They should mind thier own business about religion..They are not very good at it..
Great idea outlaw! I like that one. Considering they have no real education on anything biblical, who are they to dictate what the bible really says??
give a few examples in which the watchtower should stick to religion and mind it's own business in the internal affairs of it's members.. 1) whatever has to do with health and medical treatment.. 2) who you can marry and sex they can have.. add to the list..
They should mind thier own business about religion..They are not very good at it..
Great idea outlaw! I like that one. Considering they have no real education on anything biblical, who are they to dictate what the bible really says??
as a witness, were you regularly "discouraged"??
since i've been out of the "truth", i rarely here of normal people ("worldly)
To the extent that the Society regularly talks abou it, as though it were a sin.
The society is ALWAYS talking about "guarding against discouragement" or some such nonsense. Maybe they should take a really close look at the things that are actually causing this so- called "discouragement", such as the baffoons running the show in their congregations. Instead of telling people "the end is just around the corner" and that discouragement stems from "apathy at the doors" and "pressures of the world".
....the concrete of a turkish bath to be used by the pope, what scripture or short message would that be.
ps... need your responses in the next 6 hours or so ;)
"Coming soon! Future location of: Arby's"
since 6 weeks i stopped going to the meetings.
not that the meetings are not boring.... but i had some friends there, and have a lot more time on my hands.
also i decided not to use the computer so much anymore because of rsi related problems.
Hi Danny!
Most of all be glad you are free from that mundane existence! Use your new free time to do whatever makes you happy
a father has to spank a childs sibling for committing a wrongdoing in his eyes or judgement in front of them.
what goes through that childs mind as he watches dad "put it down"?.
does it say when people do something wrong in their judgement as they grow older it is ok and nessesary to stike them.
My parents always used the typical line: "this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you" and I can remember being made to "go get the belt".
I don't believe in hitting a child ever, under any circumstances! I appreciate the fact that children do need disipline and structure, but nothing justifies physical abuse. It teaches children that violence is a way of resolving an issue. Not to mention the fact that the very people a child loves, trusts and looks to for protection, then beat them, making them feel worthless and rejected. There a far more effective and responsible ways of parenting than hitting a child.
excuse me if this has been posted already; but this newspaper has an extensive story about the jw's - including an audio slide show; i like the photo of the ladies doing the pioneer walk..
My thoughts exactly Leolaia!
Blondie is right, my enter key got away from me.
I had intended to reply to a post but I see it's been deleted.
after 8 mos of shunning acknowledged by familia and friends, i contacted my elder dad - mike, and he put my mommy on the phone for support - she was never the touchy feely type - more the depressed secluded type.
i wanted to know if my dad had any reason why i shouldn't send my official da letter to 2 congregations and parishioners (since my first request was denied).
he told me they then could have no contact with me, instead of limited contact.... i told them my jw family has had no contact with me since october and i did not even receive an invite to my baby sister's wedding in december- who i raised and cared for for 3 1/2 years while my mother was in a depression and had health problems.
Hi WhiteWaves
I'm so sorry about everything your going throughI don't feel qualified to dispense advice here as I'm just sorting everything out in my own life but, I hope everything works out well for you.
amazing how much closer i listen to the meetings than i used to.. today's visiting speaker in his final prayer referred to the meetings as "armageddon survival classes.
The need for body heat is NOT an excuse for fornication.