Voltaire- i must just clarify this, it was a personal feeling, nothing to do with the euphoria of the crowd, it was nothing to do with the atmosphere, it was just to do with a feeling that i got, like a connection with `god`, if you like? I am not easily influenced by atmospheres or being jollied along by speakers, i contain my own thought and feelings, and i actually felt `alone `at the time.
Posts by dido
Did anyone experience that feeling at the end of assemblies, or C/O visits?
by dido ini`m new on here so don`t know if this subject has been covered, but i was wondering if anyone else experienced that overwhelming feeling at the end of assemblies, or when the c/o visited and gave his talk, there was a different feeling in the air, and i always thought it was `jehovah`s spirit`.
now i`m out and have learnt a lot about the borg, and know all their dastardly deeds, i can`t understand what that feeling was.
it can`t have been his spirit, as i don`t believe now that the borg is the `truth`.
Do you believe that Demons really Exist.
by MARTINLEYSHON inthe reason why i have asked such is question is that i served as a congregation elder for 12 years.
i served as the presiding overseer for 10 years, and as chairman and media spokes-person for a particular region.
during my time within the organisation that being almost 30 years, i have concluded that there is, as far as my own experience is concerned grave doubt in my mind as to the existence of the devil and his demonic hoard.
Midget-, i appreciate what you are saying, but i live alone, and i was def NOT imagining it! It is quite common for people to experience these attacks in bed, while people are asleep. At the time i remember struggling to break out of sleep and calling on J`s name, and it did flee! This is another thing that makes me still believe in `God` or creator as i like to call him!
Do you believe that Demons really Exist.
by MARTINLEYSHON inthe reason why i have asked such is question is that i served as a congregation elder for 12 years.
i served as the presiding overseer for 10 years, and as chairman and media spokes-person for a particular region.
during my time within the organisation that being almost 30 years, i have concluded that there is, as far as my own experience is concerned grave doubt in my mind as to the existence of the devil and his demonic hoard.
I can`t believe that i am the only person so far on here that has experienced a demon attack! It happened when i was in bed, i thought someone had broken into my house, as there was something lying on my back, (i was lying on my front, as that is how i liked to sleep). I also experienced a warm hand around my stomach, which totally freaked me out, as i really thought it was an intruder. I have had my hair pulled from the side of the bed when i was younger, and i know of a few people who have experienced similar things. In fact, they have sexually attacked some women, a sister in one cong was frequently attacked, her grandmother was a medium, and they put it down to that. I don`t know why i got it, as my house was new, i was a practising jw at the time, and wasn`t involved with any demonic practises. Please don`t underestimate the power of the demons, as they are real!!
The posts have been great!
by brother ini haven't been on in a while so i've been perusing the threads today and i do have to say the last few have been fantastic.
i find this a great forum to post something learned, something funny, or to just get something off your chest.
we each have our own way of de-brainwashing(if you want to use that term)ourselves but we also share quite a bit in common.
I`m beginning to get the idea Blondie, but what i want to know is, how come everyone on here is soooooooo intelligent? Also, can you tell me how to post my pic? Thanks!
What are your reasons for not joining another religion?
by MARTINLEYSHON ini am going to start this debate of by saying that those of us who were raised in the so called truth, and i being one of them, can only come to terms with our past by accepting that our parents infected our minds like a virus infects a computer.
we wouldn't categorise children according to their parents' political stance, since they are too young to make up their minds about such matters.
but they (jw) segregate them from the world.
Poodlehead- i also like to think of there being a `creator` rather than a `god`, as it doesn`t seem linked to religion, but rather to the wonderful creation that we have. I have experienced a good `spiritual ` type feeling when i`ve been up high on a mountain, or in a forest, or a deserted beach, it`s a feeling of oneness with everything, and it is very peaceful. I think this is where `God` is! Yaddayadda, i agree with what you say as well, the creator will let us know when he`s ready, in the meantime, we have to just do the best we can. I don`t class myself a `christian` tho`, sounds too religous! Would prefer to call myself a caring humanbeing.
The posts have been great!
by brother ini haven't been on in a while so i've been perusing the threads today and i do have to say the last few have been fantastic.
i find this a great forum to post something learned, something funny, or to just get something off your chest.
we each have our own way of de-brainwashing(if you want to use that term)ourselves but we also share quite a bit in common.
