On Sunday, I sat outside the local Kingdom Hall waiting for the meeting to start. Being Disfellowshipped, I was gonna go in late...
20 minutes later.. I went to a Starbucks instead.
I think Im over it....I really do.
its a shame.
on sunday, i sat outside the local kingdom hall waiting for the meeting to start.
being disfellowshipped, i was gonna go in late.... 20 minutes later.. i went to a starbucks instead.. i think im over it....i really do.. its a shame.
On Sunday, I sat outside the local Kingdom Hall waiting for the meeting to start. Being Disfellowshipped, I was gonna go in late...
20 minutes later.. I went to a Starbucks instead.
I think Im over it....I really do.
its a shame.
for those who have trouble understanding basic existential concepts, may i suggest william barrett's work _irrational man_.
on pp.
218-219 of this monograph, barrett succinctly explains the significance of dasein in heideggerian thought.
Brothers and sisters...once more Dunny has bored me, I want to share with you a very deep concern I have about Dunny The Scot. For most of the facts I'm about to present, I have provided documentation and urge you to confirm these facts for yourself if you're skeptical.
While it is not my purpose to incriminate or exculpate or vindicate or castigate, it will not be easy to seek some structure in which the cacophony introduced by his deeds might be systematized, reconciled, and made rational. Nevertheless, we must attempt to do exactly that, for the overriding reason that when one examines the ramifications of letting Dunny convert our children to cultural zombies in a mass of unthinking and easily herded proletarian cattle, one finds a preponderance of evidence leading to the conclusion that I feel that writing this letter is like celestial navigation.
Before directional instruments were invented, sailors navigated the seas by fixing their compass on the North Star. But we mustn't let Dunny prevent the real problems from being solved. That would be like letting the Mafia serve as a new national police force in Italy.
Now that I've been exposed to Dunny's bons mots, I must admit that I don't completely understand them. Perhaps I need to get out more. Or perhaps the unalterable law of biology has a corollary that is generally overlooked. Specifically, it would be wrong to imply that Dunny is involved in some kind of conspiracy to force us to adopt rigid social roles that compromise our inner code of ethics.
It would be wrong because his stances are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but ancient Greek dramatists discerned a peculiar virtue in being tragic. Dunny would do well to realize that they never discerned any virtue in being prodigal.
Lastly, I can't end this without mentioning that Dunny The Scot reads magazines that feature the disrespect, degradation, dehumanization, and exploitation of women and their bodies....the Wt and AWAKE!
"all things are continuing exactly the same as from creation's beginning" is the thinking attributed to those ridiculers of christ's presence.
because the sign of christ's invisible presence must be accepted on faith and faith is not a possession of all people, faithless ones are willfully blinded to the evidence that the system is nearing its hour of judgment.
in this the 2nd week of august 2001, the evidence steadily mounts that apostate ridiculers of jehovah's word are very badly mistaken and about to be spanked with a very large paddle.
You know
Its one thing to quote the lord...but another for the lord to quote you.
I dont see this happening...
Give it a rest...
You know nothing.
Nothing at all.
...or least favorite?.
just for fun of course.. i just posted on the top 10 movies to take on a desert island and it had me wonder.. anyways....as to my favorite:.
"there is no spoon.
From Beaches....Bette Midler..
"thats enough about me..lets talk about you....what do you think about me?"
:: he didn't merely suspend it -- he substituted another for it.
in our case here, therefore, god's telling abraham to kill isaac was by definition not murder.
: first, i am not sure what i believe in this case.
I am writing in response to Yadirf's obiter dicta, and once again, I merely wish to point out that nowhere in the Bible does it say, "It's okay for Yadirf to indulge his every whim and lust without regard for anyone else or for society as a whole".
I am writing this letter in simple English in order that everyone can read and understand my words. Unless you share my view that Yadirf talks out of both sides of his mouth, there's no need for you to hear me further. One might claim that intrusive fomenters of revolution speak in order to conceal -- or at least to veil -- their thoughts. While that's true, it does somewhat miss the point. You see, he likes to promote a culture of dependency and failure. Such activity can flourish only in the dark, however. If you drag it into the open, Yadirf and his habitués will run for cover, like cockroaches in a dirty kitchen when the light is turned on suddenly during the night. That's why we must create a world in which emotionalism, diabolism, and gnosticism are all but forgotten. The significance of this is that what we have been imparting to him -- or what he has been eliciting from us -- is a half-submerged, barely intended logic, contaminated by wishes and tendencies we prefer not to acknowledge. With this letter, I hope I have made my views crystal-clear: Feelings of inferiority are characteristic of immoral chuckleheads.
i got a mail today, from a lady asking for lit(t)erature.
this is what i need from you, i must get copies of the books that she has as follows:.
"reasoning from the scriptures" 1985, 1989.
dearest mum and others,.
an elder approached me after the meeting on sunday and said he wanted to ask me a question.
his query dealt with john 1:1. .
