what a heartbreaking story! A lot of the people here have also had tragedy and hurt in their lives and it will most likely help you to heal a little if you communicate with them here. I hope that you stick around and see if maybe it doesn't help somewhat. It's late and I'm half asleep so you'll have to forgive me, but I didn't get your brother's name (that you'd like to see before he's 18) and his whereabouts, if you know. Please answer and put down any info you have concerning him, like where he was living.....
Peace, L
JoinedPosts by deddaisy
family, tragedy, and life thereafter(PLEASE READ)
by nappybomber inhello everone who clicked into this message.. well, my story is pretty much about "shaken faith".
to keep this short, my mother died in 1990, leaving behind 5 children.
therefore, my aunt marilyn waldron took all 5 of us into her home, and together with her son, raymond, we became her 6 children.
WT does NOT own "Military Stock"
by amccullough ini thought this deserved its own thread...below is a reply a made to one of the previous threads ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=24473&site=3 ) and i am anxious for someone to refute it...or maybe i'm right.. not quite...it seems everyone is muddling the details on this.. it seems that james mccann, who donated the stocks to the wt, invented an improved rotary engine called a rand cam engine.
his company, the rand cam engine corp is a privately held company, but he has donated 50% of the stock to the wt (but retained the voting proxy so the wt has no say in what is going on), he owns 34% and the balance is owned by several shareholders.
this company is half owner of another company called rand energy group.
"....but I cannot assume that just because you say so....."
amcculloughmccullough: why can't you assume that freeman, or newperson, or anyone on this board can read and decipher for themselves without YOU rearranging the words and sugarcoating things and explaining things for everyone that you seem to think are somehow beneath you in intelligence? don't you think we can read? and why do you insist on "proof" so that "...people like me (quoting you) can investigate and verify your story," yet you seem not the least bit concerned about "investigating" or "assuming" ANYTHING about the WTS unless, of course, it concerns something that you want to denounce the board about......
also, you seem to know EVERYTHING about this "RAND" stock....just out of curiosity, was it you that brought it to the attention of the board? If I'm not mistaken, it was "newperson." It was you, upon reading about it, that scurried around and posted a new thread stating the WTS did NOT (in UPPER case) own military stock. correct me if I'm wrong. how do you know so much about it, or so you try to convince this board that you do.....Freeman: mccullough suggests that you provide proof in the future so that he can investigate and maybe do a little shuffling. I suggest that he is nothing more than a mole and I would let him read any proof that I had of anything in the PUBLIC PAPERS.....
Oh yes, XENU: your jello-mind is showing.....time for a re-programming?
Oprah today...March 28
by Mulan indid anyone see oprah's show today?
it was awesome!!!
all about the catholic church and pedophiles.
unfortunately all true statements....I mailed 45 PAGES of silentlamb testimonials to an out of state relative only to have her write back claiming that they were all ONE-SIDED...Perhaps if the police would've been contacted the POOR PEDOPHILES would have got to give their sides huh? It gets disheartening to even TRY to communicate with those that don't search for the truth themselves.....I agree though, if the secret gets exposed and it protects one child from abuse it will be worth all the frustration...BARBARA ANDERSON IS A GUTSY BROAD!!!!!!!!!at least some "sisters" have what it takes to stand up to that hypocritical organization......
Memorial No Shows...Please Check in....
by ISP inwell, i was tempted but i decided not to go to the most bizarre religious ritual of modern times....how about you?.
zev, I wouldn't waste the paper (all the JW's that I've given print-outs to concerning silentlambs have, figuratively speaking, stuck their noses in the air......It's unbelievable how they "put on the blinders" to even something in which children are being shattered.......
misty and somebody, I know what you mean, it is sad, but only because we have to say goodbye to people who mean alot to us....
I think we would be much sadder though if we attempted to betray what is in our hearts.... -
Do you remember this calendar?
by Nathan Natas inone of my old memories is of a watchtower calendar that was published sometime in the 60s, i think - it was a "glorious" full dolor depiction of armageddon - the earth opening up, buildings falling, etc.
it was, if memory serves (and it seldom does now) similar to the illustration from the old pink paradise book, except that it was in color.. does this ring a bell with any of you?
do you recall the year it came out?.
what a "lovely" illustration.....I can definitely see why so many people saw this as "God's loving organization."