Call me thick, but i have only just found this site recently, as i thought it was for jw`s, not ex`s, so didn`t bother to visit it. It is misleading to ex`s, as i told someone yesterday and they thought the same as me when they saw the link. I would have visited it a lot earlier if i had known as it is really good, everybody has a chance to express themselves, and it is very therepeutic. You won`t get rid of me now, do you d/f policy on here?
Did anyone experience that feeling at the end of assemblies, or C/O visits?
by dido ini`m new on here so don`t know if this subject has been covered, but i was wondering if anyone else experienced that overwhelming feeling at the end of assemblies, or when the c/o visited and gave his talk, there was a different feeling in the air, and i always thought it was `jehovah`s spirit`.
now i`m out and have learnt a lot about the borg, and know all their dastardly deeds, i can`t understand what that feeling was.
it can`t have been his spirit, as i don`t believe now that the borg is the `truth`.
The Listener, i agree with you that i am an emotional person, i admit that, but
it shows that i do have feelings and am not a cold person, in fact i think passionately about certain issues, ie: the child abuse in the borg! That is the main reason why i would never go back, and think that it can`t be Gods org without any of the other reasons. How do i take this test, Myers-Briggs, as would like to know if i am normal?! I must add that i am not a gushy person at all, and don`t like emotion shown in public. Glad you like the topic, have got loads of things i want to talk about, so watch my space!
Did anyone experience that feeling at the end of assemblies, or C/O visits?
by dido ini`m new on here so don`t know if this subject has been covered, but i was wondering if anyone else experienced that overwhelming feeling at the end of assemblies, or when the c/o visited and gave his talk, there was a different feeling in the air, and i always thought it was `jehovah`s spirit`.
now i`m out and have learnt a lot about the borg, and know all their dastardly deeds, i can`t understand what that feeling was.
it can`t have been his spirit, as i don`t believe now that the borg is the `truth`.
Synergy - you have got the closest to what i think it is, that God is with true believers, wherever they are, and he knows if you are genuine or not. I don`t profess to be a religous freak, the opposite in fact, but i did genuinly? (spelling?) have love for God, and do still believe in him, but would not get involved with any religion now, just believe in him quietly in my little own world! Going by a lot of the postings, not everyone has experienced this feeling, and it isn`t only because of the talks and atmosphere, it was deeper than that. Anyways, i appreciate everyones input as its good to hear how everyone sees things, and it does help to heal my scars, as i am still struggling `coming out`, so be gentle with me everyone!!!
Were YOU Gossiped About In The Congregation?
by minimus indo you know who the worst offenders were??
the elders.
the elders, because they were "shepherds and overseers" believed they had the right to talk about you, your family, your job, your personality and so forth.....they pick apart any male in the hall under the guise of seeing whther someone "might qualify for privileges".
Probably was when i got d/f, as i ran off with a goodlooking italian guy who was studying, (well pretending to be interested, but was more interested in me!) Of course i was a starved from love etc. sister who couldn`t believe her luck at the time, (have come to my senses since!) altho` we did have a 4 year relationship. I know there was gossip as a bro` saw someone i was still in contact with and said ` oh, shame about D...,` wink wink, and laughed, ( well i know he was in an unhappy marriage, as he used to flirt with me all the time, ( makes me sound like a floosie doesn`t it?) but no, i was a faithful jw for 25 years! So the gossip was rife, esp after i wandered around the circuit assembly with him in tow! Well, what could i do? It was a Big temptation, and i`m only human!
"No fear" t shirts, forbidden???
by free2beme inin the 1990's there were a lot of things that had the saying "no fear" on it and one of the local elders figured out that this meant we live life and do things without fear.
so that basically we could try things and take chances, without the normal fear we associate with things in life.
well in a special needs talk they decided that "no fear" t shirts should not be worn by good witnesses and they asked that we not wear them to witness gatherings, or even in life.
I remember the bro`s being told they had to wear white shirts, or they couldn`t go on the platform, also, no outlandish haircuts, etc. just proves it`s a mind controlling cult, who want to have total control over every aspect of our lives! It`s so good to be free and make decisions for ourselves, not being told what programme to watch, what food to eat, what places to go and people to see etc. I t`s great realising i`m not a child, and am not going to be told off for being a naughty girl anymore!