a silver platter.
Inquisitor, you poztate bastard, the governing body could name their ass. (that's about all they can do)
Keith Reddin's "Brutality of Fact" playing in NYC on Jehovah's Witnesses
by Dogpatch inwant to go see a play on jws and shunning in new york city?
support jeffrey and his work, and you can even go for free!.
Well just got back from the play and it was a interesting, telling the hard luck story of a family of women who experienced a lot of death and hardship in their family. The jdub in the play was cast sort of like a born-again jdub which was a little inaccurate but they got the arrogances correct and also the idealistic boyfriend who came across like a bethelite. Interestingly, it ended badly for the jdub woman in the play, you could see that she was starting to question her faith, question the hard stance of her soon to be husband, the bad effects the extreme religious view was having toward her 10 year old daughter and the bad results that followed after the marriage. It reminded me of some of the marriages that went bad in the bOrg. So many witnesses have such a naive view of marriage and they think putting the organization advice first in their marriage will save it. I felt bad for the jdub woman in the play, but I did enjoy the play overall. I think many on this forum would likewise enjoy this play.
There were five who came, and we went out to a really nice restaurant afterward (Seven, located on 350 7th ave btwn 29th and 30th, which was right around the corner). We discussed the play and then our experiences with the bOrg. It was a great evening.
A Night In The Woods...
by Justice-One ini just got back from a trip designed to conquer a fear.
i have always been afraid to camp by myself in the deep woods, and last week i set out to change that.
next night.
Justice-one, sounds like a awesome experience. I'm glad to hear you did it to conquer your fear. Camping outdoors is a fun experience and a great hobby. Being prepared for the unexpected is prudent, forget about what the city-slickers say. I know that conquering your fears is a very life affirming experience and really does empower you, I personally try to challege my fears all the time and it is amazing how much confidence you develop and how much sweeter life becomes. Kudos to you.
A True Scholar In Our Midst, Leolaia
by Skoshi inher posts for a very long time were overflowing with an obvious scholarship.
i have avidly read her posts and have tucked away as much as my much smaller brain could be forced to take in.
i'm sure others have openly expressed their admiration and appreciation for her, but i would like to do so here.
Blondie (no scholar)
But awesome singer!!!
Letter Writing Campaign. . .who's in?!?
by Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit injimwood and someone else suggested a letter writing campaign, bombarding the wts with letters old and new on any topic, complaint, issue and problem.
participation, dates and suggestions would be appreciated!
sounds like fun, count me in for 5 letters as well. Why don't we post some examples of some letters later?
He used me to get information on my dad
Hello Andre, unfortunately, this is a common tactic with some elders. I have known elders who deliberately go to the kids to try and get information out of them. They phrase questions subtly to get them to tell on their parents or other family members. I know of some elders who tried to recruit spies to check on people (even other elders), as Frannie postedWhat a Cult!
Is this another made up WTBTS experience?
by Gill inis this one of the wtbts notorious made up stories?
it's an article in the october 2006 awake ' protect yourself from carjacking'.. it gives the story of suszan and anika who were carjacked in south africa.
byt two men.
I probably would think that this story is basically true. In the US about a year ago, a escaped convict who had just murdered someone had taken a woman hostage. As time wore on, she started preaching to him (she is not a jdub) and he started feeling bad about holding her hostage. He eventually let her go and turned himself in. (I was listening to it on the radio as it was happening and listen to her interview a few days later) When the 'Passion of the Christ' came out in the theatre, there were spikes in church attendance in many places as well as people turning themselves in to police for past crimes that they felt regret over, even crimes such as murder. Most people have a conscious and a belief in God and if someone works on it and that person comes across as genuine good person, I can see a hard exterior soften. I think two jdub women sharing their beliefs about God and pricking the conscience of some would-be carjacker is not a great stretch of imagination, it may have very well happened that way. I for one try to respect peoples faith (not always successful in that) and sometimes if I think the person is a good person, I will help a little more. Just my two cents
by RichieRich inoh, so in the midst of everything else, college is goin well.. about 30 % of my high school graduating class came here, so its really just like high school part2.
i have 2 morning classes, and 2 night classes, so that way the majority of my schooling gets done on 2 days of the week instead of 4. last night was my first night in my english 111 class.
i already knew thaqt there was one witness in there, but its someone who i've kept up with, and someone who is cool with me, as i am.
hey Richie, what is your major? Have you thought of the exciting career of cult exit counslor? or maybe tort lawyer to sue unscruplous cult organizations? Or how about a doctor administering blood factions? or possible panache maker at denny's with all the panache you can eat?
by RichieRich inoh, so in the midst of everything else, college is goin well.. about 30 % of my high school graduating class came here, so its really just like high school part2.
i have 2 morning classes, and 2 night classes, so that way the majority of my schooling gets done on 2 days of the week instead of 4. last night was my first night in my english 111 class.
i already knew thaqt there was one witness in there, but its someone who i've kept up with, and someone who is cool with me, as i am.
panache sounds good, can I have ketchup with my panache at Denny's?