You've heard the old British saying "to welsh on a bet" which typically means "to dishonour a bet"?
Why the Welsh have an historical reputation of dishonour in Great Britain is beyond me. Besides, the Welsh seem like very nice folks.
since living in wales, for years iv beeen told how the english hate welsh and vice versa,so whats all this about anyway is it some kind of ancestry thing,i mean i dont find anything wrong with the english and try to get on with most.what is it that english and the welsh dont like about each confused!!!!!!
You've heard the old British saying "to welsh on a bet" which typically means "to dishonour a bet"?
Why the Welsh have an historical reputation of dishonour in Great Britain is beyond me. Besides, the Welsh seem like very nice folks.
ozzie has his, now i would like to get some information on all my apostate friends.
i will be conducting weekday polls and posting the tallies.
thank you in advance for your participation!
[1] Hit snooze bar a couple of times
[2] Take a few gulps of bottled water
[3] Shave
[4] Drink glass of fresh orange juice then brush teeth
[5] Shower, towel dry, comb hair
[6] Put on boxer shorts, then semi-formal trowsers each starting with left leg first, hop-balance on left leg while grappling with right leg next, middle leg last, then buckle -- sorry Puffs, this level of detail is probably more than you care to know
[7] Put on button-down shirt, fasten all buttons except for top button of course
[8] Put on belt and wrist watch
[9] Unbuckle trowsers for quick tuck of shirt tails, buckle trowsers and belt, put on socks and shoes
[10] Clip cell phone to trowsers, put billfold, moneyclip and car keys in pockets
[11] Grab cold bottled water from fridge
[12] Arm and lock house, get in car, start gulping ice cold water and head to Starbucks
[13] Arrive at Starbucks and order coffee, add cream and sugar
[14] Enjoy coffee during 15 minute freeway commute
[15] Arrive at office ready for another "kickass productive day" to paraphrase one colleague
it takes but one major star, producer or hollywood executive to take the tragic silentlambs saga to heart.
imagine kevin costner as bill bowen.
i'm still trying to decide the actors who should play each of the governing body members... .
It takes but one major star, producer or Hollywood executive to take the tragic Silentlambs saga to heart. Imagine Kevin Costner as Bill Bowen. I'm still trying to decide the actors who should play each of the Governing Body members...
Those who are blessed with friends or business contacts in Hollywood should bring them up to speed on the Silentlambs situation.
Edited by - Derrick on 7 August 2002 21:5:43
jozb5: I like Martha. I don't understand why so many people have such disdain for her. I like her show, books and magazines, because she and her staff comes up with some pretty cute stuff that I can do.Look I'm a stay at home mother with little money because of where I live and I have used her ideas and pointers to decorate my house for the holidays when I had barely enough money to buy presents. Those things that I made by hand I cherish more than anything I had bought. And she has a righteous recipe for Thanksgiving turkey that my hubby loves.
I think Martha made a big mistake and being that she was a trained stock broker, she knew better and she should have to pay for that mistake like anyone else but I will never understand the snide remarks and hate that people have for her.
Hi Josie,
I agree that she is a nice person who is very talented. Although I'm not really into the domestic thing (hint: I'm a man who tends to let the house go before letting guilt drive me into a cleaning binge), her shows are still fun to watch. She also has some remarkable taste for home furnishing (in classic comfy furnishings and rich tasteful color schemes), great culinary taste, and a nice likeable personality. She is a role model for sisters in various congregations I have attended, to the point where one might think she cloned herself and then her clones become JWs (ROTFLOL). Actually that is what inspired my question about whether everyone who took the survey would have gone more easy on her if she were a JW. I was trying to see how many are biased to Witness women who are Martha-types, IOW.
Martha screwed up bigtime in not filling out that form someone mentioned. However, I seriously don't think she deserves to be airing her cooking and home shows in a prison jumpsuit from a prison mess hall. On the otherhand, if she is sent to prison, she will likely turn that prison into a Martha showcase with gourmet meals and well dressed beds. :-)
I tend to believe that Martha's fall from the lofty pedestal of "perfection" will provide an important moral object-lesson to all. People find dishonesty in "little" matters too easy. Adding insult to injury is that those who believe rich people get preferential treatment in the United States seem to consider Martha as a sterling example. Perhaps our government will show the world we don't discriminate between the rich and poor, even if it means cuffing Martha during one of her Good Morning America shows and parading her before a media circus in a squad car from Manhattan island down to get a change of cloths and her photograph taken.
I doubt anyone wants to see this happen to someone who has been such a sterling example for women around the world. What man wouldn't want a wife with her domestic talents and skills? (Sorry if that came across as demeaning, when in fact it was meant as the supreme compliment to those women who have mastered these skills. Even the Bible praises such women who can impeccably run a household.)
i downloaded this song and can't seem to get enough of it.
the song and lyrics are by paul thorn.. .
she drives a new car.
