Hve you seen the difference in the amount of people in photo 1 to photo 2
I reckon there is a photo in between with people falling off that beam
one of the most famous photographs taken by the late charles c ebbets showed workmen casually eating lunch on the 69th floor of the ge building during the contruction of rockefeller center.
this photo was taken 76 years ago, in the summer of 1932. a lot has changed since then.
many of the buildings you see below don't exist anymore.
Hve you seen the difference in the amount of people in photo 1 to photo 2
I reckon there is a photo in between with people falling off that beam
because that was the name the borg placed on it's religion, "the truth" it seems to be stuck with many of us.
i am making a concious effort to not refer to it as "the truth".. it is not the truth, it is not the way, and it is definitley not the life!.
so let's stop it people!.
I actually find witnesy phrases amusing
"bible trained conscience", "united brotherhood", "spirit directed organisation", "theocratic warfare", "The Truth"
lol what type of loser uses terms like that?
Oh yeah ..........me 14 years ago
i was looking in a thrift store and found this gem from 1978. .
hide it from your children!.
This book was designed for CHILDREN
It would god if the OP could post some more of the "lovely" illustrations depicting death and various other nasties the artists deemed worthy of putting in this work
i ask myself this from time to time.
is the governing body operating seriously out of the belief that they are god's only channel to mankind?
or are they deliberately scamming people?
It is funny, I am only on here about once a ........well one a few months and i always seem to see a thread like this.
The society are a bunch of opportunist, money grabbing, life affecting, lying, religio - crazy, deceitful, hypocritical cheats
I think my personal viewpoint on this question is clear
i have been here for almost six months now and thought i would mark the occasion by starting one of these threads.
you may have been lurking on this site for a while, learning a lot but too afraid to participate.
i was convinced that somehow my ip address would be traced or i would be i.d'ed.
The water is a bit cold and the tide contantly changes, it is hard to keep up with the shoreline
many theists believe that atheists have no morality at all.
they argue that because atheists dont believe in the laws, limitations and boundaries that god has set up for us, there's nothing stopping them from becoming violent, lying thieving sociopaths.
there have been many stories of people who have "found god" and changed their life, giving up drugs, repenting for past crimes.
Morals are vague at the best of time, a religious person may see no harm in boinking a bird, an atheist may have an issue with boinking a bird before he knew her very very well. Your family, peer group and associates for the general basis of your moral code as far as I am concerned, God has nothing to do with it, if he did I would have no issue with genocide, infantacide, jealousy, petty anger and so and so forth
dear friends,.
much of what we do on a daily basis is routine and of no particular, earth-shaking importance.
however, after reviewing letters of family going back to wwii, it is fascinating to read what dad was doing on board the aircraft carrier in the pacific on any old day, what mom was cooking on her ever-steaming range, how i was dealing with the roller coaster of emotion at bethel [mom saved all my letters], how nana wrote that she would not study with the witnesses [per my request] but 'here are some mittens i knitted for you when you canvass new york with your magazines.
Still struggling to come to terms with the death of one of my best friends which occured recently. Keeping busy working but having a rough time of it at night, had some bad dreams
i think all the lawsuits and then the exposure to these lawsuits... .
what do you think?.
Time and education
i wonder if anyone has any ideas on this.
who, what is behind the wts.
is it just men genuinely making mistakes but are sincerely trying to serve god?
Sincere lololol
Not a chance in hell, the higher up you go in the food chain the easier it will be to see the con.
I doubt ANY of them truly believe the lies they tell
have the dates for the district conventions in britain been announced yet?.
if they have can anyone let me know the dates and places.. thanks .
I don't know
but I do know I will be going to one lol
They are always good for laugh!