All I can say is you guys are a riot!!
I am definately enjoying this forum!!
ok - i'm still fairly new here so don't throw tomatoes......... but what is the "unseen apostate directorate" that i see on some of your signature lines?
i'm curious.
All I can say is you guys are a riot!!
I am definately enjoying this forum!!
Way to go MrMoe!!
I quit last Saturday - but I've had two slips (a couple cig's on Monday night when I went out with my friends, and I bummed one yesterday).
It is definately hard!! This is about quite try number one million twenty seven - but I'm determined!!
Keep posting and let me know how you're doing - it's encouraging to me!!
why did jesus do miracles?.
it is alledged that some 2000 years ago a man claimed to be the son of god , or even god himself (depends what religion you are).. in order to give some weight to his cliam he did some miracles, cured a few lepers, made a slap up lunch out of some fish and bread, and took a walk on some water.. all this to prove he was gods son.. but to prove it to who?.
if you ask a witness why god doen't perform miracles today , what do they say.. we don't need miracles today we have it all written in the bible.. der.
Hi Sleepy:
There are a lot of miracles that still happen today, we just don't pay attention to most of them. Which is really too bad. But I have heard of some really great ones (people being healed in unexplained manners, etc).
Also - there were times when even Jesus could not perform miracles because of the lack of faith (see Mark 6:4-5). I'm not sure how that relates to today - I just thought it was an interesting trivial fact when I came across it - I thought Jesus could do anything at any time.
I decided to do some research a while back because I was sure that the entire bible was a fake. I'm glad I did the research, because I found out the opposite! If you want to research that issue, check out the findings of the Dead Sea scrolls and the book of Isaiah - did you know that book contains about 300 prophecies about Jesus and can be proven it was written prior to his birth? Pretty amazing miracle there!
ok - i'm still fairly new here so don't throw tomatoes......... but what is the "unseen apostate directorate" that i see on some of your signature lines?
i'm curious.
Ok - I'm still fairly new here so don't throw tomatoes........
but what is the "Unseen Apostate Directorate" that I see on some of your signature lines? I'm curious.
after reading a number of posts it sounds like most of you have been shunned even by your immediate family members (parents, brothers, sisters)after you were df'd.. i am shunned by my sister-in-law - but she's it out of the entire family.
my uncle, brothers, mother, and father (an elder before he passed away) all continued to associate with me - we even go out to dinners together.. so here's my question - is my family the minority?
i thought that only non-family members had to shun you but family was ok as long as they don't discuss spiritual issues.
After reading a number of posts it sounds like most of you have been shunned even by your immediate family members (parents, brothers, sisters)after you were DF'd.
I am shunned by my sister-in-law - but she's it out of the entire family. My Uncle, brothers, mother, and father (an elder before he passed away) all continued to associate with me - we even go out to dinners together.
So here's my question - Is my family the minority? I thought that only non-family members had to shun you but family was ok as long as they don't discuss spiritual issues. Can I have a tally from ya'll?
my dog died today.... and i am very sad.
i got him as a 7 week old puppy 11 years ago and i loved him dearly.. i brought him to the vet.
to be put to sleep, that was so hard, but he had diabetes, had lost at least 25 pounds in the last 3 months, drank gallons and gallons of water, woke me up 2 or 3 times during the night to go out, could barely walk anymore, and he was blind...
Hi Celia:
I'm so sorry. I know how hard it is to loose a pet you love so much!!
im sorry for filling up the boards with my mindless ramblings but, being new here, i have to so much to ask.. recently, two of my good friends were disfellowshipped.
i feel bad for them because they were raised as jws and now their relationship with their family and friends will cease to exist, but i also feel like this is the optimal time to talk to them about the truth.
ive told them both that i love them and that i dont care what standing they are in, but all they want is to get reinstated and become pioneers to prove that they love jehovah just as much as everyone else.
Hi Sunflower:
Well - first of all you do have a little time. The JW's generally will not re-instate before at least 6 months have passed.
You don't want to jump on them immediately, that will just scare them off and they won't listen to you. You'll need to plant seeds a little at a time.
First - ask them why they think they got disfellowshipped - I mean, what was the real underlying reason that caused them to loose their "spirituality". It may take them some time to really pinpoint what it was. Then go from there.
For example - if they say they lost it because they weren't studying enough, bring up some topics they may be interested in and offer to research them together. If they refuse - ask them why, and ask for a "biblical" answer - not a Watchtower answer.
Or if they say they spent too much time in extra-curricular activites- ask them why they believe that would cause them to loose their spirituality - couldn't they spend time on outside activities and use those as opportunitieis to develop relationships with people who could be witnessed to?? Why couldn't they do witnessing in that format - why must it be only door-to-door activitiy?
Hopefully you can see where I'm going with this. Use their particular circumstances as a place to start - but don't over-do it. And be sure to let them know that you will be their friend no matter what they decide - unlike the JW's!!
well, to bring you guys up to speed, here is what happend this weekend.
i told my wife how i was feeling and why i didn't believe the wt was not god's org.
it went pretty bad.
Here's my little coin of advice.
John 16:23-24 Jesus says you can ask for anything in his name and it will be given to you.
Pray and ask that he open your eyes to the truth and that he make the truth plain to you. Then do your research - with an open mind.
Jesus will make the answer clear to you. This is a decision you will need to make on your own - and it is an important one so be sure to do your research.
shunning is really what the watchtower society is all about.. every religion has moral codes, doctrines, taboos, etc.. it is the deliberate psychological manipulation of people through social sanction that makes jehovah's witnesses different than any other religion.. yes, other religious people shun people but only witnesses institutionalize shunning.. it must be defeated.. joel
Count me in!!
I very recently came to the same decision as Elsewhere - I'm not playing their little game with their rules any longer. When I see a JW I used to know (and want to talk to ) I smile, say Hi, and start up a conversation. It's really amazing how many of them are talking with me even though they're not supposed to. Some wont' respond and try to avoid you (which makes the next encounter all the more fun for me ).
And passing on these stories to my friends over a beer is a riot!!
just had to fill ya'll in on my latest here.
as you know, i have been df'd for about 10+ yrs, but all of my extended family are still jw's.
i sent one of my family members an e-mail with some questions (although i posed it as questions from me, they were actually a "seed" for this person to research the truth).
Just had to fill ya'll in on my latest here.
As you know, I have been df'd for about 10+ yrs, but all of my extended family are still JW's. I sent one of my family members an e-mail with some questions (although I posed it as questions from me, they were actually a "seed" for this person to research the truth). This family member couldn't answer them (which I knew they couldn't answer it and stay within watchtower doctrine) - so they forwarded the e-mail on to an elder.
Well guess what - the elder e-mailed me and wants me to submit my letter for reinstatement as soon as possible. What the ???? I was floored!! Apparently they feel that since I am asking these questions I must be searching for the "truth" again?!!
I decided not to respond as I don't want to push this to a point where my family can no longer have contact with me. They still talk to me and I have been able to do some witnessing myself about the true gospel - I don't want to blow that opportunity.
I'm wondering if the elders will pursue it. Has anyone else out there been in a situation similar to this that could offer some advice?