hey, Christ hung out with prostitutes, right ?
I be lovin the dubs,
i was once part of you.
my love for you is still great.
regardless of where you are in your life my thoughts are with you.
hey, Christ hung out with prostitutes, right ?
I be lovin the dubs,
this lucky fellow i have come to know and love celebrates his date of birth two days before jesus does up in heaven!
this is not to say that vallywally was born the same year as good ol' jeezee boy - though his creaking brittle bones are getting close to becoming the same age - valis will have to summon the strength in his monty burnsesque body to blow out that truckload of candles on his cholesterol free birthday pappadum.
i love you, and want to have your babies.. happy birthday my good man!
oh no, another snow baby ! do you know what that means ?
eeesssh........happy birthday anyway.......really, think nothing of it. it's cool. oh well. (your mother wasn't a dancer was she ?)
peace, christina
hello old friends - enjoy the holidays doing what it is that you all do.... btw: frankie four vests is a fraud, he's really santa, posing as an xjw poseur with several aliases.
blah blah.. tata apostits!.
*kicks valis in the crotch*.
marmite ? that sounds like a termite with high cholesterol to me. what do I know, I'm an English major. LOL. and LOL again. maybe substitute butter ? What's odd, is I really am from Germany.
peacenik all, christina
seems that the page view out number the posters who actually reply to the thread.. my guess is that there's alot of active jws who are still active within' the so called "truth" are visiting this forum and reading all the threads.
i don't blame them for not wanting to reply for fear of being found out.. how many of you were still active when you found a forum like this one and lurked around for a long time?
how many of you left the organization as a result of reading this forum or other forums like it?.
You spoke of people saying crazy things, for instance not acknowledging things that were there. Jonadab, I once offered to Witnesses at my door, the scripture:
Revelation 19:01
They read it out of the NWT, and said, "well I don't know what it means, but it's not what it says."
edited due to rambling.
Edited by - deddaisy on 24 December 2002 3:37:58
Edited by - deddaisy on 24 December 2002 10:27:45
hello old friends - enjoy the holidays doing what it is that you all do.... btw: frankie four vests is a fraud, he's really santa, posing as an xjw poseur with several aliases.
blah blah.. tata apostits!.
*kicks valis in the crotch*.
England ? Oh God, not me....I can hardly understand Simon's or Englishman's posts ! Those Brits have too much an accent for me. I was thinking maybe Berlin or Paris. No sun. I know. *sigh* But God, the fashion kills ! ! !
ok...i remember when going to the hall it was ok to say fortunate...but not "lucky"..anyone here that can explain the difference.?.
my jw mother in law was always correcting me..even tho i wasn't a witness anymore!..and being the "kind" soul i am.. went along with her..for respect... but where was the respect for my beliefs?..apparently this is a oneway street!..ya know?.
snoozy..aka..golden girl...
The JW's obviously are superstitious about saying the word "lucky". It'll bring you bad luck.
OMG, you've done it Gopher ! Your "luck" has run out. You will not make it into the NS (New System) due to your language.
TBS------all these years I've avoided saying penis butter, now you say it's "peanut butter." I can't keep up........
Edited by - deddaisy on 24 December 2002 2:25:36
hello old friends - enjoy the holidays doing what it is that you all do.... btw: frankie four vests is a fraud, he's really santa, posing as an xjw poseur with several aliases.
blah blah.. tata apostits!.
*kicks valis in the crotch*.
The Bad Seed--------
Love you dearly, I much regreted being a b---h towards you in one of the threads, but it was the issue I was attacking, not you. I'm sorry. Hope you have a wonderfly (heehee) New Year ! And are you in college yet ? (I'm going to stay on your ass, you're wasting your talent !)
where in the F is the sun !
seems that the page view out number the posters who actually reply to the thread.. my guess is that there's alot of active jws who are still active within' the so called "truth" are visiting this forum and reading all the threads.
i don't blame them for not wanting to reply for fear of being found out.. how many of you were still active when you found a forum like this one and lurked around for a long time?
how many of you left the organization as a result of reading this forum or other forums like it?.
Jonadab, you said:
Even brother Russell had to acknowledge that. In 1882, C.T. Russell wrote: "The Bible is our only standard, and its teachings our only creed, and recognizing the progressive character of the unfolding of Scriptural truths, we are ready and prepared to add to or modify our creed (faithbelief) as we get increase of light from our Standard." (Watch Tower, April 1882, p. 7).
(emphasis added)
Jonadab, the thing is, the Bible was not their only standard ! (and even if it was, this doesn't mean their interpretation was or is anymore correct than anyone else's !(For God's sake, I could claim to be the Faithful and Discreet Slave, does this make it so?) Look at what data they based beliefs on:
*** Thy Kingdom Come (copyright 1891) (1904 edition -- Millennial Dawn, vol 3) p.342 ***
[Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]
So, then, if we measure backward down the "First Ascending Passage" to its junction with the "Entrance Passage," we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the "Entrance Passage" from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the "Pit," representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3416 inches, symbolizing 3416 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows AD. 1874 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1874 years AD. equals 3416 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1874 was the chronological beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation -- no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this "Witness" fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject...
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=41810&site=3 Pyramids Jonadab ! No wonder Rutherford had a Pyramid at his grave site. This is "progressive light?"
Jonadab, I for one have absolutely no fight with you. I believe that you are a man of worth for bothering to spend your time here. And most everyone here has been where you are, so they are not all bad as the WTS makes them out to be. My problem, as is the problem for alot of the posters here, lies with the WTS, not with its members. I am not shunned because I was never baptized, but I have seen the needless hurt caused to my own family members. My JW sibling used to always claim the Catholics and Protestants in Ireland couldn't be true Christians because they would never impose the hurt that they were imposing on each other if they were in the truth. Later, her and the JW community imposed an emotional hurt on another family member that rivaled that of the Catholics. And now I witness it again with my young nephews and nieces. Brutal hurt. Life is too short, too precious for this kind of treatment to one another in the name of religion. And the WTS has the audacity to claim this is Jehovah's will ? If this is the truth, you can have your truth. For this certainly is no God of love. Your WTS lies to you. I quote you:
Jesus told the apostles that "It does not belong to YOU to get knowledge of the times or seasons which the Father has placed in his own jurisdiction". (Acts 1:7)
This, Jonadab, is what I've been trying to say all along, "it does NOT BELONG to you (us) to get knowledge of the times which the FATHER has placed in his own jurisdiction."
Edited again yet becuz I caint spill or du english
Edited by - deddaisy on 24 December 2002 1:47:15
Edited by - deddaisy on 24 December 2002 1:53:38
my mom raised us as witnesses, and finally left the wts after we grew up and left the house.
my dad left after too.
now my mom is so sorry about it all, and how we had to live, with my father an elder, the strictness, and of course all the things that a good witness family could not do.. how many of you raised your kids as witnesses?
I absolutely LOVE my JW siblings. But I'll admit right now, (they won't know because I'd be dead) I have a living trust that would give someone else custody of my child should my husband and I both die. As awesome as my family is with my child, as much as I,as well as my child love them, I would never want my child raised as a JW.
(sorry, I know this wasn't the question, but I feel quilty and had to get it off my chest )
i'm a newbie here.
but not a newbie to being a jw.
i was raised as one.
I'm going to drink from the blasted thing if I am ever forced to attend the annual event of a religion that assosiates with "The Wild Beast!" (ooooh, kewl.....should I wear black?)
p.s.----what time is 23:21 ?