Take care of yourself and your wife - sounds like you two really need each other right now.
JoinedPosts by Woofer
Apology to all
by wozadummy inthis is an apology to all for my recent posts, i did'nt mean to upset anyone .
just coping with leaving the org ,and the past ,and trying to support my wife who, as some know from my prevoius posts has tried to deal with her pedophile elder(past) father for many years now thru the org ,and then being badly treated by them and her large extended family (most are witnesses and are trying to silence her), made me hit rock bottom.
we are now taking action via the police and court system and she is barely coping ,and me being bi-polar does'nt help matters much and i fell into to an unreal state for a while as we don't have much support of any kind.
JW's speak about the method used to kill people at armageddon
by jambon1 injust how is it all going to happen?
i mean, you dont have to be a friggin rocket scientist to work out the logistics of 6 billion+ corpses on the face of the earth!
to be honest, i know its a lot of bullshit but it intrigues/angers me to think back to some of the ludicrous converstaions i overheard regarding the murder of 6 billion+ people in the 'near' future.
I remember being out in field service and if a particular person at the door was mean someone would say "their day is coming" or "they will get what's coming to them". They seemed smug about the comment too.
I put my dear old dog to sleep
by Jez inafter 2 months of old age and illness, 2 cancelled vet appts, hoping he would get better, tears, frustration, watching him not eat, throwing up, becoming skin and bones, justifying keeping him, i stuck to this morning's appointment.. he was with me for the last 12 years of my life and his life has been entwined in so many of the memories i have.. to tell you about him, would be an essay.
i just want everyone to know that he was so close to me.
in the end, i kissed him on his head, said, "good boy, you're a good boy" and he laid his head on my hands and went to sleep.. i love you and will miss your crazy dog ways.
So sorry!
My precious English Bulldog passed away in July of 2005. I have a pic of us on my desk. He was the sweetest!!! I still cannot bring myself to get another pet.
A reminder on Shunning family members again in the January 15th Watchtower!
by Gill injanuary 15th watchtower 2007 'remaining steadfast when a child rebels'.
'when discipline is severe'.
'if your child is unrepentant and is a baptized christian, he may receive the strongest form of discipline - being disfellowhipped from the congregation.
Are they having problems with parents not ignorning their d/f kids and associating with them? My mom just sent me the September Watchtower with the article "When a Loved one Leaves Jehovah" and now they are printing this bull again just a few months later??
What gives?
Field Service for Lazy People
by Nosferatu inhere's a great way to get your hours in every month: make a myspace page to spread the good news!.
This guy says he studies other religions . . then why is he still a dub?? You'd think if he was actually studying other religions that he would see what wacko's the JW's are.
What is the "new" public reproof annoucement for repentant sinners?
by booker-t ini have been out for so long now (da'ed in 1993) and i heard that jw's now have a "new" annoucement for disfellowshipping people.
no longer one of jw's.
but what about jw's that "repent" and want to stay as jw's what do the jw's elders say about them.
I remember growing up with this girl and she was announced as an "unapproved associate". I felt so bad for her. She was a nice girl, just in a bad situation. Her mom would go to the meetings and her dad was d/f. So when she probably needed association the most, she gets cut off.
I hate having JW parents.
by reneeisorym ini'll try to make this long story short.. in october ... about 3 days before i left for a trip my mother decided to have my cell phone cut off.
i've had my bill in my mom's name since i was 16 and have always paid it since i was old enough to work.
but .. out of pure spite, she cut off my phone.
I hate having JW parents too (and my whole family). My parents did not come to my wedding and they have never met my 4 year old daughter. It's a shame because they are missing out on so much.
Have you ever..................................?
by Outaservice inhave any of you ex-jw's ever been bitten by a dog out in the service?
have you ever found yourself in any other dangerous stiuation?
being shot at, beat up, attacked by a naked lady, psychopath demonized person, or..........................?????.
Not me personally, but my mom told me that when she was pregnant a woman at the door said she would turn her dog on my mom. My mom said "Go ahead lady, I'll have your house and everything you own." heh heh
Are YOU Basically The Same Person Now As When You Were A Witness?
by minimus inthey say "the truth" changes people from nasty, wicked people to meek, honest hearted "ones".
now that you're out of "the truth", are you back to your old ways??
did "the truth" ever really change you??
I love who I am now. I smile and actually mean it. I am not fearful that I will be killed when the end comes.I don't judge anyone ANY MORE. I probably was the biggest homophobic before, now I have a few gay friends. They are not the horrible people I was taught that they were. One of the stylists where I get my hair cut is openly gay, and a few weeks ago he had a magazine that had like the top 50 cutest guys in our state. We were both picking out our "favorites" from the pictures . . . it really was funny doing that with a guy. He really is a sweet guy. I figure what two people do behind closed doors (as long as it's not hurting anyone else) is their business.
"It's ok Officer, I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses"
by Highlander inearlier today i was thinking back to some of my old friends i had while living in minnesota, and attending the pine city congregation.
my j-dub friends were like many non-j-dub .
teenage boys and would drive fast, drink beer or any other kinds of trouble you can think of.
A dub once told me that there isn't a crime that hasn't been commited by at JW. They are not above the law - they break them like everyone else.