I'm sorry, to hear all of this from you Merfi... soften your heart...don't burn your bridges.....
JoinedPosts by truthfullyspeaking
Whatever phase this is....
by merfi in~sigh~ hoping for a little bit of commiseration, or at the very least someone tell me this is normal and this too shall pass?
i'm in such a weird funk.
but i'm funky... i guess i *do* somewhat miss a few of the 'friends' at the kh.
by UNCLEAR inthis obviously is my first post, i actually feel like i may be sick but i felt compelled to post.
only if to just say hello.. my life has been anything but boring, pioneered for years, brought several family members into "the truth", and find myself unable to have studies anylonger because i feel unsure about the stand i have taken all these years.. i was previously married, my husband left the organization for various reason, we divorced and i recently remarried another brother, he is a wonderful man and husband, i care for him deeply we and had been friends for 15 years.
i also have a son from my first marriage who is 4, he is the love of my life, recently my son had an opertion that could require a blook transfusion and to be honest i could never deny him that.
Hello Sister,
It is never easy when bad things happen, but do not waver dear.This is what life and believing is all about... making decisions, based on what you know is right, read Hebrews 11:1
The command is clear (you know that).....the promises are real (maybe thats the problem). 2 Cor 1 :20
You though, are the only one that can decide. Stay close to your husband, listen carefully to everything you already know, and have taught others from the gods word. 1 Tim 4:16. Do all you can to bolster your faith , pray incessently, seek help from spiritually qualified men that know you and your husband. I know you will do what is right...there are so many scriptures that will help you, get together with a good friend and just pour through them.
There are many doctors that do bloodless surgery, not just for witnesses but for those concerned about the other issues of contamination, and the bodies own rejection of the blood. You can contact me personally. Jen
As a matter of fact...there will be other like ones attending - Acts 10:34,35
Scriptures/Beliefs That Never Sat Right With You
by minimus inwas there anything that you were taught that made you think twice regarding the watchtower's interpetation??
the scripture about jesus raising the temple in 3 days sounded like he was going to raise himself back to life.
i never really understood that scripture.
I've never been a JW, but I can tell you the one thing that set off red flags all over the place when me and my husband were studying with a JW couple, was when the lady kept using the names "Jesus" and "Michael" interchangeably, when she was referring to Jesus. I've read the Bible a few times and ....
The name "Michael" means "Who Is Like God?" thus indicating that this foremost prince upholds Jehovah’s sovereignty. Since Michael is also a champion of God’s people, there is reason to identify him with the unnamed angel that God sent ahead of the Israelites hundreds of years before: "Here I am sending an angel ahead of you to keep you on the road and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. Watch yourself because of him and obey his voice. Do not behave rebelliously against him, for he will not pardon your transgression; because my name is within him."—Exodus 23:20, 21.
We learn from Jude that Michael had the post of archangel. In fact, he was the archangel, since no other archangel is mentioned in the Bible, nor does the Bible use "archangel" in the plural. "Archangel" means "Chief of the angels." (Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament) Among God’s spirit servants, only two names are associated with authority over angels: Michael and Jesus Christ. (Matthew 16:27; 25:31; 2 Thessalonians 1:7) This, too, argues that Jesus and Michael are the same.
...The apostle writes: "The Lord [Jesus] himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet." (1 Thessalonians 4:16)
It is Jehovah’s will and arrangement for Jesus to resurrect the dead. (John 6:38-40) It is God’s trumpet that sounds the call for the dead to come back to life, just as God instructed that trumpets be used for an assembly of his people in ancient times. (Numbers 10:1-10)....
Jesus issues "a commanding call" to the dead to come forth, just as he did on occasion while on earth. (John 11:43) But now he calls, not with a man’s voice as he did then, but with all the power of "an archangel’s voice" (en pho·ne´ arkh·ag·ge´lou). However, only an archangel can call with an archangel’s voice! And no one but Jesus has been given the authority to resurrect the dead. Hence, this rousing prophecy gives additional strong reason for identifying Jesus with the archangel, Michael.The final appearance of the name Michael in the Bible is in the book of Revelation. There we read: "And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled but it did not prevail." (Revelation 12:7, 8) Here we see Michael in action as God’s archangel. He, along with "his angels," defeats Satan and casts him down to the earth.
Is the average JW as brain dead as this poor woman?
by Honesty ini actually stopped replying to certain sections of this website awhile ago now, i felt it was starting to get to me, certain comments that were made were making me think and i actually had to shake my head and snap myself out of it.
what i did was remove myself from here altogether for a few weeks and i only came back last week to inform everyone of my baptism decision, i have still not even read anything in certain areas of this website, but yes most definitely has sunday's watchtower lesson put all of that into perspective for me.
we do have to be very careful indeed of what or who we let into our lives, for if we do it can be extremely damaging consequences if we start to believe what we read.
Good for her...whether a JW or not she recognises the need for positive influence in her life ...that certainly takes courage... hooray for you honey!!!
By the way , there are those caring for loved ones with strokes and other brain injuries, I fear your choice of words
are very insensitive...
Attention! If you still give talks at the KH
by truth_about_the_truth infor those you you who still give talks, here's an opportunity for you to promote a viewpoint that the gb does not like.
this is an article that ray franz wrote back in the 70's that got him into trouble with the gb.
here, ray presents a very balanced viewpoint regarding the nature of 'sacred service'.
