does anyone know if the latest kingdom ministry school textbook is online somewhere?
Do you mean the BE book (the maroon one whose title escapes me)? If you need a certain page of that, I can send it to you.
or cookies.. or pie.. or somethin... i was grocery shopping sunday.. went past the cake mix / pudding/ baking needs aisle and thought hmmmmmm if i buy it i'll eat i took the moral high ground and didnt buy anything..... now 2 days later... i want my cake!!!.
betty crocker where are you?.
(i know i'm old..but those confetti cake mixes that are supposed to be for kids?..
Little Debbie anything... mmm.....
Just wrote my "review"... hope they take it.
happy independance day!!!!
i just made my reservations at the emergency room, so i won't be stuck in the lobby for hours listening to all that crying and whining.
BSoM -- thank you!! It's just perfect outside, too, to sit back and relax. I work in the lab, so my job involves... poking people with needles. lol I do love it though -- been in it since '91 and really can't think of anything I'd rather do. The hospital that I work at is small, so there really is a team feeling to taking care of our patients.
Seahart -- yeah, nice word choice. Witness.. *shudder* Take care of yourself today, ok?
happy independance day!!!!
i just made my reservations at the emergency room, so i won't be stuck in the lobby for hours listening to all that crying and whining.
Hey Juni,
Nah, 1.5x plus evening shift diff. woo hoo. July 4th is always NUTS at my hospital. Crazy drunk people, blowing parts up and eyes out... gotta love it. :)
Seahart -- Fiji is my JWD hideout... I'm really in Iowa. And yeah, I know it's a ways from Washington... I was just reaching out to my apostate brother. lol
...really just kinda miffed that I can't join the festivities today...
happy independance day!!!!
i just made my reservations at the emergency room, so i won't be stuck in the lobby for hours listening to all that crying and whining.
Hey Seahart! I'm working this evening, so if you happen to blow anything off or need a bag of fluid, stitches etc in Iowa, I'll let you right in our ER!
Happy 4th!!
1st Independent Indepence Day!
this photo (taken from a jw group on aol) is quite typical of jw marriage matches.
don't get me wrong, i'm sure they are great people as far as jws go.
but, it made me think.
OMG, that looks like a couple I know... Silas and Becky?
when i was a witness, i was told that a responsible witness purchased a car that was able to be used in field service.
as an example, it would have four doors to allow easy entry for a car group of 4 to 6 people.
it was something that was not to showy, meaning it was not a lexus or something that would make it seem that witnesses were materialistic, especially when working a poor part of the community.
Um, that would be a big fat no. HELL no, even. I drive a jeep. A two-door (when they're on), topless (the JEEP!) blue piece of heaven that is my therapy. And I got hassled about it endlessly... "Sister, have you thought of getting something more "practical?"" "No, Brother Buick. Practical would be demonstrated when I have to pull your 4-door out of a snow-drift..."
yesterday i found out from my husband who works with my mom's neighbor, that my sister is pregnant with her third child.
lately my husband and i keep getting this feeling that something is up with the family.
what i am really not understanding is .... .
It still hurts. And it still sucks. And I still have days I want to whine and mope and get mad.
Me too, BSoM... me too. That's when my brother or mom gets an earful on the phone or an eyeful on messenger, or my jeep gets reeeeallly dirty (or clean), or I get a great workout at the gym. It numbs the crap in my head and my heart and chases it a bit further away. It ain't easy, this escape. We can do it. :)
pouring a glass for you and me (clinking glasses) - let's toast to MENTAL FREEDOM! this side is soooo much better to be on.....
Adding my glass... Mental freedom is amazing. ~merfi