This "miracle" isn't either JW, or Mormon based, it comes from an autobiography written by my wife's great-grandfather. I believe he was Presbyterian, but not sure. I do know that he professed to be a Christian. He fought in the Civil War on the Union side and was captured and imprisoned at Andersonville. I'm sure most of us have heard or read of the atrocities at that prison. Men were dying everyday of various diseases from the terrible living conditions they were forced to live in, including filthy drinking water contaminated by human waste. I've looked this story up on the internet, and have found that some feel it's untrue. However, because my wife's ancestor wrote about it close to one hundred years ago, long before the internet, I have to feel it has some merit as being a true story, or miracle if one chooses to believe in miracles. Anyway, as I mentioned, many of the men in the camp were sick and dying from the horrors of having to drink contaminated water. A group of men got together and held a prayer meeting, praying to God for help and deliverance from the water. If I remember the story correctly, the next day, a Sunday, a fresh spring opened up in the camp, from which poured pure, clean drinking water. The men incarcerated there felt it was a blessing from God in answer to their prayers. It might have been chance, or it might have been a miracle. I choose to believe it was a miracle. As such, it would show that God does answer prayers that are offered up to him through his Son, Jesus Christ. And that you don't need to be a JW or Mormon to be blessed. I realize here, that there are going to be those who will ask, "but why doesn't God answer other prayers, offered up through his son"? I cannot answer that question.
JoinedPosts by ramtrucker
Unexplained Mormon "miracles"...Unexplained JW "miracles"
by FormerMormon inok... lets get the ribbing aside.
our mormon "miracles" are more unexplainable than yours.... one of the many tools used by the morg to keep it's members active is the use of faith promoting stories involving apparent miracles... or the unexplainable.
there are unexplainable stories even in my own family.
The Watchtower art department strikes again!!! LOL
by cultswatter inplease have a look at the white horse on page 91 of rev climax book(the horse that jesus is riding).
this horse is what a horse should look like.
(don't look at it too long or you may be tempted) now look at the same white horse on page 23 of the feb 15th 2008 wt.
I don't see much wrong with the horse's right leg in the 2nd picture. The knee might be considered to be a bit knobby. (sort of like mine) It is drawn (pulled) up tight similar to the way a horse might pull it's front legs up in certain gaits, like Spanish horses are trained to do. The left leg in the first picture, from the Revelation book, looks a bit weird though. Almost as if it's twisted rather than stepping right out in a straight line. I guess it's all in one's perspective.
Guard Duty at KH
by Serg inas i am an faker/undercover apostate, for the first time ever im actually doing something to help the local kingdumb hall build, i had guard duty on sat.
so i get there and notice most of the already done new parking lot is empty except for a couple of bros conversating after a long day of holy work and some other minivan.
Reminds me about my Dad's new Kingdom Hall that was built this past year. He heard several comments about the fact that he didn't volunteer to help guard at the new building. He's 91 years old for crap's sake!
Showdown with the CO!
by erynw inupdate on my jw friend.
look here for the first episode.. this is kind of long but well worth the read!.
ok, so she comes over tonight and we start discussing the child abuse cover up.
Way to go. I tried to bring this up with my sister, still in the truff...I only made her mad and defensive. She claimed she'd never heard a word of anything about child molesting within the organization.
USA parts not worth visiting
by greendawn infor a tourist that intends to visit the usa and engage in travelling around and sightseeing, what places in that country would you advise will be a waste of time to visit?
I live in Washington State, and can recommend the Olympic Peninsula as have others. Of interest there is Clallam Bay, Port Angeles, and Sequim. Lake Crescent between Port Angeles and Forks is remarkable as well. Taking Highway 101 south, I'd recommend seeing ALL of the Washington Coast, as well as All of the Oregon Coastline. (Not just the southern part of Oregon's coastline) The North Cascades of Washington have much to offer. The Palouse Country of Eastern Washington is beautiful in Spring, Summer and Fall. Each season has it's own brand of beauty. Eastern Oregon has some beautiful areas as well. A drive down Highway 97 through Central Oregon to the California border is very scenic with views of many of the volcanic mountains of the Cascade Range. As far as the Midwest goes, yes there are flat areas...but there are also many little surprises. The North Dakota Badlands are a must see. Driving across North Dakota in the spring and early summer can be rewarding. There are thousands of small lakes in those rolling, "flat lands". Wisconsin has vistas for the traveler also...with green farms and dairys spotted across the land, it's an interesting drive. Upstate New York where Bethel is located is beautiful. One doesn't need to visit Bethel. LOL Missouri, especially in the Southwest Corner has Branson to visit, and Table Rock Lake as someone recommended. Coming back west from Missouri through to Colorado can be boring in some areas, but then there are the Rockies that will take your mind off boring. I must have slept through Utah on the couple of trips through there, but can recommend you visit Salt Lake City and it's Mormon Temple...Not that I recommend the Mormons...but it is awesome to see. Like some have said, it all depends on what you like to do. But I can guarantee you there is beauty to be seen, even in those Midwestern States.
Help needed,
by ramtrucker inmy nephew, recently was injured in a motorcycle accident.
he is a baptised witness.
he is facing surgery for a procedure to repair his back in at least two places where the spinal column is damaged.
