It amazes me that America as a technological and financial front runner is so backwardly biblical.
just got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
It amazes me that America as a technological and financial front runner is so backwardly biblical.
can you not see that usa/uk is "king of the north"???????
here is documentation.
remember when we were referred to as western civilization?
This is rubbish based on semantics
do the jw's officially have a stand on whether there is or can be intelligent physical life outside our planet?
would contact from or evidence of alien life fit in to what jw's believe and teach?
have they paved the way for the possibility that life may be found elsewhere in our solar system - intelligent or otherwise?
I think the topic of aliens follows the same path as that of dinosaurs, don't ask and you'll be fine! They just advise (through the elders) not to speculate and jehovah will reveal the answers in the new system.
Personally although I believe there is ET life I don't think the universe is populated with intelligent life the way something like Star Trek would have you believe, although the potential planets are astronomical so are the odds of intelligent life evolving. Evolution is not geared to produce an "end result", maybe humans are quite an exception, plus people forget about timescale, intelligent alien life may have existed millions of years ago and we would never know or maybe alien life could be at it's earliest evolution, maybe intelligent life reaches a certain point in it's development where it destroys itself like we came close to and continue to push towards. There are a lot of things in a hostile universe to stop intelligent life forming
i presume they do.
they are probably so intoxicated by their own power that they belive in the never ending rubbish.. or am i wrong?
is there other reasons to stay on the top of the hill?.
They know the score
just got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
14 pages and neither camp will budge, so what is the end result of this?
i am curious, what amount people on this board from their experiences of being a baptised & active jw and their subsequent exit from the jw org (for whatever reason or reasons) are now either agnostic, atheist or do some actually still believe in god?.
your honest answers please.. lfcv.
Definately atheist
someone had a thread about "smart people" in their congregations.
while i readily admit there were some "good," and "kind" jws in the congregation i grew up in.
and maybe it was the location -- my dad was asked to move there -- but for the most part it was an intellectual sahara.. yet i've noticed that on this forum there are some incredibly "smart" people.
awwww this is a right group hug thread isn't it.
My vote goes to JCanon.....that guy is like super intelligent and also the return of the christ in drag
just got this email!.
ben (celebratin' with friends).
Not a chance, look the reply a couple of posts back, bit over the top to be honest but funny nonetheless, he clearly does not mind "mincing" his words *sorry couldn't help myself*
i opened another thread with a similar title and thought it was going to be a discussion about belief in god but it wasn't.
so i started my own.. although i'm not sure of much at the moment (since i had my beliefs whipped out from under me like the floor under my feet) i feel fairly certain about one thing.
there is evidence of intelligent design and beauty in the universe and i don't logically think this is accidental.
A "higher being" has so be godlike and separate from the universe otherwise it is just an alien.
tell me how you feel about spanking your kids - be honest now!!!
have you ever, and under what circumstances?.
what other methods of discipline do you use?
I have never spanked my daughter and doubt I would, the only kinda reason i could consider it would be if she ran out on a road or something. Spanking becomes to easy the de facto punishment. Personally I think if you have got to the point where spanking is your only recourse then you have screwed up somewhere down the line. To put a spanking into perspective try and imagine a 20 stone meathead putting you over his knee and whacking you