Read these for yourself, if you dare? Really! Isaiah 43:10-12/Rev. 1:5, 3:14 Matt. 4:18-22/Matthew 9:37, 38/Matt. 10:1-7, 11-14; Matt. 24:3- 24:14/ Matt. 28:10, 19, 20 Mark 1:38/Mark 13:10/Acts 5:42/Luke 4:43/ Luke 5:1-11, 8:1./ Luke 10:1-11 John 14:12/John 18:37/ John 17:6, 26 Acts 1:8/Acts 5:42 /Acts 8:4-8; 10:24, 44-48/Acts 15:7/ Acts 16:9, 10/Acts 18:1-11/ ACTS 20:20
Romans 10:13-15
1 Cor. 3:5-9 etc.
They follow christs example, after all isn't that what 'Christians' are suppose to do?
Biting my tongue at last nights bookstudy
by GBSJG inso i went to last nights bookstudy which discusses 6 paragraphs of the daniel book so there was lots of room for comment.
the study itself already was pretty frustrating it was taken from chapter 17 paragraphs 24-29 and it goes on about how the fds has to be lead by jehovah because of all the prophecies of daniel that fits them (1335 days was this convention to that etc etc).
but the paragraphs also mention the failed prediction for 1925. here are some interresting quotes from the book: .
Granted,the book of Daniel has much 'deep' spiritual prophecy,but it sounds to me that, whoever you all are, you need either to ask the questions of someone who has a better understanding of these things than you do (if you really are interested in knowing). And get yourselves some answers (or not).
Or, if you are not satisfied then.....lets see.....quit going?
What Questions Should I Ask?
by Serene ini am gearing up to have "the big discussion" with my boyfriend about his witness beliefs... and i was wondering what are some good questions to ask him?
at this point, im not bent on "proving him wrong" as i think that is a bad attitude to take into a discussion of this nature, but i do plan on asking him to make sense of some of the more questionable practices of the jws... (dubs?
the questions i have so far are .
'If' he is a baptized brother ask him why he is contemplating marriage with someone that wants to include the opinions of others in their personal religious discussions. Is it really necessary that you have a cheerleading squad? Ask out of the sincerity of your heart, and then move on if there isn't compatability. Otherwise you will never except him for who he is, or wants to be....
Question on DF'ing
by littlerockguy inif disfellowshipping is a biblical practice, why didn't jesus do it?
there is no record of him doing it or even mentioning doing anything remotely like that.
in fact, it would seem to me if that practice was set in stone back then during his time, wouldn't he have taken some similar action against judas?
Hope this helps?....if you would like more just ask me
Judas was dismissed and was not included as Jesus instituted the 'new covenant' with his faithful apostles. 'After dismissing the undesirable man from their midst, the master of ceremonies introduced the Lord’s Supper to the remaining faithful eleven, using the unleavened bread and the red wine that were still available at the table'.
FYI - please read Hebrews 12:1-11, 2 Tim. 3:1-5, 2 Tim. 3:14-17,
....Elders (those in position of oversight in the congregation) .... remember that most cases of sin in the congregation involve weakness, not wickedness. They don't forget Jesus’ illustration of the lost sheep, which he concluded with the words: “I tell you that thus there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner that repents than over ninety-nine righteous ones who have no need of repentance.” (Luke 15:7) Truly, “Jehovah . . . does not desire any to be destroyed but desires all to attain to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9) Judicial committees throughout the world do their utmost to cause joy in heaven by helping wrongdoers see the need to repent and start their feet back on the narrow road that leads to everlasting life.—Matthew 7:13, 14. .....Does this mean that if a Christian succumbs to weakness or stumbles into grave sin, he is automatically expelled from the congregation? By no means! Jehovah is not a coldhearted dictator. He is merciful and understanding. He remembers that we are imperfect. (Psalm 103:14) Jehovah recognizes that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23) God has arranged for spiritual help within the congregation so that if a Christian takes a "false step" or even commits a serious sin, he may be lovingly ‘readjusted’ in a spirit of mildness. (Galatians 6:1) By accepting counsel from God’s Word and demonstrating heartfelt sorrow and genuine repentance, one who has strayed from the path of righteousness can "get healed" spiritually.—James 5:13-16.
.....What, though, if a baptized Christian seriously errs and all efforts to restore him are unsuccessful? In other words, what if he stubbornly refuses to correct his sinful course?
......The Bible commands Christians: "Quit mixing in company with anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man."—1 Corinthians 5:11. Realizing that "one sinner can destroy much good," the apostle Paul commanded fellow believers: "Remove the wicked man from among yourselves." (Ecclesiastes 9:18; 1 Corinthians 5:13) This action prevents the sinner from spreading corruption in the congregation, and it protects the congregation’s good name.—Compare 1 Timothy 3:15 Therefore, disfellowshipping is a loving arrangement because it upholds God’s holy name and it protects the congregation from the corrupting influence of sin. Also, it demonstrates love for the wrongdoer by encouraging him to repent and "turn around so as to get [his] sins blotted out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the person of Jehovah."—Acts 3:19......The apostle Paul heard of a case of incestuous fornication in that young congregation, and he gave instructions that the man involved be disfellowshipped. Later, the sinner repented, and Paul exhorted the congregation to reinstate him. (1 Corinthians 5:1, 13; 2 Corinthians 2:5-9) Thus, by the healing power of Jehovah’s loving kindness and the great value of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice, the man was cleansed of his sin. ....One may have ceased the serious wrongdoing for which he was disfellowshipped. Another may have been using tobacco, or he may in the past have been overdrinking, but he is not now trying to lead others into wrongdoing. Recall that even before exiled Israel turned to God, he sent representatives urging them to come back. Whether Paul or the elders in the Corinth congregation took some initiative to check on the disfellowshipped man, the Bible does not say. When that man had repented and ended his immorality, Paul directed the congregation to reinstate him.
.......some disfellowshipped persons will never be ‘revived to repentance.’ (Hebrews 6:4-6; 2 Peter 2:20-22)