Right on puffsrule!!
You may HAVE a penis metatron - but do you HAVE CONTROL of it?
i dedided to post this topic based upon the thread started by jt concerning the latest qfr in a recent watchtower concerning the submission of women.. i've made this point before in a post that in the beginning, according to the bible, god gave both men and women a curse - men to work the fields in sweat making a living, which today entails more than working fields.
and women to experience an increase in birth pains along with their husbands dominating them.
well these days, women have to meet men half way on their curse, because it seems that most families cannot make a living without the woman working.
Right on puffsrule!!
You may HAVE a penis metatron - but do you HAVE CONTROL of it?
firstly may i thank all those who took the time and effort to respond to my post on the subject of circuit overseers and corruption?.
the majority of your replies were very well balanced, and i do take the point that not all c/os were or are indeed corrupt, and that there are sincere and genuine brothers out there.
with regard to my new topic, i encountered some very strange thinking from bethel, than what was actually contained within the printed pages of the awake magazine.
Since Welfare benefits are limited to 5 years per a lifetime (Welfare Reform Act) it will be interesting to see what happens when the first group of 5 year recipients hit their mark (later this year)!!
from tonight's school.. the instruction speaker started to discuss john 3:16 and said that the world that god loved was those who came out of the world, i.e.
the witnesses.
he indicated that this was brought out at last year's district assembly?
"interpreting" John 3:16 in this way is another example of how the society places themselves between man and Jesus. Jesus' sacrifice doesn't apply to you unless you join the Watchtower Society - it's not simply believing and accepting him.
from tonight's school.. the instruction speaker started to discuss john 3:16 and said that the world that god loved was those who came out of the world, i.e.
the witnesses.
he indicated that this was brought out at last year's district assembly?
So if we read on to John 3:19...
3:19 And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
...so if the "world" is those that came out of the "world" (aka World of Witnesses), then who are the men in that "World of Witnesses" that so loved the darkness?
hmmmmmmmm any comments???
as many people already know, using the term "the truth" to describe an organization's teachings is a brilliant way to constantly reaffirm it's validity subconsciously.
it's a great use of repetition to establish as fact that which is only opinion.. i keep hearing the phrase "the friends".
aside from the fact that i really don't like the terminology, i couldn't help but wonder if this isn't just another use of repetition and loaded language to enforce the belief that all of the people who share the same religion actually are your friends.. in some ways, i think it would be beneficial for some folks to drop "the truth" and "the friends" from their vocabulary so that they aren't continuing to immerse themselves in group-lingo that's intended to elicit certain emotional responses and associations.. what other loaded language can you come up with that is quasi-specific to jehovah's witnesses?
Matty - thanks for the laugh. Oh man.......that is tooooo funny!!!
as many people already know, using the term "the truth" to describe an organization's teachings is a brilliant way to constantly reaffirm it's validity subconsciously.
it's a great use of repetition to establish as fact that which is only opinion.. i keep hearing the phrase "the friends".
aside from the fact that i really don't like the terminology, i couldn't help but wonder if this isn't just another use of repetition and loaded language to enforce the belief that all of the people who share the same religion actually are your friends.. in some ways, i think it would be beneficial for some folks to drop "the truth" and "the friends" from their vocabulary so that they aren't continuing to immerse themselves in group-lingo that's intended to elicit certain emotional responses and associations.. what other loaded language can you come up with that is quasi-specific to jehovah's witnesses?
While we're at it....what use was the "written review" - did anyone learn anything anyways??? Ok - so I'm rambling now
as many people already know, using the term "the truth" to describe an organization's teachings is a brilliant way to constantly reaffirm it's validity subconsciously.
it's a great use of repetition to establish as fact that which is only opinion.. i keep hearing the phrase "the friends".
aside from the fact that i really don't like the terminology, i couldn't help but wonder if this isn't just another use of repetition and loaded language to enforce the belief that all of the people who share the same religion actually are your friends.. in some ways, i think it would be beneficial for some folks to drop "the truth" and "the friends" from their vocabulary so that they aren't continuing to immerse themselves in group-lingo that's intended to elicit certain emotional responses and associations.. what other loaded language can you come up with that is quasi-specific to jehovah's witnesses?
What other loaded language can you come up with that is quasi-specific to Jehovah's Witnesses?
Too funny....I was just thinking about these yesterday - here's some more that are specific to JW's or have a different meaning to a JW.
(1) the world
(2) clergy (bad word in JW terms)
(3) mother (used to reference the organization)
and a few you'll never hear in a JW teaching:
(1) rapture
(2) grace
nobody here wants to lived in the new earth aka the coming earthly paradise?
nothing in the bible is symbolic, because saying things that are symbolic in the bible, is like calling jehovah a liar, god would not write something like in the bible, then out of no where, it really means something else... example: 144,000, some people said's that's symbolic, lol yea right.... .
anyway it seems like no one here wants to lived in the new earth, my question is why?
So nothing in the bible is symbolic? Sounds good to me. But remember - that means that the 144,00 are actually Isrealites, not a spiritual Isreal, but genetically linked to the original 12 tribes of Isreal. Oh....and I almost forgot.....they're virgins!!
I'll start looking for the harlot riding the scarlot colored beast right away - should be much easier to find now that I know it's literal - think I'll start in Vegas!! Maybe I'll find the dragon with 10 heads there too!!
Silly Silly U2 - you crack me up!!
PS - Yes, I am looking forward to God's promises. But I can almost bet you that we would disagree on what those promises are!!
it probably sounds crazy to post this on a forum where "alias" individuals will respond - but i really would like to hear from some of you who may have been in this situation before.. i'm at a cross roads in my marriage and need to decide whether to stay or leave.. long story short:.
hubby is basically a good man - good father, but i am not happy.
i have not been for a long time now.
Thank you all so much for your comments - I just can't tell you enough how much it helps to hear back from people who aren't biased (ie: our immediately family & friends here).
Marilyn - you're right! I have suffered from self esteem and was raised by a very domineering father. So I need to take an honest look at how many of these problems are my fault for allowing it.
Francois - what a wonderful post! I guess I was starting to get all wrapped up in my own feelings and forgetting about focussing on the kids.
I went to Barnes & Noble tonight and bought a couple of marriage books. Adonai - thanks, I'm going to purchase that book also.
Counseling almost everyone recommended this so I am calling around tomorrow to find a good marriage counselor.
Again - thanks so much. I don't know what will happen down the road, but at least tonight I now have a small idea about what to do. I've got a direction to go in - earlier today I was so lost I couldn't do anything but go to bed and cry! You guys have been a life saver.
it probably sounds crazy to post this on a forum where "alias" individuals will respond - but i really would like to hear from some of you who may have been in this situation before.. i'm at a cross roads in my marriage and need to decide whether to stay or leave.. long story short:.
hubby is basically a good man - good father, but i am not happy.
i have not been for a long time now.
It probably sounds crazy to post this on a forum where "alias" individuals will respond - but I really would like to hear from some of you who may have been in this situation before.
I'm at a cross roads in my marriage and need to decide whether to stay or leave.
Long story short:
Hubby is basically a good man - good father, but I am not happy. I have not been for a long time now. I feel like he has all the say on what we do, who we do it with, etc. etc. - he's very self centered.
So I don't feel like there's any part of me that I can really share with him - he doesn't want to hear about the JW thing, isn't interested in my work, etc. etc. etc.
I love him - but I'm not in love with him any longer. Divorce might be a good option for me - but I don't know that it would be a good option for the kids - they have a stable home environment right now.
Anyone else out there go through these doubts? What do you do when your own wants/desires/needs are so far apart from that of your kids?