The Pharisees are at it again.
Posts by merfi
July 15 2006 WT - Uncleanness - disfellowshp?- details
by BluesBrother in.
hope the scans show up ok.. the article is presented as it comes, for your own assessment.
you could not make this stuff up!
Saturday District Convention notes: Don't research JW's online!!!!
by truthseeker inwith two thirds of my sentence complete, i am almost ready for parole.. there was some unbelievable stuff said today - i think there must be some sort of hallucinogenic gas coming through the ac, because no one batted an eyelid over what was said from the platform.. as usual, i will highlight the main talks.. .
"deliver us from the wicked one and from every sort of lawlessness" - matt 6:13, titus 2:14. .
Then he says, "What's this? Negative talk about the Governing Body? I don't need this, the society mentioned about apostates opposing us on the Internet. I think I'll go to the official website of the Watchower"
If I'd heard this presented this way, I'd have been the first to go running to the internet to check it out. It doesn't out and say "do NOT go on the internet and research JW... apostates linger and lie there... do not 'associate' with apostates...". It isn't commanded, but leaves it somewhat open to discernment. Also, negative talk about the GB?? That would make me more curious than the usual blah blah rhetoric about "against JW".Hopefully it's the same script in all conventions and it will pique curiosity.
...and if you've never eaten
by merfi in"natural" peanut butter -- don't!!!
it has got to be the most foulest tasting crap ever made.. .
so much for that healthy idea.
"natural" peanut butter -- DON'T!!! It has got to be the most foulest tasting crap ever made.
So much for THAT healthy idea. *wiping tongue* Blech.
Heading back to the cupboard for my Jif -- full of who-knows-what, lotsa fat and thank goodness -- FLAVOR.
Should I make a stink about this or not?
by merfi ini've been working at the same hospital since 1991. a jw chick is hired this past january.
the hospital friends have been and are my support system as well as my 'team'.. a nurse friend played stupid last week and talked to the jw girl.
the jw asked her what religion she was.
I've been working at the same hospital since 1991. A JW chick is hired this past January. The hospital friends have been and are my support system as well as my 'team'.
A nurse friend played stupid last week and talked to the JW girl. The JW asked her what religion she was. She said agnostic b/c she sees so much hypocrisy blah blah in religions, then she told her that a friend of hers (me, but didn't say who) went thru a really tough time, and when needed support the most, the church wasn't there. And that that was mean an un-Christian. JW asked nurse what religion she (me) was? She told her JW, so she figured out it was me. So then it came about that the JW said that "there are ways of returning, changes needed to be made to be welcomed back". In the conversation, it was brought out that I was DF... nurse asked "why??" (knowing that I'd DA'd). The JW said, lowering her voice, "fornication...." aarrrggghhh, friggin GGGGRRRRR!!!!! She then gave the info that I'd "fornicated" with another JW, and "yeah, we know who" (JW chick again).
So, I've been slandered... yes? First of all, I DA'd, I was NOT DF'd (although close, and yeah, they woulda DFd me had I not DAd, but technicalities ). The "official" reason I am "no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses" is because I CHOSE not to be, not because the damn cult kicked me out. So, the JW chick is lying.. speculating based on bits and pieces, then saying it is, in my book, slander (esp when it's applied to me! lol). And, to be now labeled as a "fornicator" to my friends and workmates... even if it is by a half-crocked JW dipshit... makes me just mad. All my work buddies pretty much know my story and are non-judgemental. The word "fornicator" doesn't strike fear and judgement into them, it probably just makes the JW look like a self-righteous beeatch that she is.
And really, this isn't that big of a deal to me as I know who my friends are... but this gives me an opportunity to poke a stick at my shunners, if even a small one. And that's why I can't quite decide if I want to do this or not -- worth my time?
What I'd like to do is write her a note (a real one, not work email), saying something along the lines of "slander in the workplace" "first and last warning before legal action can and will be taken" as well as re-emphasizing that I am indeed DA, not DF and a short synopsis of WHY I DA.
I may let myself calm down a bit before deciding what to do... but in the meantime, all input welcome, be it "don't bother" or ideas of what to put in the note.
Thanks apostafriends.
~merfi -
Scriptures You Won't Hear at the 04-06-06 Church Sermon.
by scout575 in"in their greed they will exploit you with fabrications, but from of old their condemnation has not been idle, and their destruction does not sleep.
" ( 2 peter 2:3 ).
"the present heavens and earth have been reserved by the same word for fire, kept for the day of judgment and of destruction of the godless.
**snaps back to present**
Geez, I just felt like I was back in my JC where destruction of the bad was the theme for me ("Rachel, if you were in Israel times, you would be dead")... nice.
Funny, now I see how it was the pot calling the kettle black.
Well, trippin down memory lane to 1996.... I had a 3 year old and a fresh 2 month old. We had the CBS in our house. I think I remember studying pretty good at that time -- trying, really trying to be that spiritual type. Three years later I'd stumble on the ajwrb site... seeds planted. 7 years later, DA -- free at last.
Sometimes I wish I could go back and do it all over again with what I know now...
personal finances and conventions
by snarf indid anyone ever experience financial hardships due to the hotel stays and meals from going to assemblies and conventions?
when i was a single mom it practically wiped me out, providing shelter and 3 meals a day for my daughter and myself.
thank god for credit cards at the time, i charged basically everything...had to.
Ooooooh yes. And that's the OTHER reason I'm not going this year. The first being that I really don't feel like being shunned by 7,000 of my closest "friends" for three hot, crammed-in-stadium-chair, numb-assed, brain-emptying days.
But anyway -- yes, I always had trouble scraping up enough money for the hotel, the food and the gas to get there (three hours away). I'm a single mom of three, so this whole event was more of a nightmare than a "spiritual banquet".
Got pierced?
by Mysterious ina shameless spinoff of the tattoo thread i admit, but i didn't want to hijack it.
what piercings were "allowed" and not allowed in your area, what have you got, when did you get it, and what do you think of piercings now that you are no longer a jw?.
where i lived the rule was no piercings at all for men with no exceptions.
you're better off without peroxide or alcohol both irriate the piercing and the new skin growing there
yep, exactly. Peroxide bubbles the crap out of the edges of the piercing, irritating it further and hindering healing. Alcohol burns and dries it out. I didn't follow any guidelines, per se, just kept it clean and dry. A week of swimming in the ocean a couple months after piercing probably helped some, I'd guess. I wasn't given any aftercare instructions as I did the piercing myself. (oh it's not as psycho as it sounds; I work in a hospital where we have lots of 14g needles and ... EMLA cream. )
"Im Hot"....................
by vitty, i mean im hot...........................tempreture hot....................ok , ok im "hot" too.....cant help it
so how do i sleep...........................summer is here thats great ..........but with it comes the mosquitoes,, heat and nooooooooooo sleep
Hot here also. And my A/Cs are in my garage as I thought I was going to move this past winter and threw them out there. No man around here and the friggin things weigh about 100 pounds. So, TG for a fan or two...
Who has Tattoos?
by Good Girl or Bad Girl? inhey y'all,.
how many of you have tattoos, and if so what are they?
what is the meaning, if any, behind them?
I got my first one in Feb '04. Yep, DF at the time so felt that it didn't really matter, I sucked spiritually anyway so why not... It's two pawprints by my right hip. My second one was in May '05. Not DF, but not really caring either what people thought of me. It's a wirey cat in my mid back. My pawprints, I sort of designed myself but the cat I got from a flash site. It wasn't 6 months later and Baby Phat perfume came out with yep, that cat as part of its logo. Argh.