For years, at Circuit Assemblies especially, I have marveled at how few have been getting baptized. Figure 800 pubs in the circuit averaging 9 hrs per month for 6 months (the general span between assemblies) equals 43,200 hours combined for the circuit over the 6 month span. We average about 6 people baptized at each assembly, most of whom are born and raised as jws. Subtracting them, we average maybe 2 "new ones". So jws are devoting, in my area, 21,600 hours per new disciple every 6 months, on average, or 3,600 hours each month combined in field service on a monthly basis.
BTW, a few years back, we had ONE person baptized at a circuit assembly. The speaker gave the baptismal ('s always a bore), and was shocked to see only one person rise when it was time for the vow. It was rather comical at the time, but even then I thought, man, things are tough, all that time spent for one disciple.