Ever notice that most posts are during "work" hours? LOL
Oh well! Glad we can do something to lighten up at work!
ever notice that most posts are during "work" hours?
glad we can do something to lighten up at work!
Ever notice that most posts are during "work" hours? LOL
Oh well! Glad we can do something to lighten up at work!
i went from the jw's and got heavy into martial arts.
i have a black belt in kenpo karate, tkd, and kenjitsu and also hold ranks in jujitsu and other lower ranks in other systems.
i learned ages ago it is nothing evil like witnesses said it was, and have actually trained a few ex-jw's in my time.
I have been involved in martial arts since 89, before I left the organization. Witnesses have no idea what it is about, and wish they would seek to understand something before talking against it.
I have black belts in 3 arts, and will be receiving another in Kung Fu San Soo.
Kenpo, have you seen or participated at all with San Soo? I used to not care for Kung Fu, but this art is the most awesome I have ever seen.
when ever i visit with relatives that are still witnesses, i tend to hear one comment more then others.
that being, "we would really love to see your face in paradise with us.
" it might not always be in those exact words, but it is along the same thought.
What is sad is that the paradise is all that witnesses have to look forward to. I agree that one must make the most of the time we have here. If life sucks for someone, it is up to them to make the change, and make it better for themselves. I am so tired of people complaining how bad their life is, but do nothing to fix it. Life is what we make it here, and now. Too bad most witnesses spend so much of their time going to meetings, out in service, etc, they have no time to take care of their own lives, and create happiness within it.
i was raised in the truth, and until the age of 18, very active(although never baptized).
i stopped going to meetings and out in service when i came to terms with being a lesbian.
i just felt like i was wasn't being true.
Welcome to the board. The one suggestion I have is to do extensive research on the Watchtower, and many here are willing to help out and answer questions. There are a few excellent books out there on the subject.
For me, once I realized through research that the Watchtower is in no way God's organization, then it was much easier not to feel guilty. Now, I am guilt free, and I know in my heart, that for once there is no doubt.
Not only the Watchtower policies and beliefs that are wrong, but what they do to hurt people, no way is that God's way.
i just knew when the doorbell rang that it had to be the witnesses.
but they come here so rarely.
the thought ran through my head that they knew about my little trip to the hall last night.
I am really disappointed that I don't get more witnesses at the door. No one knows who I am, but I have never had anyone come to the door.
I thought the idea was to go at least every 6 months and hit everyone, if not at home, you went back until someone answered.
What is funny too, is that here at work I see them doing their Saturday morning business territory at least twice a month. Only once in the last 5 years has someone said something. One time though, they came in to use the bathroom, and while the one guy was in the bathroom, 3 others were in my store, and still no one witnessed to me.
Would have enjoyed a little speech and debate.
my brother ambush22 is sitting next to me and has registered as a new user.
please take a moment to say hello and welcome.
he's had it a bit harder than i ever did in jwland by far.
Welcome! Hope you find some enjoyment out of this site.
for witnesses who are currently going to the meetings, or anyone really for that matter, who may have friends still going i have a question:.
what are the active witnesses saying about the molesting issue that has come quite apparent lately?
For Witnesses who are currently going to the meetings, or anyone really for that matter, who may have friends still going I have a question:
What are the active Witnesses saying about the molesting issue that has come quite apparent lately?
Great pics!
who of you are writers out there?.
since being a child, people have responded positively to my writing.
i've written countless items of poetry, but never let them out into the public domain.
You might check out www.dianewilson.net she wrote a book; you can e-mail her from that site, see if she has any suggestions.
before you read the following.
i would like to explain that i in no way hold the jehovah's witness beliefs, so please read the complete thought to fully understand my point.
i looked at all these people that were elders, pioneers, and strong witnesses and figured i did not measure up.
Well written Kenpo, very entertaining. At the same time, thought provoking. All that time we were led to believe that the Witnesses would be the only ones to survive. As we get older, experience more, we find that we did not have all the answers, still don't, but provided we lead a "good" life, respect others, we should be ok.
Life isn't always the way we thought it would be, nor will be. What a great journey though.