apocrypha: There are actually two completely different "codes" that sometimes get confused.
When people use the term "bible codes" most individuals are thinking of the much publicized and debunked issue that was raised a few years ago.
However, there are older and well established codes found in the Torah (first five books of the bible) that have been accepted for years by many of the Jewish rabbis.
As for the society accepting anything of this nature - you can forget that! I pointed out some of these Torah codes that I found interesting to my father (elder) - his comment?! "Well - if it was true then we would have heard this from the society" (hmmmm). So what happens when the society does eventually come out with new light - like the interpretation of a "generation" as it applies to the 1914 doctrine??!! Is it possible then that the society does not always have the complete and accurate truth?! That perhaps there is some information out there that has not yet come to "light" that an individual studying the bible and researching may find in advance of the society?!
If the society did not have the complete "light" about the generation doctrine 15 years ago - how can I be sure they're right now?