fjthoth wrote:
Shouldn’t the Torture and Death Penalty Be Restoredfor Persons Who Reject the Trinity???
The word “Trinity” appears not even once in the entire Bible. That’s a grand total of zero times regardless of the popular translation or version we use.
However, hundreds of years after the Bible was completed, some religious and political men got together and wrote up the Athanasian Creed. In the Creed, they set forth the doctrine of the Trinity, and they laid down the law that anyone, Christian or non-Christian, who doesn’t believe their Creed will enter eternal fire!
Now, the apostles and other early Christians knew nothing about that Creed. It was written long after they had all died. Will those early Christians be resurrected? Jesus said they will, but there is no record that any of them ever used the word “Trinity” in their daily conversations or in letters to friends and others.
If believers in the Athanasian Creed are right, Jesus was wrong, and there will be no resurrection for anybody who lived during the earliest centures of the Christian era! We are made to wonder why Jesus was not more considerate. If only he had thought to use the word “Trinity” at least on a few occasions, his apostles and others might have gotten the hint that maybe this was something they better believe or else! Alas, however, they all died without ever even hearing the name of a doctrine so vital to their resurrection and eternal existence!
There might have been some hope for them if only the compilers of the Athanasian Creed had been around to remind Jesus of this very important matter! How sad!
On the other hand, would they have understood? Many today are also doomed eternally because they just can’t comprehend this teaching of the Athanasian Creed. They just can’t get their minds around the notion that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are not the same entity, and yet at the same time they are the same entity, namely, God. How sad for them!
hundreds of years after the Bible was completed, some religious and political men got together and wrote up the Athanasian Creed - This was around 500 AD or there abouts. A few hundred years before this is Arius (300 ad). Before that the early church writters who were not Athanasian Creeders but Trinitarians in a different form. Is there any writtings before 300 ad and after 100 ad that show a more Unitarian point of view? Please dont just say the Bible.