We were quite surprised, then, to learn that the February 1, 1992
Watchtower magazine contained an article that attempted to deal with
the teachings of Ignatius of Antioch regarding the Deity of Christ.
We knew that a series of articles had begun in the November 1, 1991
Watchtower entitled "Did the Early Church Teach That God is a
Trinity?" We felt that this series was an attempt to buttress the
tremendously flawed material that had appeared in the "Trinity"
booklet two years earlier. In the second part of this series, which
is to be found in the February 1, 1992 edition of the Watchtower,
pages 19-23, we find an attempt to deal with The Didache, Clement of
Rome's letter to the Corinthians, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp,
Hermas, and Papias. The article shows unconstrained bias in its
dealing with each of these patristic sources, but we will focus our
attention in this article upon the comments that take up all of page
21, those comments that deal with Ignatius of Antioch.
from: www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/apl/jw/ignatius.txt
I found this article while googling for the "ignatius watchtower". Can someone obtain these watchtowers somehow? I would love to read them myself. I begged my JW co-worker for some CD he allways looks at when I have a question. He told me no, I needed to be studying to be a publisher. Tempting Actually, also how can I obtain one of those CD's?