I am not writing to agree or disagree with Dunny the Scott. What I have to say, however, regards Dunny's conscious decision to jump on everything that is written, said, or even implied and label it as either fork-tongued or filthy. Instead of focusing on why he bases his machinations on the belief that he can achieve his goals by friendly and moral conduct,
I would like to remind people that if one believes statements like, "Without Dunny's superior guidance, we will go nowhere," one is, in effect, supporting what I call ostentatious Philistines. His remonstrations are based on hate. Hate, gnosticism, and an intolerance of another viewpoint, another way of life.
By now, the reader has discerned that the sinful nature of Dunny's holier-than-thou attitudes distracts us from the real lessons we could learn from a rigorous critique of his philippics. So let me just add that it would be wrong to imply that he is involved in some kind of conspiracy to cause one-sided press releases to be entered into historical fact. It would be wrong because his invectives are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but far too many people tolerate his slurs as long as they're presented in small, seemingly harmless doses.
What people fail to realize, however, is that there should be a law against this. Let's remember that. The comparison between Dunny the Scott and cruel voluptuaries is remarkable. That is why, come what may, we must enable all people to achieve their potential as human beings.
He should be hung by his testicles until the word ouch! is heard emitting from between his lips...
what is your opinion on free will versus determinism?
my feeling on the subject is pretty schizophrenic.
as a person, i believe in free will.
Dunny the Scot's subliminal psywar campaigns require a two-part response: first, a clarification of the prognosis implied by my previous posts; and second, a commentary on Dunny's own prognoses. You see, I undoubtedly believe that Dunny's particular brand of unenlightened irreligionism will prevent me from getting my work done quicker than you can double-check the spelling of "parasympathomimetic".
And because of that belief, I'm going to throw politeness and inoffensiveness to the winds. In this letter, I'm going to be as rude and crude as I know how, to reinforce the point that you should never forget the three most important facets of his refrains, namely their hidebound origins, their internal contradictions, and their tendentious nature. Note that even when he isn't lying, he's using facts, emphasizing facts, bearing down on facts, sliding off facts, quietly ignoring facts, and, above all, interpreting facts in a way that will enable him to mock, ridicule, deprecate, and rebuke people for their religious beliefs. Let's be frank: If Dunny got his way, he'd be able to excoriate attempts to bring questions of factionalism into the (essentially apolitical) realm of pedagogy in language and writing. Brrrr! It sends chills down my spine just thinking about that. In the beginning of this post, I promised you details, but now I'm running out of space. So here's one detail to end with: I would unequivocally be surprised if Dunny the Scot stopped to communicate and share ideas with even one of the people he regularly attacks.
:: he didn't merely suspend it -- he substituted another for it.
in our case here, therefore, god's telling abraham to kill isaac was by definition not murder.
: first, i am not sure what i believe in this case.
I've been hesitating to write this post, because I've been afraid that, if I did, Dunny the Scot would do everything in his power to make me tear off all my clothes and run naked down the street.
But after reading about Dunny's coldhearted, empty-headed solutions, I could hesitate no longer. For starters, Dunny has two imperatives. The first is to steal our birthrights. The second imperative is to replace discourse and open dialogue with avaricious publicity stunts and blatant ugliness.
On a more personal note, it would be better for him to do nothing than to deny the obvious.
What's my problem, then? Allow me to present it in the form of a question: Why does he have to be such a party pooper?
You see, his agendas are based on a technique I'm sure you've heard of. It's called "lying". While reading this post, you may have occasionally asked yourself, "Where is all of this leading?" and, "What is the point exactly?"
I deliberately wrote in the style I did so that you may come up with your own conclusions. Therefore, I leave you with only the following: Dunny the Scot's recommendations represent not only a denial of reality, but also an especially deplorable sort of spiritual poison that will make us the helpless puppets of our religious labels before you know it.
jesus further related in the 15th chapter of john: "nevertheless, i have spoken these things to you that, when the hour for them arrives, you may remember i told them to you.
these things, however, i did not tell you at first, because i was with you.
so, the point is that jesus has not told his anointed ones certain things yet because the hour for them has not arrived.
I'm not going to argue that Youknow N'owt's bait-and-switch tactics are filled with a number of very clear-cut and blatant lies -- lies of both omission and commission. Nor am I going to argue that his recommendations are barbarism redux.
I'm not going to argue those factors, because they're irrelevant. Instead, I will say only that most other disruptive, hectoring poseurs are not as homicidal as they seem. Some background is in order: I stand by what others have written before, that he is terrified that there might be an absolute reality outside himself, a reality that is what it is, regardless of his wishes, theories, hopes, daydreams, or decrees.
In the strictest sense, he is careless with data, makes all sorts of causal interpretations of things without any real justification, has a way of combining disparate ideas that don't seem to hang together, seems to show a sort of pride in his own biases, gets into all sorts of imprudent speculation, and then makes no effort to test out his speculations -- and that's just the short list!
Our goal must now be to face our problems realistically, get to the root of our problems, and be determined to solve them. Not handle the living death that our erstwhile friend is experiencing..it is for him to blow his own smokescreen from the orifice of choice...