Just curious, is Joanie a real sister in need of marrying a good brother to keep her safe at home with no financial or other needs to concern herself over, or is she another JW urban legend?
Would any Martha Poll takers past or about-to-vote change their vote or comments, IF they learned she was a JW?
The question is simply rhetorical, read nothing more into it.
my mom and sister came for a visit this past weekend.
it was a good weekend.. at one point, i asked sis about the new tattoos i noticed that she now has.
"what prompted you to do it?
I deleted my post- could not fix bizaar format/display errors. :( (Simon - the screen widens andhtml code displays even after I fix it.)
Edited by - Derrick on 7 August 2002 17:34:37
Edited by - Derrick on 7 August 2002 17:36:46
[ ] Innocent
[ ] Guilty
the title is not misleading.
i can prove that monsters really exist, although genetic tests of the species of these monsters might frighten and alarm you.
tests will reveal human dna.
Bang wrote:
Their message isn't good news, 'God's spell', it would rank with the very worst news that I've heard yet, and at the moment I can't think of any comparisons. It's nothing but a deal, and one with a wicked image.
Provided they stick to the message from God's written word, the Holy Bible, then they will simply be messengers of a timeless message that God plans to restore the Garden of Eden on a global scale, and repair the damage to the human genome caused by our original ancestors Adam and Eve.
Dia wrote:
within the structure of JWs, the problems are fed and stroked. They gain 'divine approval' and they get even worse.
Excellent point, Dia, their mistakes are ensconsed in their publications thus turning the ramblings of a few uninspired individuals in the Watchtower Society's writing dept. into new age "scripture" that is quoted above the Bible at every judicial committee hearing.
the title is not misleading.
i can prove that monsters really exist, although genetic tests of the species of these monsters might frighten and alarm you.
tests will reveal human dna.
heathen wrote:
You really had me thinking of Stephen Kings Silver bullet where it turns out that the minister is the warewolf .
Excellent metaphor.
AjaxMan wrote:
Derrick, you certainly presented a good case and you did prove your point. Let me ask you a question: Do you agree with me that the WTS and all other cults are real-life monsters per se?
I haven't experienced other cults but was baptized at a circuit assembly of Jehovah's Witnesses over 25 years ago. My baptism was in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and was a valid Christian baptism. (As you may know, in 1985 the Holy Spirit was disfellowshipped for apostasy, and baptisms thereafter were in the name of the Father, the Son, and God's Spirit-Directed Organization. I'm speaking facetiously of course.) Before getting baptized in my teens, I did extensive research on their teachings about the origins and pagan history of Christmas and other holidays until I was satisifed there was a legit scriptural basis for these teachings. In researching various teachings, not having time to research them all (since I was in high school and needed to attend to homework and cirricular activities), I was reasonably convinced the Jehovah's Witnesses were preaching the "truth." Bear in mind that back in the 1970's through the 1980's, JWs for the most part didn't have the incredible research tool called the Internet to discover less obvious problems with various teachings such as the JW blood doctrine. Back then, I was into electronics and astronomy, a sort of "nerd" of my time. Now, with the Internet and all, I likely would have stumbled across too many problems to accept the Watchtower's teachings as the ultimate "truth." Also, I would never have shunned the DF'd Holy Spirit, not only because sinning against him is really bad for one's eternal well-being, but because I would have reasoned "how can the Watchtower claim they are inspired by the Holy Spirit if they kicked him out of the baptism talk at assemblies?" (I refer to the Holy Spirit as "him" in the sense that "he" is too holy and divine IMO to simply get relegated as energy that eternally powers the Everready Bunny, but I still acknowledge and recognize that male/female sex designations relating to the Holy Spirit are not necessarily relevant. That's a whole separate discussion, though!)
The bottomline in answering your question is that the Watchtower Society is the corporate arm of a "cult" per se, similar to other small Christian churches being designated as "cults" (and similar to early Christians being designated as such). That "cult" concerned itself with the mandate of preaching the good news of Christ's millennial kingdom as Christ commanded his followers to preach to the whole world, as a witness to all the nations, prior to the end of this "system of things" (or present civilization ruled by humans using human wisdom and knowledge). Regretfully, individual men have deviated from the truth who were given the privilege of serving as governing body members over the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses (which I believe is one member of Christ's extended "body" which spans the globe in various forms, including relief efforts, i.e., world hunger organizations that literally feed the hungry and dying, and spiritual relief efforts such as the Watchtower's and other ministries to feed the spiritual soul with truths from the Bible). That deviation at the highest level of Bethel, or Watchtower world headquarters, has resulted in discredited the worldwide preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Therefore, asking if the Watchtower Society is a real life "monster" per se is asking the wrong question. The pertinent question is will Jehovah and Christ continue to bless the worldwide preaching work if the Watchtower continues to effectively give sanctuary to real life "monsters" while persecuting (i.e., as in to disfellowship) those who expose the atrocities these "monsters" commit?