What forum does this appear in? I checked Independent Lens at PBS and didn't find any such statement. Do you have a URL where this statement appears?
Posts by kwr
Independent Lens Knocking Forum Locked...
by zeroday insince launch, the lively debates seen here have been largely related to the jehovah's witnesses faith as a whole, with minimal posting and participation about the film knocking.
the goal of the knocking discussion forum, as listed in the standards of use, is to "discuss your responses to the film and web site with us and with each other.
as a result, this forum will be inactive until the film's premiere on independent lens on may 22, 2007. at that time, we will welcome viewers to share their reactions and thoughts about the film.. .
1894 A Conspiracy Exposed
by Lady Lee in1894-a-conspiracy-exposed.pdf (32.74 mb) .
many of us wonder what kind of a man russell was.
the april 25, 1894 watch tower there was a special edition exposing a conspiracy regarding a possible overthrow of russell's power.. page 11 states that a bro zech disagreed with russell's opinion that the printed page was the best way to preach the word.
Did you authenticate the document? It is very easy to fake documents these days. I find it hard to believe that if this did occur it would not have already been discussed on the web or by historians. Remember the fake Mormon and Christian science documents?
JW KH Construction Plans Cause Stir in Mass.
by kwr inhttp://www.capecodonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?aid=/20070426/news/704260336.
south dennis there is something afoot on old bass river road.. a church proposed for a property between asack drive and jay's drive has prompted misrepresentations, letters passed under blind cover to regulatory boards, and threats, according to the spokeswoman for a local neighborhood association who addressed a hearing on the project last night.. "there was some nonsense going on," said marisa zani, a board member of the asack acres association.. but zani was also one of several neighbors who voiced concerns about the proposed church before the old kings highway historic district commission at dennis town hall.. while zani condemned the "nonsense," she added that asack acres' members continue to have significant concerns about the project's impact.
"we are extremely concerned that a building of this size is going to be placed on a property that small," she said.. the building is a 4,384-square-foot jehovah's witness kingdom hall that would replace a congregation's place of worship in harwich.. -- snip --.
SOUTH DENNIS — There is something afoot on Old Bass River Road.
A church proposed for a property between Asack Drive and Jay's Drive has prompted misrepresentations, letters passed under blind cover to regulatory boards, and threats, according to the spokeswoman for a local neighborhood association who addressed a hearing on the project last night.
"There was some nonsense going on," said Marisa Zani, a board member of the Asack Acres Association.
But Zani was also one of several neighbors who voiced concerns about the proposed church before the Old Kings Highway Historic District Commission at Dennis Town Hall.
While Zani condemned the "nonsense," she added that Asack Acres' members continue to have significant concerns about the project's impact. "We are extremely concerned that a building of this size is going to be placed on a property that small," she said.
The building is a 4,384-square-foot Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall that would replace a congregation's place of worship in Harwich.
-- SNIP --
Protestants & JW's Report Arrest & harassment in Uzbekistan
by kwr inuzbekistan: protestants face prosecution, fines, raids, kidnapping and death threats.
however, the jehovah's witnesses report that five of their meetings to commemorate jesus' death were raided this year, far fewer than in the past two years.
I forgot to post a URL for the story so here it is.
Why are JWs so disrespectful towards war veterans, etc?
by winnie ini never could understand this.
do they have no respect???.
this subject came up when my hubby was talking to his brother on the phone a couple months ago.
I'm a vet, not a war vet, and I have had other people sneer at me and not one of them was a JW. In a society that lets other do the guarding and fighting it is easy to dismiss active duty military and vets as not worthy of honor.
Protestants & JW's Report Arrest & harassment in Uzbekistan
by kwr inuzbekistan: protestants face prosecution, fines, raids, kidnapping and death threats.
however, the jehovah's witnesses report that five of their meetings to commemorate jesus' death were raided this year, far fewer than in the past two years.
UZBEKISTAN: Protestants face prosecution, fines, raids, kidnapping and death threats
However, the Jehovah's Witnesses report that five of their meetings to commemorate Jesus' death were raided this year, far fewer than in the past two years.
JW KH in UK Attacked by Arsonist
by kwr inhttp://www.newsshopper.co.uk/news/topstories/display.var.1342581.0.arson_attack_on_jehovahs_witness_hall.php.
only the walls of a jehovah's witness hall are left standing after an arson attack.. five fire crews tackled the blaze at the kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses, watling street, dartford, at 11.30pm on april 19..
ONLY the walls of a Jehovah's Witness hall are left standing after an arson attack.
Five fire crews tackled the blaze at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, Watling Street, Dartford, at 11.30pm on April 19.
1933 Letter from JW's to Hitler and Nazi Party
by kwr ini was watching one of the extras on the knocking dvd and a woman commentator talked about a scandalous letter from the jw's to hitler and the nazi party in 1933. does anyone know where i can read this letter at?.
Ok Thanks. This document is not unknown by holocaust scholars and is talked about in the extra features of the DVD by a scholar. It is important that everyone understand anti-semtism did not originate with the Nazi party of Germany. It had been part of the European culture for centuries and Hitler and his men exploited it to attempt to eliminate the Jews. However the US Government did nothing about the prosecution of the Jews and even set up concentration camps for Japanese and Germans here in the US.
While you can find fault with this document none of the governments and churches in that era have unclean hands when it comes to anti-semtism and prejudice.
If given a chance to sign a paper release from a concentration camp would you sign it or remain? I think for most of us the answer would be yes I'd sign it to get the hell out of there.
1933 Letter from JW's to Hitler and Nazi Party
by kwr ini was watching one of the extras on the knocking dvd and a woman commentator talked about a scandalous letter from the jw's to hitler and the nazi party in 1933. does anyone know where i can read this letter at?.
I was watching one of the extras on the Knocking DVD and a woman commentator talked about a scandalous letter from the JW's to Hitler and the Nazi Party in 1933. Does anyone know where I can read this letter at?
Former JW "Goes Off" On Teen-Aged Daughter . . .
by Madame Quixote inand gets results.
well, it's not as smarmy as the alec baldwin story because the teen is a 19-year-old who lives her own life at my expense .
and disrespected me; so, i decided, enough is enough.
Sounds like she needs a thirty day notice in writing.