I've thought about this now and then.... I have a lot of different dates that I'd 'go back' to, for different reasons. The main date that I'd go back to would be somewhere in August of 1990. This is when my then-boyfriend, now ex-husband chose me out of two of us that he was 'dating'. Oh I was soooo lucky, the chosen one. It wasn't a good way to start a marriage and obviously his cheating ways didn't end with the 'courtship' phase... I remember during that summer having a conversation with my dad about all this two-timing crap that was happening. He said "a leopard doesn't change its spots" A 21yo know-it-all, I just blew it off. But he was right.
HOWEVER -- if I was to undo all the time in between 1990 and now, yes, I'd undo the JW years, the messed up years of marriage and a lot of turmoil that goes with both of those things, but I'd also not have my three little people, be at the job I love, have the friends I have and be falling all-soul and all-heart in [I haven't said this out loud yet] love with someone who completes my whole life....
So while there are a lot of regrets in the past 15 or so years, there's also a lot of things learned, overcome and enjoyed, and I probably at this point would leave the hands of time right where they're at.