I wish i still had mine
so, last night we were working in our garage, we want the whole garage as a banquet hall for our 4th blowout instead of only half like last year.
going through boxes, i found the mother-lode of old jw books!.
my old collection of lit!.
I wish i still had mine
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #006699; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #006699; } .style4 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style5 {color: #990000} --> are ufos fact or fiction?
recalling my days as a jehovahs witness i recall the watchtower society or jehovahs .
witnesses explaining away the phenomena of unidentified flying objects as something .
I agree Illyrian
People assume that if life exists it will evolve into a technologically advanced species given enough time but evolution does not work that way, it does not have an "end game". Evolution merely involves giving a species an edge to survive and prosper, the dinosaurs given millions of years never reached anywhere near that level.
I think it is a logical assumption to assume that life does exist elsewhere in the universe but there is a good chance we may be a freak of nature so to speak
without elaborating at length, there has been a lot going on in my life of late and i have sought out some therapies that i have used in the past.
they've helped a lot.
they are more along the lines of *natural* therapies.
|Sometimes humour is wasted I tells ya
does it ever seem weird that evolutionists and creationists endlessly debate about events vastly distant in the past - without discussing what.
maintains the universe now?
clearly, electrons and protons have a certain mass, light has a particular speed and so on - why should any of.
Not as we experience it do you mean?
It does exist though, the universe could not exist without it
without elaborating at length, there has been a lot going on in my life of late and i have sought out some therapies that i have used in the past.
they've helped a lot.
they are more along the lines of *natural* therapies.
It was for Regan, projectile green vomit, head spinning, it is not a pretty sight
Be careful of the trappings of Yoda
*just in case anyone thinks I am actually being serious*
without elaborating at length, there has been a lot going on in my life of late and i have sought out some therapies that i have used in the past.
they've helped a lot.
they are more along the lines of *natural* therapies.
yeah well when you start speaking in tongues and referring to yourself as legion you will be sorry
without elaborating at length, there has been a lot going on in my life of late and i have sought out some therapies that i have used in the past.
they've helped a lot.
they are more along the lines of *natural* therapies.
maybe you have a dormant demon
since all jehovah's witnesses are "ministers" and are to act like "watchmen" so as to not be bloodguilty before jehovah god, would you say that you, personally were a fine zealous preacher?
did you make sure that you accurately kept your house-to-house records up to date?
did you make sure you were back in a timely fashion once you placed literature?
I had certain rules witnessing
I would not knock on a door with a porch, ie where the householder had to open two doors to greet you
I would not knock on doors I knew had my school friends living there
One knock if no answer leave
Be the first to volunteer for rural witnessing
one of my workmates just asked or stated...why did eve have to have a rib from adam and all of the the other animals were just created?
funny thought but interesting.
Because God could, he was showing off
"and for my next trick................tada"