Good point, I Quit!, it is a form of abuse. We used to say that our son was allergic to the kingdom hall, he always developed a headache and sinus problems before each and every meeting. I am happy to say that is all behind him as he graduated from Oregon State Univ in June - way better than pioneering or going to bethel. Glen
JoinedPosts by Deleted
Depressed witness going door to door
by I quit! inthis morning i saw a witness mother and her son heading out into service.
from the area they were in i think they were going to be doing some street corner work.
i was stopped at a light when they walked in front of my car.
Were You Surprised That Your JW "Friends" Dumped You After All These Years?
by minimus inhow does it feel knowing that your friends were so conditional----or your family?
I expected it, and I wasn't 'disappointed'. What was a surprise on my way out (so this would be early 1999) that I told six people (xfriends) that I was leaving and each one told me they couldn't leave - I wasn't asking them to, just to understand why I was. I thought that a strange response. Only one (an 'anointed' elder) tried to get me to stay - and he also said he couldn't leave after helping 60+ people into the JWs. That was the surprise as each of them must have considered leaving and realized they couldn't without losing friends and family. Glen
Discussion with Elder....a must read story
by drew sagan infor those who don't know i've been 'inactive' for around one year.
i stopped attending meetings late last year.
all during this time i was working on my wife (known on this board as amber rose), helping her see the problems with the watchtower.
That was extremely well done, Drew. I doubt that I could have made it through without losing it. I am inclined to agree with Minimus that "Loyalty to the Org" will be the focus from the elder you spoke to, otherwise the natural course for him is to be one of us! When you do start being honest about da troof, you will eventually have to leave. Glen
Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovahs Witnesses Are Settled
by Dogpatch inpress release 5/10/07.
sixteen child sex abuse lawsuits against jehovahs witnesses are settled.
Mad, I personally went to the county courthouse in Salem OR to pick up a certified copy of the dismissal papers for that case to send to silentlambs. The file was inches thick with a large section bound in an envelope taped down and stamped confidential in a dozen places. That which I did see supports the silentlambs press release. It is never the individual rank and file JW's that are at fault, it never is, it is the system under which the elders operate. Once "reproach upon Jehovah and his people" is in the air all common sense is replaced by institutionalized cover-ups. The WTS has done that with its prophecies over the years, it's clever at it. But it's all coming back at them now, thanks to the hard work of people like Randy, Danny & Bill. Deleted
It's that time, who's going?
by Deleted inmy wife got the invite today, i was out.
"if i went i would partake of the emblems, and the reason is this:
john 6:53 (niv) 53jesus said to them, "i tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.
My wife got the invite today, I was out. They'd know what I would say, and that is .... "If I went I would partake of the emblems, and the reason is this: John 6:53 (NIV) 53Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. So if you have that advice from the Boss's son how can you let the emblems pass you by?" Please have a nibble and a sip for me! Oh, and that would really mess up the Watchtower statistics. Glen
My Life after Bethel part 3
by new boy inwe started attending the wakefield r.i. kh after the marriage.
at the first meeting i went to, "buddy" weber came up to greet me.
he had left a very good job in seattle (he had his own radio talk show) and was now a janitor, living were the need was greatest, at the time r.i had the worst publisher to normal people ratio in the counrty 1 to 1600. i'm just standing there listening to him as he is giving me the "what he has done for jehovah story" what his "spiritual credentials" are, how wonderful his kids are, were they were pioneering, how he had givien up a good job so he could serve the lord my cleaning windows in rhode island............because the end was coming soon in 1975, just a few months away blah reminded me, so much how the jws love to martyr themselfs and how much they say "we are all equal".......but on the other hand, they love poistions, that deep down inside they believe that some are really better then others and that they are working there way into the "new system".
Heith Keith, 'been enjoying your life stories in its parts. Keep it going! Glen
Am going to be reinstated
by Caine inhello true believers.
had jc meeting.
will be reinstated next meeting.
I hope it goes well enough for you to keep your friends and family, to me that's what would be important. Fortunately I had no JW family and I lost all my friends as their love was purely conditional on me being in 'good standing'. Take each day as it comes and if you feel like slipping away do so. At least you won't be df'd and your family will still talk to you.
Best wishes
That feeling that it could al be false how did you experience it?
by GBSJG inwhen i started researching i was still convinced that jws had the truth.
so i read some critical articles by ex-jws about certain teaching and i started to do some more research.. at this time i have successfully faded and no longer believe anymore.
but i can remember the moment when i first allowed the thought in my mind that it could all be false and not the truth.
Great question.
For me I was sitting in a therapist's office. The thereapist asked me if the Watchtower Society was a control-oriented religion. No! I said. Then does that mean you can chose to do and say what you like? he asked. Well, ... no, I replied. Then it's a control-oriented religion! he exclaimed. Well, I said, it's for our own good. Well, he said, Evil begins when a religion tries to control its members' everyday lives. And from that point on I knew there was no return.
Let's Review: How the Watchtower Society Uses Quickbuilds to Make More $$$
by under_believer ini posted something similar to this in another thread, but i decided that this is an important subject, and something that a lot of people don't realize, so i expanded it into its own post.
and we can always use a review now and then, so that lurkers, active witnesses, and newly ex-witnesses can catch up.
according to the watchtower society, one of the best examples of god's holy spirit operating on the organization is the building program.
Ah, money! Close to my heart, next to my wallet. Good topic and points, xbros. From my years of mental incarceration (81-98) I recall hearing of a KH in Texas that "went apostate" (from a Texan elder circa 1995). Apparently the Society told the local DO and CO to leave them alone as the congo itself had the deed of trust and if its members (via the elders/officers of the corporation taking legal control of the congo and its property) voted the WTS out there was nothing anyone could do. The JW faithful had already moved to another KH by then, thereby the apostates were the majority - one raised a motion to split, and thay splat.. Of those left, according to what I assume must be a JW urban legend by now, were all apostates. If anyone has real info' on this I'd sure be interested to know.
Anyway the bottom line was that the congregation as a legal entity owned the KH. As members of the congregation they voted for the congregation itself to stay in tact but to be disassociated from the WTS. I remember wondering who would get the dough if the congrgation actually dissolved and sold everything? Is it a distribution to all the members - membership evidenced by what, or is it a trust endowed to the city or state, surely not officers, or is the WTS the eventual beneficiary? Does anyone know what the rules actually are as to final disposition of the property or cash in dissolving a renegade congo?
Despite the truth of this little story being suspect, I would think it be great social justice to see the WTS suffer legally from someone else for a change. Maybe there could be roving groups of undercover apostates roaming from congo to congo, taking over each one legally and selling it ... putting the money in a trust to support Free Minds and silentlambs, which will perpetuate the awakening of millions now dying that never lived!
JWs in Field Service Today--Christmas.
by M.J. ini guess the local kh is doing a special field service outing today, which my wife will be a part of...on christmas morning.
i think this is intrusive and disrespectful.. did any of you do fs on christmas?.
is this a common thing among jws?
I went once. I was with a brother who should have been locked up for being overzealous. We were invited in, they thought we were guests for a Xmas open house. It was excruciatingly embarassing, for everyone but the overzealous brother.