can we trust JW in this case? have the Wathtower a damage control department, to avoid damage to them?
and who can we trust anyway?
and in all this we have to be fair about who is what and who is not.
we can't blame them for some one who is not a member of the congregation anymore.
but a good question, woulde be,
if he stoppet with being a JW. then how far back, did he do what?
and was he a JW, meanwhiel he was a rapist?
the case startet 1990 what is 18 years back, what is a long time ago.
so why did he stop being a JW?
was he disassociated, and have JW some knowlede, what coulde have stoppet him, manny years ago?
Theocratick warfare, the JW are marsters in it.
all those questions, all those lie.
some JW in Denmark lie so mush, what i think they are saving up to a paradise in hell.
maybe it is why i'm a bit paranoya about what JW say ;)
have it nice all, and thanks for the info BluesBrother