"pointed shape for easy entry, right size for the human mouth"
i don't know how i ever doubted that intelligent design was correct!
after watching a video involving kirk cameron, i now see the error of my ways, and will be tithing 50% of my income to the church every month out of contrition.. .
you want to know the mighty argument that changed my views, and my life, forever?
"pointed shape for easy entry, right size for the human mouth"
thanks to all the people that contributed!
On the contrary, we welcome you and your comments. I think it was told to you that it's mostly exJW here out of kindness -- so that you know you may not be agreed with in some of your opinions. You warned up there a bit about not obeying the FDS and being on an apostate site, we just want you to know that that is where you are as well...
So, could you tell us your story? What brought you here? How long have you been in the Truth?
thanks to all the people that contributed!
why you have decided not to obey the "faithful discreet slave" class and are on an apostate site?
Why are you?
i got an email back from an elder this morning and it looks like the boe is going to treat my email as a letter of disassociation.
he said he was sad but would forward my email to the congregation that currently has my publishers card.
this wonderful elder also took the liberty of calling a brother that im really close to and told him about my email, he also sent him a copy (this brother is not an elder!).
Big ((((hugs)))) lola. I've been following this for quite some time and have felt your pain. WTS sucks, no doubt. And it's so frustrating that people in it choose loyalty to a man-made idol over family and friendship ties.
Hang in there.
i don't know what's wrong with me, i am so tired and feel like falling asleep, please help keep me awake!.
Cyber Mt Dew coming at ya!
Cloudy and gross here, too.. after lunch... getting sleepy myself, but have to be here at work for only another hour and 16 minutes. Not that I'm watching the clock.
no dotrinal question could shake me, but it was a personal one, out in service that started my initial doubts.
a man asked me: 'are you really happy?
' i couldn't say, 'no, i'm miserable' but i thought it was a powerful question, anyone else asked something that really shook them?
hey Mahju, welcome! Stick around.... read... learn...
I remember that WT study, it was one of my last. I remember feeling so angry at it, at the whole article. I was raised "worldly", so do have a 'higher education' and thank goodness I do or my kids wouldn't eat. Had I been scrubbing toilets, I would STILL be waiting for the legendary (legend in the sense that it hasn't happened to anyone that *I* know, so it's just a ... legend) bag of groceries on my step, lunch money for the kids, gas money etc etc from the 'friends'. They hadn't been supportive through my whole separation and so on, why expect them to start anytime soon. When that article was done and I was thoroughly pissed off, I turned to the kids and told them "you WILL not work at Burger King or Walmart, you WILL get an education." I harped on them all the way home. :) But that wasn't the first they'd heard of it. I never did agree with the WT view on "higher education" (in another 20 years, and there are all these dumb JW, who are they gonna use for WT lawyers and HLC??). I agree with you when you said that the poor and uneducated are easier to control. The WT fills the "needs" that they would have otherwise been able to fulfill had they gotten an education... Keep 'em dumb, "follow the leader over the cliff" sheep. That Joe guy in the article -- I'm sure he's very empty.
/off soapbox
this symbol appeared in an easter egg when we dyed it on easter morning.
it was not drawn on!
does anybody know what it means?
oooh, that hen's butt has GOT to be aching after that square egg...
You'll need to upload the pic to a hosting URL, then link it to here for us to see.
all right you guys.... i discovered this wonderful, helpful, supportive site of unconditional acceptance a month ago.
since then, i've read miles of posts, bookmarked countless reference sites, downloaded all of sol's stuff... and obviously, as well, have sacrificed a bit of my usual gym time for my healing, as i've seemed to have added about 6-7 pounds to my ass.
aaaarrrgghhh... but they're happy pounds.
All right you guys.... I discovered this wonderful, helpful, supportive site of unconditional acceptance a month ago. Since then, I've read miles of posts, bookmarked countless reference sites, downloaded all of SoL's stuff... and obviously, as well, have sacrificed a bit of my usual gym time for my healing, as I've seemed to have added about 6-7 pounds to my ass. aaaarrrgghhh... But they're happy pounds. I guess.
So, with that, I'm turning OFF my computer right now and going to go do a few crunches. errmmm, wait... a new post I gotta read first...
yeee haaa!
i'm an outlaw now!
the elders warned me that if any i talk about anything said in the judicial committee or post any pictures i've taken, i'm in big trouble and i don't want these people as enimies!
Does any one realize here that this is wrong.
What do you mean by wrong? Being "jw", do you mean SoL's recording this? (and wrong only according to some Pharisee type "law" of not recording a JC. Show me a scripture for THAT.) Or that the committee is wrong. (very very wrong) on sooo many things. That's where I lean...
Yes no doubt Jw elders make human errors and did the apostles but jee whiz God forgave them and made stuff right! Why are ya'll not doing that?
Perhaps I'm a little jaded with my own experiences with "loving, helpful" elders, but I don't grant forgiveness until an apology is given... and 'stuff made right'.
my co worker tammy(not her real name) was disfellowshipped twice once in 2002 and again in 2005. she was reinstated for a second time in jan 2006 but i recently found out from her that she is having an "affair" with a non jw's man at our job.
tammy wants to go to the elders but she is afraid that they will df'd her for the 3rd time.
i been talking to her telling her not to go to the elders but she keeps telling me that she feels so guilty and that she does not want to get destroyed by jehovah at armaggeddon.
I'm thinking her chances of being DF again are pretty much 100%. They're going to bring up the "pattern" word... and being the third time, they will probably question her repentance since it was only 5 months ago she was RI. The elders don't have any 'time frame' ("statute of limitations" haha). They have their own rules.
Bring her to JWD.