You are Geordi LaForge
my family's been having a lot of fun with this!
You are Geordi LaForge
you may before your emperor !!!!!
wow, i really am loe guy on the totem pole.... congrads
" the overseer made it quite plain..
"if i can't say i have been advised not to serve in alternate service--why are you actually doing it?
i was there to serve jehovah; consequently i was doing jehovah's will.
Thanks for writing this account of your life terry, I found it encouraging... it's amazing the crap we had to deal with.
i was hoping to get some feedback from those of you that have laptops.
i know what i need primarily in terms of system specs so i am more interested in feedback regarding brands.
if you have a laptop i would be interested to know the brand, whether you bought it new or used, how long the warranty was, if you had any issues with it during or after the warranty (and whether these resulted in you having to take it in or send it away for repairs), if you would buy it again, if you recommend the brand on the whole.. i am currently leaning towards toshiba having met a few people that had bad experiences with dell.
Well, I'm on my third laptop now and the present one has been the most useful for school work. 1st compaq - beat it up pretty good (I'm not a careful guy) and had it repaired once. It died in its' forth year (probably a cracked motherboard). 2nd laptop was another Compaq and had it for 4 years. I also beat it up real good (the shell has a hairline crack on the corner but the machine works beautiful, I keep it as a spare) 3rd laptop a gateway tablet and I love this thing. I use it for school all the time and it has been the most useful for note taking. (I think I will buy a tablet from now on, I hope apple comes out with a tablet)
there are some pictures on this thread
hey bud, was wondering where you went. least according to jehovahs witnesses.. if a sister at the kingdom hall suspect her hubby is playing naughty with another woman and she finds her hubbys car has been parked at anothers womans house all night, then she can write a letter stating she is sure that adultry has taken pace and divorce him, and he is then disfellowshipped, and she still remains in good standing..............but,.
if a child tells their parents and the brothers at the kingdom hall that they were molested sexually by a brother at the hall, and this accused brother denies this accusation and there is no other witnesses to this claim, then he is veiwed as not guilty and remains in good standing.. why do you suppose the accused adulterer is treated differently.....even if he denies that he commited adultry?.
gordan d, just go to the silentlambs website, all the videoa are there.
i need to vent i guess.
it's been a little while since i've even looked at the board.
i've tried to make a break to somehow get my life moving again, and i never wanted to be one to write a good bye post.
Hey Axel, I sorry you feel bad, it is part of the exit and rebuilding your life. I second the motion of jstalin, read up on victor frankel. I might also suggest 'seven habits of highly effective people'. This book has been foundational to me in that it made me realize I had to take responsibility for my life, a frightening but liberating experience. It is absolutely wonderful to have your power and motivation come from within and not from people's approval on the outside. I almost feel that most people need this type of instruction (particularly people leaving high control groups). I wrote something about this before and I still strongly believe it and feel the great benefits of living this way in my life. I'm actually back in school now and plan on pursuing a counseling/medical type of profession as a second career for the second part of my life. Anyway, here is the link and I hope you find it helpful.
i was never df'd.
if ever the elders asked me to attend a judicial committee for some reason, i would refuse.
i would never accept to go to their kangaroo court.
Remember folks, the only power these guys and the watchtower have is the power you give them. When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees, he didn't give them his power, rather he made fools of them. That's my attitude, they're fools and should be exposed as such.
As a example, if three Mormon elders convinced you to have a sit down with them and then proceeded to make rude accusations against you, how would you handle it? You would think they are out of their minds. Listen, they can't touch you, they can only made ridiculous accusations, have fun with them, I know I would.
The only thing I would caution against is being obnoxious and rude, take the high road and stick to logic. If you are making a recording, you will sound reasonable and sane, they are the ones who will appear foolish and cultish and that's what you want anyway. It will provide years of laughter and conversational currency when you allow others to listen to it. I say have the little chit chat with these morons.
i was never df'd.
if ever the elders asked me to attend a judicial committee for some reason, i would refuse.
i would never accept to go to their kangaroo court.
I think I would have a good time going, loaded with two tape recorders and a sharp mind. I would be super reasonable and start sharing one or two doubts that has been bugging me and try having them explain their individual rationalizations to me and listen to the inconsistencies. (did that already with one elder, it was hilarious,unfortunately I forgot to tape it) I think the entertainment value would be well worth it, a pleasant way to spend a evening. Then I would post the conversation on the internet and email to everyone in the congo so others can hear it. In my old congo, I know that they are losing people slowly as more friends avail themselves to the stuff thats on the internet. One sister recently found out about the pedophile scandal and she is trying to come to grips with it but seems to be having a hard time. The organization is reaping it's own fruitage.
there many to choose from --------------how about .
" millions now living will soon be dead" (with no hope of a resurrection)--------------that means your unbaptized freinds and family members.
"how we have created god in our image" (jealous, hatedful, petty).
Or my all time favorite 'DIE, DIE, DIE' District Convention 2007