Thank you, one and all for your help.
Help needed,
by ramtrucker inmy nephew, recently was injured in a motorcycle accident.
he is a baptised witness.
he is facing surgery for a procedure to repair his back in at least two places where the spinal column is damaged.
Hi all,
My nephew, recently was injured in a motorcycle accident. He is a baptised witness.
He is facing surgery for a procedure to repair his back in at least two places where the spinal column is damaged.
There is of course the blood issue. He is aware of the fact that he can use the fractions of blood if he wants, per his conscious per recent "new light".
The thing I need help with, is I recently read that the WTS has made it possible to utilize one's own blood, taken before the surgery and stored for however long it's necessary before he goes under the knife, and then used just like a transfusion.
I understand there's a Kingdom Ministry, printed last fall in either October or November 2006 dealing with this issue.
His mother is a Witness as is his paternal grandfather.
I called his grandfather, my father, aged 91 yesterday, knowing he has copies of the Kingdom Ministry that go back 20-30 years. My father said he probably had the copies I'm interested in, but was more interested in talking about his life.
I've talked with my sister about it, she probably has the same articles, but she says she's never read anything like that in one of the publications.
My hope is that one of the members of this forum will have the Kingdom Ministry that's supposed to have the article dealing with the blood issue, and can scan and post a copy of the article in question.
Thank you all for your interest and help.
Jerry -
Watchtower 1961= Funny sex advice women are cows and men are horney bulls!
by Witness 007 inat a young witnesses party i went to, someone read out this article to get some laughs...we laught so much a pioneer brother stormed out saying "we were dis-respecting the faithful slave.".
watch 61 p.766-767 question; "how can a girl guard against temptation in this sex-crazy world. answer to this question, we can learn about nature and sex from the bovine family of mammals, both wild and tame.
What a joke! Whomever wrote that response to the question must never have lived on a farm with cattle.
Bulls will "ride" other cows, including other male cows in an attempt to breed if they're allowed to range free with the rest of the cattle.
A female cow will often ride other cattle as well.
In fact, once on my father's dairy while he and I were out examining fences, a heifer, (young female cow) came up behind me, and tried to ride me!
I was knocked to the ground and damn near trampled. -
Whats the funniest thing you've ever seen happen in the KH?
by shell69 ini remember being a kid and we didnt have the fancy fabric seats, they were plastic stackable chairs all set out in the usual lines.. an elderly bro, rather rotund, farted, the noise so loud and thundering against the plastic seat!
or the time when i must have been about 7, my dad brought his bible study family to their first ever meeting, i had to sit on mums knee.
i recall giving the daughter of the new family a very vigorous v sign during the meeting.
This happened to me, back in the mid 1950s.
When around the age of 15, during a circuit assembly in Central Washington State, my best friend and I decided to get baptized. He is a few months younger than myself.
The assembly was held at a local high school, but the baptism itself was held at a local Kingdom Hall which was equipped with a baptism pool located inside the Hall.
As things turned out, my friend's father drove us to assembly that morning, and as usual for him, was late.
So late in fact that we missed the dedication talk at the assembly, and drove directly to the Kingdom Hall.
We walked into the Kingdom Hall and were the last ones there to be baptized that morning. The brothers had set up temporary dressing rooms made of a heavy paper stapled to a framework of 2 x 2s. Of course, everyone was in a hurry to be done.
After our dip in the baptism font, we hurried back to change into our street clothes.
I had just pulled off my swim trunks, preparing to pull on my undershorts when my friend, who was hopping around on one leg trying to pull his wet suit off, fell through the flimsy framework of the temporary stalls, tearing the whole thing down, and leaving me entirely exposed to the gaze of all those still visiting with each other in the main part of the hall.
I was totally embarrassed by the whole thing.
Even to this day when I drive by the location of that Kingdom Hall, I still remember my "exposure". -
..A new Creature in the Mountains..
by OUTLAW ini`ve lived in the b.c.
mountains most of my life..i`ve encountered a diverse range of wildlife..even one that is`nt supposed to exsist,except in legends and fairy tales.....i live in a different mountain range now,than i have in the`s either the north pole or a desert,depending on the time of year..the snow is near all gone and the desert is reclaiming the mountains.....i went to the general store for some supplys..a friggin 1hour round trip..i`m on my way home now..i get off the public road and start my way up,higher into the i get closer to the ranch..i see something cross the old wagon trail road,but i can`t make out what it looks strange though,i haven`t seen anything that shape up here..i slowly turn the corner so i don`t scare whatever it`s a bunch of wild turkeys!!
!..the females were a grey colour..the male was beautifull,with deep rich colours..he had a big fan of tail feathers just like a peacock..i mean this turkey was "pimped out!!
Outlaw; I did indeed dig deep to find this thread. I get to wandering around on this website, liking to read the experiences of others, and occasionally find something I like to share.
Juni; I do indeed like Dodge Trucks, although to be honest, I've owned a few Ford trucks. Never owned a General Motors truck tho.
Actually I'm an old diehard Mopar fan. I still have the '41 Plymouth Pickup my father bought brand new, in Eastern Oregon when I was 5 months old.