Are UFO’s Fact or Fiction?

by The wanderer 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Are UFO’s Fact or Fiction?

    Recalling my days as a Jehovah’s Witness I recall the Watchtower Society or Jehovah’s
    Witnesses explaining away the phenomena of unidentified flying objects as something
    originating from Satan and the demons.

    What Do You Think?

    Having spent some time researching the matter has led me to a different conclusion then
    what was prescribed from the Watchtower Society. However, so I do not influence
    anyone’s perspective on the matter, what do you think regarding UFO’s, are they
    fact or fiction?


    The Wanderer

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan BELIEVE!!!

  • Qcmbr

    My Grandma was chased by one....true story

  • eclipse

    We'll, we're here....

  • undercover
    My Grandma was chased by one....true story

    Notice no one ever says, "I was chased/abducted..." It's always, "I know somone who was..."

    But there are UFOs. A UFO is an Unidentified Flying Object. They happen all the time. Things are reported that are never identified. So they are true. It just doesn't mean that they are little green spacemen in flying saucers.

  • Warlock

    UFO's- Fact

    Origin- Unknown


  • theinfamousone

    if we can be here... why cant anyone else be out there???

    the infamous one

  • Mysterious

    Are there objects flying in the sky which we have remain unidentified? Yes. Are they alien spacecraft? No. I would have to go with fiction. For the most part I think there are weather balloons, small pleasurecraft and I will even accept experimental military aircraft. I just don't feel that if there is alien life out there it would be buzzing through our atmosphere on a near constant basis without any solid evidence arising. And why is it that we always have to think of aliens as being smarter and more advanced than us? Why can't there be stupid or less evolved species out there. =P

  • Nazarene

    There was a post on this two months ago. A researcher has determined the UFO's and aliens can only be interdimensional much like spirits to us, rather than physical spacecraft. Not a shred of evidence exists for them, its all people's testimony. Interestingly, the Bible and old scripture are the basis of a well-known alien advocacy group, they are real phonies. The WTS is right.

  • NotaNess

    Once again, what proof could they ever have that the UFO's are satan originated? Say whatever you want, is the staple.

    In John chapter 8, on the Mount of Olives Jesus encountered a purple haze, undoubtedly brought upon by satan as to make Jesus' path foggy to make him trip on a stone, so sayeth the Watchtower.

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