JoinedTopics Started by freedom96
Anyone ever mess up??
by freedom96 ini remember once doing the closing prayer for field service.
at the time, i didn't know what to believe, and was simply going through the motions.
i would much rather been in bed.
Last thought on Iraq
by freedom96 inthere seems to be a lot of discussion these days about iraq, even on this site, which i think can be handled in one easy illustration.. if your family was mugged, and the mugger without question is going to shoot and kill them, but you have the opportunity to shoot and kill the mugger first, would you not do it?
no time to discuss the consequences with the mugger, cannot discuss with said mugger on how he would "feel" if you shot him, no time for anything.
if you do not react, he will kill your family without question, without hesitation.
Cars for Service
by freedom96 indo you remember how many people would buy a car, with service in mind?
i remember people talking about how not to buy a 2 door, because it is not as good for going out in service.
people would be looked down upon big time if they bought a sporty or compact car.
Society profiting from Conventions
by freedom96 ini am sure that this has been talked about, but i would love to hear recent input.
there have been district assemblies where parking is charged, and all the "brothers and sisters" who are taking time off of work, etc, and cannot afford to go to this assembly but have to go, are paying good money for admission to the stadium.
many times not allowing come and go privledges.
witness sites
by freedom96 inon a post by jonathanseagull, he was talking about going onto witness sites, posing as one, and talking to them.
i surfed a little on the net, and checking out some of the sites, i noticed that there are bigtime restrictions to get in.
they are very critical, better be a witness, etc to even be considered to get in.
Does the Watchtower read postings?
by freedom96 ini am sure that this has been dicussed before, but i am somewhat new to the site.
i know that the society keeps copies of books written by former witnesses, but do they moniter sites such as this one?
if so, how closely?
How many CO'S & DO'S have left?
by freedom96 indoes anyone know how many circuit and district overseers have either left completely or been disfellowshipped?
any ideas too on perhaps bethelites, or missionaries?
by freedom96 innot to get too deep of a "scary" subject, but wanted to hear opinions out there.. when taught at the kh, we were always told there is no such things as ghosts, but if there were one it was a demon.
i want to use that as an example to how dogmatic they are about so many things, that if they say it to be one way, then that is the truth period.. as it turns out, growing up, we had a ghost in our house.
don't laugh, it is true.
JW Fears
by freedom96 ini was laughing at the thread talking about the blue smurfs, how demonic they were.
:) it made me remember other stupid phobias the witnesses had, and how easy rumours were to spead around.
one for instance, was the false rumour about proctor and gamble, and how their business emblem/ picture/ whatever you call it was demonic, and how it was the sign of the devil, and to stay away from anything to do with that company.
Circuit Leasing
by freedom96 ini thought about this when i read a thread about bethel coachtours.
this is "circuit leasing".
my understanding is that these are the cars that circuit overseers had, and were being sold to the witnesses.