Narkissos, Thank you for your insight. I have learned much from reading your posts. praiseband
JoinedPosts by praiseband
Jesus Perfect Man
by praiseband injust wanted to get your input on these thoughts before i shared it with any jw's.
1. how do you view jesus?
2. do you consider him to be the perfect man?
Jesus Perfect Man
by praiseband injust wanted to get your input on these thoughts before i shared it with any jw's.
1. how do you view jesus?
2. do you consider him to be the perfect man?
Thanks for all your input. I enjoy reading the intelligent debates on this website. My reason for using this train of thought was that I have briefly skimmed through the WT book (not 100% certain on the title) Jesus, The Perfect Man. All WT literature takes such a patronizing, simpleton tone of what logical thinking conclusions would be that I was trying to use a pattern of thought that would be familiar to those who choose to witness to me from the JW point of view. Most people, of any belief system, are just common folk who are not as intensely educated or thoughtful as this web crowd seems to be. I needed to know if my chain of logic fit with the same type of logic they would understand. Not necessarily (probably not) accept, but at least the same form. Thanks again!
Jesus Perfect Man
by praiseband injust wanted to get your input on these thoughts before i shared it with any jw's.
1. how do you view jesus?
2. do you consider him to be the perfect man?
Just wanted to get your input on these thoughts before I shared it with any JW's. 1. How do you view Jesus? Who and what was/is he? 2. Do you consider him to be THE perfect man? 3. Perfect means to be without fault. 4. What is worship and how do you worship Jehovah? 5. Would it be wrong to worship someone other than Jehovah? 6. Jesus accepted the worship of his followers. He did not tell them it was wrong as he did with other behaviors he thought were against God. Therefore, because he is perfect and without fault, logical people would have to conclude that he is either holy or he is not perfect. You can't have it both ways.
The Name Jehovah
by Kristofer ini know the research is out there.
who can educate me on this.
where did it originate from?
What I find the most interesting, from a non-JW point of view, is that soooo much emphasis is put on JW's being the ONLY religion to use the correct name, and how very, very important that is. And yet, they're ok to use an Anglicized pronunciation and fully acknowledge that and say it's ok. So, either it IS VERY important to use the ONE AND ONLY name or it isn't. If it is vitally important, then don't they feel God would be a bit offended that they don't even make an effort to use the correct pronunciation? I personally believe that He wants us to acknowledge that He is THE God - not Ra, or Zeus, or Baal or some other God, but THE God who always was, is, and always will be. I Am.
Some thoughts - maybe he wanted us to have to really think and interact with each other. After all, he also gave us a brain to learn and to reason. You can read any of the "Dummies" how-to books that explain how to do about anything. But until you've actually implemented the instructions and used them in your own individual and unique life they're only words.
truly I tell you today
by moomanchu in1. truly i tell you today,.
today you will be with me in paradise.
doesn't #1 sound like yesterday jesus wasn't telling the truth .
Could it be that Jesus will see him in paradise on that day because there IS a trinity. And while Jesus, as God incarnate, did not ascend into Heaven until later, God the Father was already there and waiting for the thief? We try too hard to make God into a human with human limitations, but He is much more than that. We should not try to limit what He is able to do, but marvel at it instead!
The divinity of Jesus as the Christ
by Theophilus ini have been curious why the jw's and other cults claim that the bible does not support the notion of the christ as divine (god).
can anyone offer an explanation?
my reading of the texts brings me to that conclusion.
Writing (speaking) only humbly, because your discussions have gotten pretty technical ( and there's nothing wrong with that), but for me these are my thoughts. (1)Jehovah's Witnesses refer to Jesus as a perfect man. I am assuming a PERFECT man would not accept worship, or anything which could possibly be construed as worship, intended for God without considering it to be blaspehmous. He would correct people and point them in the right direction - to God. But Jesus DID accept worship, or certainly praise which could quite easily be construed to be worship, from others. To do this would mean he wasn't PERFECT. (2) How many others in history have been born to a virgin, after their parents were told of his impending birth by an angel? And that it would be by means of the Holy Spirit? Jehovah's Witnesses do believe this don't they? So, how could this person be simply a human when he has no human father? Just my thoughts.
by praiseband ini am not a jehovah's witness, but my daughter-in-law is.
i attended the memorial last night.
the speaker quite clearly stated that judas did not partake of the bread and wine at the lord's supper,that he had already left, but even the nwt shows that not to be true.
Can you please show me where it says that the bread was broken AFTER Judas left?
by praiseband ini am not a jehovah's witness, but my daughter-in-law is.
i attended the memorial last night.
the speaker quite clearly stated that judas did not partake of the bread and wine at the lord's supper,that he had already left, but even the nwt shows that not to be true.
Thanks for your replies to my comments about the memorial. Just my thoughts regarding Judas being included in the communion - Jesus was showing how he was to die for all of us sinners. Everyone, from Judas who was to soon betray him to the apostles who were arguing over who was more worthy. He spoke personally and straight to Judas and included him in the new covenant even though they both knew what was soon to happen. He still loved Judas just as he loves us who, despite our own best efforts, still sin. We are saved by grace, not because we are worthy. Judas still could have chosen to act differently and asked to be forgiven, but he didn't.
by praiseband ini am not a jehovah's witness, but my daughter-in-law is.
i attended the memorial last night.
the speaker quite clearly stated that judas did not partake of the bread and wine at the lord's supper,that he had already left, but even the nwt shows that not to be true.
I am not a Jehovah's Witness, but my daughter-in-law is. I attended the memorial last night. The speaker quite clearly stated that Judas did not partake of the bread and wine at The Lord's Supper,that he had already left, but even the NWT shows that not to be true. I have read it over and over in all 4 gospels so I could be sure for myself. What happens if someone points this out to him at a future date? This is all new to me, but believe me, I have been doing my studying. It makes no logical sense that not all believers can partake of communion, because they certainly did as a part of worship in the New Testament. Also, the speaker said that John 3:16 states that "whoever exercies faith" not "whoever believes". My Greek dictionary definitely translates to "believes", not "exercies faith". Subtle difference to some, but very significant. I'd like your comments please.