I became a dub at age 20-ish, married a dub, lived the dub life until a few months ago when I DA'd. So, what I missed out on was having a LIFE in my 20's, starting with marrying the wrong person. There are more "worldly" guys out there with greater integrity, loyalty etc than the idiot I married thinking that the marriage would "just work" because it was Jah-blessed. WItness marriages never go wrong if ya put J first, ya know.
I missed out on FUN summer vacations, wasting money and time instead on conventions.
I missed out on doing fun stuff with friends (wanna go get a drink after work Rach?) as it was "bad association".
I missed out on giving my kids b-day parties and presents. Same for Christmas and any other "kid" holiday.
I missed out on good TV... Friends, ER were on Thursday nights...
I missed out on a LOT of family gatherings, which is the thing that hurts the most. (My family isn't JW) They get together for July 4th, Xmas and any birthdays that they can. I opted out for so many years... and missed so much.
I have a lot of regrets, but trying to not dwell on it but move forward... Jumping into the "World" with both feet and it's not only enjoyable out here, but just ... nice. So, although I've missed out on a LOT of things (even as an adult), there is still much time to live life.