Geez, was the kitty "Catholic," or maybe "apostate?" -
My congregation & the UN (Update)...
by caballoSentado inhi friends,.
firstly, excuse any errors since this is not my native language.
this is my second post.
"Obviously apostates want to get as much mileage out of this as they can because they hope to stumble as many as possible in the time remaining."
YOUKNOWFirst of all, I'm not a apostate, I never bought into your religion....Second of all, if I had to choose between being an apostate and a JW, well at least apostates have some dignity.
As for your quote "...they hope to stumble as many as possible...," like Caballo said, your LORD and MASTERS in NYC are doing a good job of that themselves, aren't they? and lastly, I thought you JW's knew your Bible....why are you telling your brother to keep his mouth shut and his congregation in darkness? maybe you better blow the dust off of that NWT and read Ephesians 5:11-13...."Take no part in unfruitful works of darkness, but instead EXPOSE them. For it is a shame even to speak of the things that they do in secret; but when anything is exposed by the light it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light."
where were you when the world ended?
by animal inbeing raised by a single mom was bad enuff for me, a hard headed boy.
add to that a mom that was in and out of the jw's all my life and you can see where the potential for disaster for me came from.. none of you know me, i just found this site while doing research on the death of someone in california (ex-jw).
i like what i see, for the most part.. i was raised from a young age with the threat of death in 1974-75 if i wasnt a good witness.
ANIMAL: try not to be too hard on dear old mom, if she's lived her life in and out of the "truth," she most likely is a bit screwed up by now...
and RAGS: I got a queazy feeling in my stomach when I read your reply, I know exactly what you mean......my young cousin (raised in the truth) was just df'ed. she is in a state of depression now because all of a sudden she realized that she lived her life in a complete fairy tale, believing that everyone she knew was going to live forever.....WAKE UP CALL!!!!!!!! now she doesn't even want to get close to anyone cuz she thinks "what's the point, they're just going to die!" Alot of us were completely unprepared for reality....You know it's very difficult at times NOT to be bitter.... sometimes I have to remember not to waste another precious moment of life....don't be afraid, you had to be a strong person to ESCAPE the Jehovies!!!!!ha ha
Hello all, I am new here
by mbst ini have been reading all the stuff i see on this place for a while.
i am a jehovahs witness in good standing in my congregation.
i just need to come on in here and ask for a little advice from anyone who might know what i am feeling.
in response to your ....it's in my first post to this guy...... -
WT does NOT own "Military Stock"
by amccullough ini thought this deserved its own thread...below is a reply a made to one of the previous threads ( http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=24473&site=3 ) and i am anxious for someone to refute it...or maybe i'm right.. not quite...it seems everyone is muddling the details on this.. it seems that james mccann, who donated the stocks to the wt, invented an improved rotary engine called a rand cam engine.
his company, the rand cam engine corp is a privately held company, but he has donated 50% of the stock to the wt (but retained the voting proxy so the wt has no say in what is going on), he owns 34% and the balance is owned by several shareholders.
this company is half owner of another company called rand energy group.
what I'm curious about is why this guy "donated" 50% of his holdings to the WT? And the "voting" thing sounds like advice from a lawyer, just in case something like this happened. (It became public.)"Well we don't have any say in the investment!"
My congregation & the UN (Update)...
by caballoSentado inhi friends,.
firstly, excuse any errors since this is not my native language.
this is my second post.
Caballo Sentado:
Go back and read what you've written. Elders in your congregation have left because the Watchtower Society is a bunch of hypocritical liars and YOU'RE walking on thin ice? Am I missing something? I have more respect for those elders that left than I can muster up for someone who is willing to not only live a lie, but help recruit more into it, for the SAKE of his wife's friends.........You don't need meetings three times a week with the JW's, you need meetings with a shrink! You say that you love God, but yet you're willing to preach a lie......It's scary what a hold an organization can get on some people.
If I'm mis-interpreting your post, forgive me and set me straight....What I'm getting out of it though is that you're aware of the WT's lies, but you're staying anyway......Or are you staying for awhile in order to talk to others? That rarely works does it? I mean if people want to know the truth about something they'll search themselves til they find it out........