Still struggling to come to terms with the death of one of my best friends which occured recently. Keeping busy working but having a rough time of it at night, had some bad dreams
dear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
i think all the lawsuits and then the exposure to these lawsuits... .
what do you think?.
i wonder if anyone has any ideas on this.
who, what is behind the wts.
is it just men genuinely making mistakes but are sincerely trying to serve god?
have the dates for the district conventions in britain been announced yet?.
if they have can anyone let me know the dates and places.. thanks .
i am gonna keep it as simple as this...please answer this simple one question to you who do not believe in intelligent design.. but notice how evolution leaves out all the obvious details about the human body..which leads to my question how did man and woman evolved???
well my bible says god put man to sleep and took one of his ribs..and made woman.
whats your non god,ll wait..i need a good laugh tonight..
The usual poor logic displayed by the ame idiot post after post
This one is a cracker
a) Men have one less rib than women
b) The bible says god took a rib from man and made woman
c) Therefore clearly the creation tl is validated
Of course someone with a scarp of common sense would think "whoever wrote genesis (Moses allegedly) noticed men has a rib less than women and gave him a novel explanation for the cretion of women". This particular argument is similar to the "The proof of god's existance is the existance of the universe" one the same poster used on another lame post
the following guest editoral ran in a mainstream fairly liberal city newspaper:.
THERE is PROOF OF GOD..THE PROOF IS EVERYWHERE..their is no need to prove he is obvious he does...anything MADE in this world ALL starts in the MIND...if no MIND NEVER exist..nothing would be here...and get this...a MIND cannot just pop out of no where for millions of years of existence..nothing cannot tell itself what to do...that is why God is Eternal! Think people think! We have not been on earth for millions of years...that is a lie.
So funny, so the proof of god's existance is the fact that the universe and the earth is here in the first place?? Is that what you are saying?
You also claim that the proof of god being an eternal being is that if that was not the case it would invaliate your own argument (something cannot come from nothing)
If God is eternal that also means that He sat around for an eternity alone doing basically nothing, why choose any particular time to start popping things into existance? Tht's the problem when you start mixing infinite and finite properties, however long ago god went on his creative rampage be it thousands, millions or billions of years ago it still means he sat around for an eternity doing nothing, the whole idea is ridiculous.
From yuor profile it says you are a 25 year old texan, which means schooling was present in your life not too long ago, did you pay any kind of attention becuse your naivety is astonishing. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion of a topic and ultimately the question of theism v atheism may never be truly resolved however if you wish to debate the point at least do yourself a favour and research the points you are making. A brain is a wonderful gift, it is a shame some people never seem to use it properly
the following guest editoral ran in a mainstream fairly liberal city newspaper:.
ok, so i'm looking for a new book to start reading.... any genre, any style.. what are you favorite books of all time?.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams, perhaps the funniest book ever written
Captain Corelli's Mandolin - Louis de Bernieres, just amazing, happy, funny, sad, really sad, FAR better than the film
Frankenstein - Mary Shelley, get past the ye olde language and you can see why it is so highly rated, influenced......modern horror
Interview With The Vampire - Anne Rice, I love Anne Rice, her style is layered and she researches her material deeply, slightly homoerotic which could put some people off
the following guest editoral ran in a mainstream fairly liberal city newspaper:.